Like all games from EleFun Games I LOVE THIS only issue is voice artists...I mean to go from any "Fear For Sale" game to any : "The Keeper Of The Antiques" to any "Witches Legacy" games...and the same voice EXACT SAME VOICE saying "It's Me Emma", "It's Me Alexandra", or "My Name Is Carrie" it kinda gets old
I don't begrudge the voice artist any work cause I used to work with voice artists and know how hard they work...but the same voice in every series is a bit much...especially when you own all the games in each series and go to switch games for a new experience...hearing the same voice doesn't make it seem like you switched at all...what im saying is main character maybe a new voice artist but background voice be Alexandra, Carrie, Emma ETC...just new voice for the lead and background roles for gets pretty annoying
this is just my observation...i own all of the Haunted Hotel games...even the Charles Dexter Ward origin of the Masterpieces we see today
this game is no exception it is a masterpiece...but the last few games i noticed there is a new voice over for James which kinda bums me out because you get used to a certain voice for a certain character
but the main observation is James lacks his trademark hat...that hat has become an extension of James himself
i may get to invested in games but some things shouldn't change and these are 2 of the things that should not have changed...the hat being the more important aspect
Please give James back his hat...its sad seeing him without's like if Sherlock Holmes lost his hat, trench coat, and pipe...they are a part of the character himself
also if possible change his voice back...i know that may be impossible just if you can i know myself and im sure other devotees to the series would appreciate it
the first Shadowplay was awesome and scary as heck
this sequel just seems to want to copy off the first games breakthrough...i hate to say it but don't waste your money and get the original much more of an inclusive game
think of "Godfather 3" that's what this game is to this series
the first Shadowplay was awesome and scary as heck
this sequel just seems to want to copy off the first games breakthrough...i hate to say it but don't waste your money and get the original much more of an inclusive game
think of "Godfather 3" that's what this game is to this series
i love horror movies and scary games but this game actually had me on the side of my seat...very awesome but pretty scary i don't recommend for people who can't see an R rated movie without a 11 year old niece wants to play but no way will she till she is older