No game names, no ability to go back to a level and replay, can not execute tasks ahead of time and no way to know if you reached expert on a level. Add all the missing agenda and then I would buy this game. Glad I did the trial first.
Love the visual and the music. Don't care about the challenge I play for the beauty. However I am disappointed that when you enter into a scene the music plays for a moment and does not continue to play while you're in each scene. I love the music that's why I play with headphones.
This game was a blast. Got through over 40 levels. Then one day the game decided it will no longer open due to Error: Access Violation even though I made no changes.
I consider myself an expert player when it comes to the Delicious Series and it's Spin Offs. Sometimes they are not challenging enough but this one has gone overboard in the difficulty level. The game does not allow enough time to reach each character to obtain the gold stars. Also quite a few of the mini games (especially filling the vials) are super difficult. I cannot move my mouse quickly enough to fill the vials in time to receive all 3 stars. They fill to slow, the time/speed ratio makes no sense. I usually defend these games at all odds but this time it's a little too much.
I don't know why all these people are complaining but I loved this one! It genuinely made me laugh out loud a few times. I love that I can pick Expert Levels right away, it always make the game more fun and challenging the first time around. If there are people that have a hard time achieving all the Gold Stars on each level, well then you need more practice. Keep up the good work and Ignore the Haters!
I absolutely love the Delicious Series and all it's spin offs! They touch the heart. The only issue I found with this game is the patience level to creating certain products ratio is way off. Sometimes you have to click up to 5 things to create one product and by the time you've done so the people at the counter are all ready mad.
Delicious: Emily's Message in a Bottle Collector's Edition is a heartwarming stroll through Emily's past as the family seeks the perfect recipe for happiness.
Great story line, this one was a tearjerker at the beginning. Totally replaces my love for the now retired Diner Dash.....keep them coming and I'll keep on purchasing them. This series also has awesome spin offs including other characters from the Delicious Series.
Wish there were more games of this nature....never got bored....I do like the option to play on an expert level which was lacking here but overall I've already replayed it 3 times.
I like to reach the expert on every level and if I miss it the first time I like the opportunity to try again and this game does not allow you to replay levels.