It was impressive at first during the demo which is why I bought it. The game was very long but there is no map and u have to remember which scene contained what. After awhile with the repetitive moving too and fro, it got quite draggy. This is the only game I've played that I skipped reading the journal as I just wanted it to end quickly. I must say that the 2nd instalment was very much better in terms of gameplay and storyline than this one. I really regret buying this game instead of another CE I had been deciding against this one for.
Bravo. Really enjoyed this smart game. Great storyline, splendid flow, great game controls. I've played both this game and the Black Isle - both are really worth the buy because of the engaging storyline, nice good length with lots of things to do, great visuals and they're smart.
Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Creepies kept to a low, beautiful scenery, excellent visuals, music, story and gameplay which keeps you glued. The side puzzles were great and blended well. Through the game, you also get to earn medals on achieving certain goals. Well worth getting.
This had a nice storyline and smooth interface. Fun archery contests in between. It would been better if there was a way to spend the money earned at the archery contests.
I didn't like this game much. Felt it was too heavy on the mush and unfortunately, no skip for the dramas in between. I could barely wait for the end and was glad when it did.
Many levels of challenge involving strategizing the best possible way to complete in time. Nice. Have replayed this several times over and am still enjoying it.
Engaging. But I had hoped for more. Felt that Roads of Rome II was a giant leap forward from Roads of Rome I but don't see that much of a difference between Roads of Rome II and Roads of Rome III.