Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
As with other reviewers, I also WAS a fan of ERS but not any more. I am so tired of the infamous "nothing to do" hint although they are improving it slightly by changing the wording every so often. So unless I was in the room where something could be done, the hints were useless. The map also was sadly lacking. It didn't show all the things that could be done, scrolling the map was a pain and it is not interactive. The ghosts opening portals was different but they didn't show up nearly not often enough.
I felt the graphics, special effects and live-action cut scenes are an improvement over some of their other games. I would have really liked to read the notes and witch's book. However, there were a TON of notes and always started at the last page entered so if I wanted to read from where I left off, I would have to back-page many pages to find where I stopped. Needless to say, I didn't. Too bad because the story seemed really good.
I played in casual mode and found the HINT and SKIP recharge rates slow. Puzzles ran the gamut from ridiculously simple to utterly long time-wasters. Since this is supposed to be a hidden object game, I would think that the SKIP would at least be faster. I hate having to wait to skip a puzzle that I find a boring.
But the straw that broke the camel's back for me was the need to find all pages of the witch's book before it could be used. I found all 24 pages but thought I hadn't because the bottle of energy has to be placed before placing the book. Then the book works automatically.
I almost quit this game several times, especially after backtracking several times looking for missing witch book pages. So I'm thinking this developer is off my list unless they change some of their tactics and game mechanics.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
I am so disenchanted with the big hidden object game developers. It seems that the goal is to make great 1 hour demos and then finish with uninspired stories and illogical game play. Not my style and I will not be buying any more games from this developer.
What I liked: • Being able to lock pop-up inventory
Things that I truly hated about this game: • Dark scenes (had to brighten 50% to see some items) • Fuzzy graphics especially in hidden object scenes • Color palette was depressing • Illogical game play • No cohesive story • Have to hit OK to collect inventory items • Mostly illogical interactive hidden objects of silhouettes and multiples of the same thing (12 of …, think I saw 3 “regular” hidden object scenes in total at the end) • Infamous “nothing to do” hint (although worded a little differently) • Extremely slow skip recharge (if we want to skip puzzles, let us skip... don't make us wait!) • Way too much backtracking • Injured dog • “Busy” puzzles & at least one that did not have a skip • Cut scene that kept repeating • Terrible story and extremely disappointing and confusing ending
About half way through I started to use the walkthrough just to speed up the end to my agony. I almost quit several times and know I will never replay this game.
Be forewarned: Don’t use the demo as an indication of what the rest of the game is like!
Unfortunately, I find that many time management and strategy games are great in the demo portion but ridiculously hard after that and this is definitely one of those games. Any game that requires playing the level at least once to figure out what needs to be done and then replaying multiple times to try to get expert is not a fun game to me.
Things that most annoyed me about the game: • can't queue workers • too easy to click through dialog and miss something • building tab icons very confusing • timer for expert way too harsh • once a building is built, it's hard to tell what buildings it influences • cannot "pretend" to build a building over one that is already there to see what it would influence (makes it very difficult to decide what buildings to demolish)
I did manage to get expert on the first 14 levels by replaying most of them. Level 15 I could not get expert after several tries so went on to level 16. After spending way too much time in that level trying to figure out how to pass it, I decided not to waste any more time on it so quit.
I bought this game several years ago and just got around to playing it. During the demo I thought it was great. My how times change.
I found the graphics to be grainy and I have a 2013 PC so I don't think that is the problem. Other games are beautiful compared to the graphics in this one.
Buildings & plants can't be rotated although some rotate on their own before placement so sometimes they face the wrong way. And once an item (building, plant, employee, etc.) is placed, it can't be moved; only destroyed. Makes it very hard to plan appropriately.
There was one shining star in an otherwise dismal experience. It took me a while to figure out (was probably explained and I missed it) that if I clicked on the "problem" bubble, it would take me to what needed to be done. Especially helpful with the drownings.
But what really got to me and why I quit after finishing only the second island was all the trash, repairs, drownings and missing/goal items that were hard to find. On the second island I had already hired 6 life guards, 2 security guards, 8 custodians & 5 engineers and was still flying around trying to take care of everything. It was not clear if an employee was already taking care of something or if I needed to handle problems. Many times I would get to the problem only to find that an employee was already on the job. Made for a lot of wasted time.
So if you're looking for Paradise, take a dip before taking the plunge!
