This is a refreshingly funny adventure game with lots of brain teasing puzzles. It has clever jokes, a very funny witty story line and a great mix of odd ball characters.
This is not a game that you should rush through. There are many items to click on that aren’t needed to advance the game play but it is much more enjoyable if you click on everything and listen to the comments, quips and satire. The humor is outstanding. The story is so well written and is a quirky blend of mystery, romance, loyalty, greed, compassion, and the basic good verses evil.
The game art work is in a very well done cartoon style. Some of the character’s facial expressions are as funny as their comical dialogues.
The only negative was that the hints sometimes are not very helpful. There are several puzzles involving the game of chess and although I have never played chess. I was able to solve all the puzzles. So don't let that bother you.
Over all this is a great game that lasts a long time and makes you laugh along the way.
Amazingly beautiful artwork and graphics. Interesting and challenging game play and puzzles. Soothing and enjoyable music. I enjoy this game from beginning to end. It really gave my brain a workout in a good way.
This is not a game for people who don’t like a challenge and don’t like to reason through puzzles. It does have some limited help but it does NOT hold your hand. There are no skips for anything in this game. So put on your thinking cap and PLAY!
This game is a great blend of adventure and puzzles. You have to be on the alert to pick up on the clues and objects you need to work through this game. I personally didn’t care for the art style of the main character but if you can “see” past that you might have a worthwhile adventure with Anka.
As always in adventure games you help the main character solve problems and complete tasks to rescue someone. There is always something to figure out. Along the way you uncover various mini-games. What is really great is that as you complete or skip each mini-game it unlocks access to a whole set of those mini-games on the main menu. Many of the unlocked mini-games have lots more versions to play. For example the Frogs has 10 levels, the Luggage has 14 levels, the Tangrams has 16 levels, the Gallows has 14 levels and the Eggs has 10 levels. So there is much more to this game than just playing through the adventure.
Also inserting your own pictures in some of the mini-games gives them unlimited possibilities. You can put your own picture, your child’s picture, vacation pictures, holiday pictures into several of the mini-games. I tried that and it was surprisingly fun to see my own images within the mini-games.
If you want a fun adventure with lots of mini-game replay value you might give this game a try.
I want to thank the developer of this game for making such a flexible game. With all of the options available this game is suitable for a beginner to this genre like me and for more experienced players. I normally steer clear of action arcade platformer type games but the puzzle aspect of this game caught my interest so I gave it a try.
I like that it has the Casual and Normal modes. In the Casual mode you are given a higher number count of the moves or tools to use in completing each level. In Normal mode you only have the number you need and if you miss a jump or a turn you can’t complete the level and have to replay it. If you see that you can’t complete a level you have to “kill” all of the Bloobles in order to reset the level. I would have preferred a reset button to a kill button.
I like that you can adjust the speed of the overall game in the Options before you start the game play. You can also adjust the speed within each level with controls in the lower right corner.
The game play aspect that I was most uncomfortable with was the constant movement of the Bloobles and their enemies. I like to think about my strategy before I start the game play. In this game you have to think on the run and I found myself replaying levels quite often. I switched from full screen to windowed mode so that I could click outside the game screen to PAUSE the play; this gave me time to think and made the game more enjoyable for me.
I must honestly say that you cannot play this game without eating chocolate, especially when you get to the fourth world which is Chocolate World. After finishing the casual mode I went back and completed the normal mode and loved the challenge after learning so much and gaining skill in the casual mode.
I think this is a very good game to try out even if you don’t normally play in this genre. I’m really glad I tried it. I had lots of fun and found it very addictive.
I have played Angry Birds all the way through and I like this one as well if not better. This game has lots of humor and it’s not quite a violent as Angry Birds. Saving Private Sheep is not a shooter or arcade game it is a physics puzzle game.
It has good sound effects and music and a good amount of challenge in the puzzles. There are 25 puzzles in each of 8 locations, for a total of 200 puzzles. You can get one, two or three medals in each puzzle. You can skip puzzles but you have to complete about 80% of the puzzles in the previous levels to unlock the next higher level.
Some new device or tool or obstacle is added in each of the locations. It is fun to see what will come next. The puzzles do get harder as you go through the game. I have been able to get 3 gold medals on all of the 200 levels of the game. Of course I had to replay some of the levels several times to achieve the 3 medals.
Unfortunately BFG has classified this game as an arcade shooter game when it is really a physics puzzle game. I hope more puzzle lovers will be able to find this really fun game and give it a try.
I love physics type puzzles so this was a very enjoyable game for me. It is very similar to Professor Fizzwizzle but not quite as difficult. The puzzles start out simple and uncomplicated and progressively get more difficult. New puzzle mechanical elements are added from time to time to make the puzzles more interesting and fun. I kept being pulled along through the game by my desire to finish just one more puzzle.
