Amazing game! The perfect balance of story line, puzzles and HOGs. I like adventure games with lots of people to interact with, and this one has quite a few. There could have been a few more locations, but that's knitpicking. The collector's edition bonus game was pretty good too. Overall I wish the game were longer, but that's a compliment. I highly recommend this fun interesting game!
This game started out FUN! The Puzzles were terrific too. I liked having other people with whom to interact and the locations were interesting, as was the story. But during the desert part near the end, it turned into a backtracking hunt with those obscure objects that make less sense as it goes along. The bonus chapter had the same locations with different items. I still really enjoyed the first half so much that I would still recommend it, but I've definitely seen, and expect better from Rick Rogers!
So let me say I absolutely loved Most of everything about this game, mainly because I don't like being lonely while playing adventure games; I like being with other People and this game had plenty of interaction so it feels warm. There are plenty of Creepy subtle scares which work better than jump scares so the atmosphere is excellent. I also loved how it started out like an Agatha Christie or Clue style mystery where you gathered in a hotel and had to interview the people. Where it went kind of sideways for me is when it started with the Obscure shaped objects and all the backtracking causing you not to recall what went where! It because so frustrating at times, I had to resort to the Hint system a few times. The puzzles were very good as were the HOPs, although some of the muddled graphics made the match ones less fun at times. And there were way too many keys! To me this is just lazy. The story line and who dunnit aspect kept you guessing, and it was great playing detective. Overall I really enjoyed this game very much!
There's not enough good things to say about this game. It plays like a detective story which I Love! The locations are rich and full of interactive zones. There are other characters to interact with. You get phone calls, break into places, crack computer codes and more... but in other games those types of "puzzles" can seem interruptive; but here they flow as part of the story. Eipix has definitely nailed it when it comes to detective, story based game telling. Plus the Tattoo/Marked people with powers is a fresh new take on character story lines. The puzzles were great, the locations were great, you always knew what to do next and everything within the game made perfect sense. I just wish we had more time with our girlfriend as that relationship is central to the story but it doesn't explore it long enough. The bonus chapter was a nice surprise too. More More More!!
The game was pretty good, clean graphics, decent puzzles, you almost always knew where to go next and what to do as the objects made sense. There were some cut scenes and a couple of characters to interact with. The bonus chapter was short and not spectacular, but the main game was definitely pretty good.
Elephant games usually make good, fun games, but not this one. I found it to be a total mess. The scenes were muddled, messy and confusing. It was the classic example of things not really making sense. I never knew which random arbitrary item to stick where and found myself using the hint system moreoften than not. Many of the scenes looked the same and gave no real direction of where to go or what to do next. Even the mechanics within the scenes were quite clunky. I couldn't wait for it to be over and would definitely skip this abysmal game.
You know how many of these reviews have fellow gamers saying how they can't believe anyone would give less than EXCELLENT Ratings? Well this is one of those times!
This game had a unique Intriguing story line, very fresh & original. The opening sequence was terrific, same with the early scenes which gave you that City, Detective story feel.
There were a fair amount of interesting, creative puzzles. And the HOGs were just enough that they didn't go overboard with the difficulty.
Most of the objects and puzzles made logical sense and the story progressed very nicely without all of that Guy in hood ancient doom n gloom or cheesy love story.
Again, I understand that gaming tastes are subjective, but trust me for a cozy adventure game, you'll absolutely love this one. I can't wait to play the others in the series! EXCELLENT!
I Loved everything about this game. The story is excellent, there are many characters, the opening scene is very good, the game mechanics where you interact with characters is kind of unique and there were some nice alternate style HOGs. There's always someone there to talk with, the objects actually make sense and there are many good locations The coziness factor is a 10! Trust me, just check it out and you'll love it too. I bet the characters keep you guessing whodunit right up until the end! Great mystery adventure game. This should be a series! Can't wait to see more from this team!!
Yes, I said it! I cannot understand how anyone could give this less than 4 or 5 Stars!! It was EXCELLENT!
It was one of the Longest game I've played in a very long time. Every time I thought it was near the end, it continued on. And while every game has those few frivolous items, most of them made close to perfect sense. As a result, there wasn't much back-tracking which made the game more fun and gave a good sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Many times, these types of games leave you alone & lonely; however this game had dozens of nice short cut scenes which also served to move the story along nicely.
I'm almost afraid to say it, but there were so many puzzles, there were almost too many lol but the puzzles were mostly entertaining and a bit challenging, especially as you could choose 2 levels of difficulty.
Some of the puzzles were varied and creative as well. There was a helpful task system, map system and journal, plus some cool ghost glasses that helped you see past events.
The story was pretty good too, as were the multiple locations. Many other games are way too short, but this one is nice and long. It may not be perfect for everyone, but it is definitely perfect to curl up with a nice coffee or soup and get cozy!
Cuddle up with a nice cup of coffee as this game flows like a good novel.
It's great getting to play as 3 different characters. You even get the bonus "skull" as a companion, plus you can communicate via a device at some points in the game, so you always feel like someone is with you.
The scenes are very cozy, you always know what to do next, the object interactions always make sense. The map interface is very easy to use. The switching between characters is seamless and the object "puzzles" are pretty neat as well. There is almost no backtracking and the voice acting is quite good. Even going back in time wasn't cheesy as it was done right and felt natural within the story and the well rendered scenes.
I cannot understand any of the mid to lower ratings as everything was great about this games. There's just the right amount of HOGs, they're large and easier to find, there are no odd objects and the puzzles were pretty good too.
If i had to knit-pick, there could have been a couple more puzzles maybe, maybe "invert" the HOGs as they've done with some newer games to make it more challenging and my main complaint is the game is too short. But that's because it's so good.
I hope they make more games in this series as this is easily one of my favorite titles that left me wanting more!