I am amazed at all the rave reviews for this game and sorry I wasted a free credit on it. What amazed me even more was I played it in EASY mode and still found it difficult. I considered rating it 2 stars for the graphics, story, special effects and beginning of the game but my frustration level with the game held me back to only 1 star for those attributes and minus 4 stars for everything else.
o Way too many frustrating puzzles that had REALLY LONG SKIP times so I spent my game time waiting for the skip to fill rather than playing the game. Simon Says & the last puzzle I think were two of the worst.
o Illogical interactive HOS that caused me to spend a lot of the remaining time in HOS. Thankfully the HINT fills fast so toward the end of the game I just started clicking everything without even reading the list until I had most of the items found. I did fill the MISCLICK meter once doing this but it was worth it!
I came very close to quitting the game even on the last puzzle but I stuck it out until the bitter end. Would I play this game again? NEVER! Buyer beware!
Sorry to see this game getting some bad reviews but I do understand why... it is definitely easy but I was so ready for one! I am so tired of long and involved games that require tremendous amounts of backtracking for one item at a time and by the time you find an item, it's usually so far away from where it is needed that it's hard to remember where to go. Not so with this game. Each chapter was self-contained with only a few scenes. Most everything was only one or two scenes away from where it was needed and sometimes even in the same scene! Only negatives in my book are that it was dark but it was easy enough to lighten the game to play and the infamous "nothing to do" hint. Definitely a keeper in my book!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
I loved the first Escape from Paradise with real people so was really looking forward to a great sequel... NOT FOR ME! Escape 2 is WAY TOO FRUSTRATING for me to complete.
What I hated most:
o Mini-game instructions were lacking but was able to complete the M3 & HOS (mostly because I play a LOT of them).
o All tribe members appeared to be male and the masks were not enough to differentiate between them. I spent way too much time in the character tab trying to figure out who to send where to do what.
o Current activity was not listed on the character when reviewing in the "Character" tab. Sounds just don't compare with visual.
o Dragging the monkey around in order to play the mini-games, find hidden items and catch fish & birds was a real pain and waste of time.
o Determining skill levels was very confusing. Order of skills on Character tab, feathers and bubbles were not in sync. (Example: building was first on the bubbles, 2nd on the feathers & last on the skills list.)
o Several of my tribe seemed to get "stuck in a rut". It's possible that their needs were just too low and that's why they wouldn't move but there should have been some indication to that effect.
Even with a walkthrough I gave up trying to get all the fish, birds, tikis & jewels. I managed to complete 82% of the game but gave up with no stars on sudoku or the farm, 5 of 6 stars on tri-peaks, and missing 4 tikis & 4 jewels. I am one of those people that rarely doesn't finish even BAD games but I just didn't want to waste any more time on this one. Not sure that the demo will really give you a taste of what this game is REALLY like but definitely do "try before you buy"!
Although my review is based on the Collector’s Edition that I purchased elsewhere, I would still like to put in my 2 cents on this version. My review is based on the game in general rather than the specifics of the CE edition. Anything that does relate to the CE edition will be noted as such.
I found the demo portion of the game (first two countries) to be extremely easy. Once past that, it became extremely difficult for me in timed mode so I switched to relaxed. Fortunately it does keep game progress so I didn’t have to start over from scratch. So I don’t feel that demoing the game really is a good representation of how the game will play. It gives the impression that the game will be relaxing and enjoyable when in fact it is not. At least for me it wasn’t. Had the demo portion of the game been representative of the whole game, I would not have purchased it.
I thought the tokens would be representative of each country but some were repeated in the later countries that did not apply. Also, the music was reused in some countries and did not seem appropriate to that country.
I think the term “relaxed” is misleading. There are still things that cause the game to not be relaxing. For example, there are timed tokens that have to be matched before the timer on that token runs out. Otherwise you have to replay the level. And as others have mentioned, the sands are a real pain. Even though they don’t relate to time, they can still lead to replaying the level. What I found that worked best on the regular sands (not the sandstorms) is to just get rid of them in the beginning of the level with bombs because invariably the tokens didn’t fall correctly to keep them at bay.
Yes, it is very similar to Call of Atlantis and other games by this developer. What I think is new in this game is that you can replay the levels to earn a star in CHALLENGE mode. CHALLENGE modes vary with the level and can be completing in x number of moves, a specified time limit, not using bonuses, etc. Again, the first two countries were easy, third I completed more than half but that was all the stars I could earn.