I found Dale Hardshovel’s comments a little annoying and they broke my concentration so I kept my speakers turned off. I like the cartoon atmosphere and the variety of the different whimsical artifacts that you have to connect. I was glad that the puzzle screens and the items in the puzzles were big and not difficult to see.
I did not like the bonus level where Dale's daughter runs through a maze while trying to avoiding mummies and collecting keys. It moved too fast for my old reflexes so Dale’s poor daughter was swamped by the dust old mummies without fail. I think the keys would have provided extra hints but luckily for me I only used one hint during the game.
For the most part the puzzles were interesting and varied enough that I was not bored and they were not so difficult that I was frustrated. A couple of levels at the very end were challenging and took quite a lot of head scratching.
It was unfortunate that on the last level of puzzles when you really need to use a hint, they are not available for those levels. If you have 20 or so hints why not be given the help when you ask for it. I disagree with developers that seem to enjoy throwing in really difficult puzzles or levels at the end of a game and then offering no way to get help with them. This is the main reason I gave this game 4 stars instead of 5 stars.
The art work is excellent. Franklin's voice is just as I remember from the previous games, very good. The puzzles range from easy to tedious, with a few unique ones that I enjoyed. There was not much to the story, just the basic good against evil. It is a good quality game but very short to be sold as a Collector’s Edition. I completed the bonus chapter in only 30 minutes.
I occasionally used a hint, I did not skip any puzzles, I listened to and read all dialogue and I completed the game in 4 hours. The major negative factor is that there is not enough game content to justify the $13.99 price. Collector’s Edition games should last more than 4 hours in my opinion. I am sad there was not more content and I feel that I did not get my money’s worth. The first game in the series, Drawn: The Painted Tower, remains my favorite and it is half the price.
44of52voted this as helpful.
A Magnetic Adventure
Use a small magnet to solve physics-based puzzles that will stretch your gray matter in ways you never imagined!
I love puzzle games and this one is really FUN! It has 50 levels and I wish it had 100. The physics of the game are excellent. The puzzles are imaginative. I love the variety. Most of the puzzles are about medium difficulty but there are a few that require a good bit of pondering.
It has a simple little story to give the puzzles purpose. The jazz music is pleasant and I did not find it annoying as I solved the puzzles.
The only negative is that there is no skip for the puzzles. There is a hint button that is available after it charges. I feel that if you ask for a hint that you have already been working on the puzzle for a while and you should not have to wait. The hint button gives you a clue for the next move but does not solve the puzzle for you. The hint clues are not always crystal clear in showing you what exactly to do next. After using a hint, if you want another one you have to wait for it to charge up again.
Over all I enjoyed the game and I hope they create another one that is twice as long.
Ancient Quest of Saqqarah is one of the most innovative, challenging and varied match-3 games that I have played.
Khufu is a big hairy blue monkey who has excellent manners, is quite eloquent and has a manicure that I envy. Some of Khufu’s favorite words are “Well Done, Amazing and Tricky”. I whole heartedly agree. This game has done it right!
The artwork, special effects and sound effects are outstanding. The visual quality is similar to Magic Match and StoneLoops of Jurassica. The music is appropriate for the adventure theme and quite pleasant.
There are seven different types of match 3 games to play as you restore the temples of different ancient gods. There are 72 games within each temple, plus mini games to earn bonus points and power ups. So there is plenty to keep you busy for quite a long time.
The voiceovers for the gods and Khufu, the big blue monkey, are excellent. Each god greets you as you enter and Khufu encourages you as you play. When you have played four levels in one temple you receive a key that unlocks another temple and you can go there or stay where you are to complete the current temple.
The game developers even added a relaxed mode to the game at the request of the players. This makes the game very adaptable to your needs as a player. I have completed the game in both the relaxed and timed modes and I thoroughly enjoyed both. This game offers a lot of variety and interest. It will keep you entertained for a very long time and is well worth the money
If you like Match 3 or if you haven’t played one in a long time, I think you will really like this one.
I normally stay away from arcade games but The Great Tree is not what I would consider the typical arcade game. It has a very unique style of play that is more relaxing than frantic. As you play the game you are surrounded by art work and graphics that are amazing. The colors throughout the game blend and contrast perfectly. The music is beautiful and relaxing and some of the best that I have experienced in a game. This is one of the few games where I leave the music playing.
The fairy and insect characters in the game are realistic and captivating with their graceful and sometimes deadly movements. The power ups are interesting and allow you to spread your wings, so to speak, by choosing different fairy wings that have various powers.
You fly about saving the world from evil while you relax to beautiful music. It’s great fun!
(I have purchased this game and completed all of the levels several times.)