I'm four hours in and I am very interested in the story, but the game play is so frustrating I'm not sure that I will continue. Monsters are invisible, so there is no way to avoid them when you are limping back to town or seek them out when you want to level up. In battle there is no indication of what your magic spells will do, so you just have to remember what every character's spells are. Some are easy to remember, but others have just some random meaningless name. Different characters have different names for the same spells. Each of my five characters currently have 6-8 spells, and I can't keep them straight. When in the shop you can only see how weapon and armor upgrades will effect the top four characters, there does not seem to be a way to see how the equipment will be used by the fifth character, other than buying to find out if he can even use it or not. With a more user friendly battle system I'd be very interested in playing though the story, but I'm not a fan of the game play.
Embark on a journey across continents to find the royal witch, Xen. Explore a dynamic story set in a rich world full of war and intrigue. Can you reverse the spell?
Victim of Xen is a very fun story to play. I got so wrapped up in wanting to know what was going to happen next I played through the entire game in only two sittings. The characters are lovable and I want to know more about them, which makes the game worth it for me. Mostly I want to know more about the characters because there are so many story lines unexplained and some of them just show up without any sort of introduction, I'd love to see a follow-up or epilogue. Earning money is tedious as most of the monsters have very small drops if any (I spent most of the game running caravans to earn money). Monsters are invisible so you should save often as you work toward leveling up and getting equipment. his feels like a first attempt from the developer, and I'd love to see another game with some of the quirks worked out.
Arvale is a charmingly fun little game. I played through the entire game, laughing at the story the whole way. My only complaint would be that once the final monster is killed in each level (except the final tower) all the other monsters vanish, so be sure to level up plenty before fighting each boss. If you enjoy games like Aveyond you will enjoy this one.
I have played through all five games of this series in the last week (had to purchase the last two from the Wadjet Eye site) and loved them. It is a very story-driven game with a lot of conversation, which some people may find boring, but I was sucked in and couldn't stop until the story was finished. I loved it and wish Big Fish carried more games like this (even if they were more expensive--like collector's editions).
I came across this games because I was looking for something similar to Emerald City Confidential, which is also by Wadjet Eye games. This was a fun game, it reminds me of the Laura Bow and King's Quest games I enjoyed growing up. The graphics are pretty old school, but the story is interesting. The action is driven by asking a lot of questions and putting clues together, there are no monsters or complex brain teaser puzzles, just a mystery to solve. I enjoyed it and plan on buying the rest of the series.
Drawn: Dark Flight is a beautiful game, the story is wonderful, but I am giving it a lower rating because it is very short. I finished it in one day in-between preparing dinner and planning a scout meeting while my baby & sick toddler napped (read: with many interruptions). It was maybe 4 hours of play time. Also I had to adjust the picture on my screen every time I turned the game back on because the picture is so dark. I would still like to get the other games in the series (I've played the first one on the iPad) for my PC, but because the games play through very quickly I will definitely wait for a good sale.
Vagrant Hearts is a decent RPG. It has with the potential to be great, but falls short in technical areas. I really enjoy the storyline, which is the game’s saving grace. I do not usually get hung up on typos (I make plenty myself), but spelling and grammatical errors run rampant in this game. Things like the main character “Scarllet” and shopkeepers in major cities who greet you with “Me sell goods.” There are also problems with the graphics. A few characters still appear on a white rectangle instead of being integrated with the background. One character has a see-through spot on this forehead. I wound not normally care much about a few of these things, but they appear often and are big enough mistakes that they can be distracting from the action of the story. The story moves at a pretty good pace, there are no side-quests, and rarely a reason to return to a completed area. You level up appropriately pretty much just by playing through the story, only a few places have I wanted to level up just one or two more times before a big battle. Every monster reappears every time you exit a board. This is good for leveling up, but gets really annoying if you are not sure where you are going. You are always moving forward. Sometimes you are moving forward too fast. I will see treasure on a board when I enter a room, but trip a battle that advances the story without the opportunity to ever pick up the treasure. Many areas cannot be returned to once they are played. Story advancing battles frequently do not have a monster appear on the board but are just tripped by passing through the space so they cannot be avoided to gather treasure first. There typically is a save prompt a room or two before these battles though, which is a good warning to explore before continuing. There are 8 playable characters, but you only ever have 4 at a time. You cannot change which characters you have. This can make equipping everyone difficult. I never know when I’m going to switch over to the other characters, and there is not always time to equip the new characters from your inventory before they go into battle. The new characters are fully rested, which is a plus. Finally, there is no map or journal, so I was not always sure what I was supposed to be doing or where I was supposed to be going. However, the game won’t let you enter areas you shouldn’t be in yet, so just keep going up to cities and temples until it lets you in one. Overall, I want to know what is going to happen to Scarllet, Beatrice, their friends, and the Brotherhood. That is what really matters to me when I play and RPG. I care about the characters. I will definitely keep an eye on Warfare Studios for future games. Vagrant Hearts is good—but if they hammer out the graphics and (for the love of everything that is good in this world) find an English speaking proof-reader—the next game could be great.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
My first RPG and now I am hooked on the world of Aveyond! The characters are so much fun to play. There is a good balance of difficulty in new areas so you can level up adequetly mostly by just fully exploring each area before moving on.