Collector’s Edition only: It has bonus levels but in order to play those, you must earn the stars in the Challenge levels. Since I was only able to earn enough stars to play the first 10 bonus rounds, that’s all I could play. So I felt the Collector’s Edition was a waste of money for me.
For those of you who are undecided…
If you are going to buy this game because it is fun and relaxing in the demo, it quickly changes to something much more challenging and you should reconsider. But if you are not going to buy it because the demo is too easy, definitely consider buying the full game. I doubt that you will find the rest of the game as mild.
I am truly amazed at all the rave reviews for this game and am joining the ranks of the dissenting. This game is designed for people with excellent memories and/or who can complete the game in one sitting… neither of which is me. This saddens me greatly because Elephant Games was one of my favorite developers.
What I liked: • Graphics. • Detailed hints. • Fast hint and skip recharge (thankfully!).
What I disliked: • STORY: I found the story to be boring and disjointed with too much reading. About half way through I quit reading almost everything acquired and even stopped picking up messages to try to speed the game along to end my misery. • GAME PLAY: Designed to make the game long rather than interesting and enjoyable. Illogical use of inventory items. I enjoy games that require the player to “think outside the box” but in this game it was just a means to prolong the agony. Another game-lengthening technique that was overused was the room changes in chapter 3. If it had been changing to one room, completing it and then on to the next, it would have been interesting. To keep changing for only a few objects at a time was tedious. • HIDDEN OBJECT: Way too many items to find in hidden object scenes with many, many multiples. I took the advice of another reviewer and just started clicking everywhere in the HOS until almost all items were found. Having to use inventory items to complete the scene would have been interesting if items were already in inventory. But too many times the item needed was not found until much later in the game. Then to remember where to use it… (sigh) • MAP: It may be interactive but with no actions noted, it was next to worthless. It was much easier to just use a HINT to get a detailed description of what to do next. • INVENTORY: One of my pet peeves with developers these days is the use of a pop-up inventory without giving the option to lock it in place. • PUZZLES: Run the gamut from easy and enjoyable to tedious and time-consuming. • CUT SCENES: Amazing that anyone would admire the live action cut scenes. Most were campy and poorly executed with lips not in sync with voices. Another reviewer suggested it was foreign actors using a different language which would make sense. I have played very few games that use live action to advantage. If you can’t do it right, don’t do it at all. • BACKTRACKING: Games that require backtracking through many rooms for one item at a time are frustrating, tiresome and unimaginative.
Definitely take it for a spin but keep in mind that the demo is a far cry from the real game.
I was so looking forward to this sequel and snapped it up when it showed up on the $3.99 5 minute special before I had demoed it. Not sure I can put into words precisely what I found so disappointing. Maybe it was just that Spring of Shadows was such a fantastic game that it would be extremely difficult for this sequel to live up to that standard.
• The graphics are excellent but do not measure up to Spring of Shadows. Where Spring was beautiful and breathtaking creating an enchanting atmosphere that was a pleasure to explore, some of Summer is beautiful but most of it tends to be on the drab and dreary side. • The story was very dark and disturbing and seemed to be almost lacking compared to Summer. It left a lot to be desired and it is easy to see the “handwriting on the wall” not very far into the game. I like dark games but this one was just a bit much for me. • Instructions for the puzzles were sadly lacking or confusing to say the least. Just one example that comes to mind was using the walkthrough just to find out that the confusing instructions were just for a simple slider puzzle. • Although this is listed as a hidden object game, it is more like a puzzle adventure and the hidden object scenes are rare and confusing. Many times I would start searching in a scene for something useful only to realize after a bit that it was HOS. Not sure exactly why that was. Perhaps because of the list of items getting lost at the bottom of the large letterbox window? Perhaps because the HOS looked a lot like any other scene in the game? Maybe something else? • Long wait time for puzzle skips. There were a few that I didn’t even try to finish solving and just waited for the SKIP to fill which was boring. And giving a “time played” at the end… wonder how much of that was spent waiting on puzzle SKIPs… • I also had an issue with the game flickering which was probably my computer and not the game since it seems it was not an issue for others. But the farther I got into the game, the worse the flickering became. First it was only in windowed mode but then it cropped up in full screen also. Made the game almost unplayable by the end.
Spring I just hated to see end. Summer on the other hand toward the end of the game I just couldn’t wait for it to be over! I doubt that I will buy any more games in this series. So my suggestion is that you try this game before buying so that you are not disappointed like I was.