I really thought this game could be good. The design looked interesting, and I really love unique puzzle games so I thought I'd try this one. To say that this game is unforgiving is an understatement. You have one minute for each level. That is one minute to figure out where your sheep could fall into the abyss (as the walls blend in too much with the environment), and you can only use a limited amount of arrows to guide them. This means that while the sheep are in motion, you need to pick up the earlier arrows, and place them in front of the sheep. On top of all this, you have no idea where the sheep will come from (if they are not present on the level at start), so there are many seconds wasted simply waiting for the sheep to appear, so you can start planning. I like a good challenge every now and then, but this game is very unfair.
If there were unlimited arrows we could place, if there was an untimed option (and the timed game would allow more time to think), and if sheep starting locations were indicated, this would be an excellent game. It is really annoying, because Running Sheep had potential, and the issues I have with it are minor things that are so obvious, I simply can't imagine developers didn't think about them.