At first it was so, so. Then on level 5 the fun started to pick up. I am writing this after level 6, so I imagine it will get even better. I would suggest using fruit with more color, such as red apples early in the game, as I am a person who likes a lot of color in my games, and I bet a lot of people do. Putting odds on the fun increasing with the levels, and I plan on buying this game. I like the little stone path walkways, and the windmills especially. This company has always put out good games, I am sure this one won't disappoint as the play progresses.
Fun, fast, nice story line, thrilled with this game!
PostedAugust 29, 2017
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Love this time management game. I always like a nice story line, and this one is starting out to be interesting. It is also quick reading for those who don't like a lot of story. The play is quick, you don't have to sit there tapping your foot while some action takes 5 to 10 seconds to finish and you can only watch, which is a huge plus in my book (doesn't waste my time). I have finished 5 or 6 levels and the side level games (not required), and am buying this. Already, some of the levels have a lot of customers coming, might have been the side challenges, and I found the fast flow great fun and invigorating. I am actually excited about this game and give a HUGE thank you to the designers!!! You are great!
Always a fun story with these developers, and lots of little touches that I enjoy. Looking forward to their next time management game and highly recommend this one!
The legacy of the Weather Lord continues as King Victor and Queen Victoria prepare to pass the royal torch to their daughter, Jenny. But before Jenny can rule, she must learn the ropes!
The graphics are fantastic: especially love the birds flying overhead. Detail is very nice, will enjoy going back and replaying so that I can look over the full screen more closely. First time around play the easy setting, then go back to play the more challenging setting. Get hours of play, and still have fun the entire time. The attention to detail in this game will make the second time around just as much fun. Thanks to the developers on this one!
Just started playing, and I bought it as I enjoyed the previous two games in this series. Like the fast play and colorful screen. Like the options you can use to improve your game. A very cute game that I find great fun to play. Thanks for another good time management game.
I admit it, I will give a time management game 5 stars unless it is horrible. But I must say I am enjoying this game. I have played it in the relaxed mode only as I have been doing office work at home, so I have found it to be very relaxing, and a very nice diversion. I will play the more difficult levels when I have more time to focus on the game only.
Like: the many choices of where to spend the money. Speed was my choice, so the path short cuts, and her working faster were my choices, but I can see having some fun with ways to earn more money faster. Dislike: the graphics aren't my personal taste, but as I said, I was thrilled to see a time management game, so thank you to the developers!
Thought this was one of the more fun time management games that I have played in a while. Thanks to the developers! There aren't enough TM games and I really do appreciate this one.
With the lack of time management games, I almost left the site. Glad I didn't miss this one. Need more like it. I love the graphics, detail is marvelous. I play through once, then go back and go for the three stars. This game will provide hours of good game play and a nice challenge. Highly recommend.
Time management games are my favorite, and this one is a pleasure. The graphics, story line work for me. I also like the speed of this game - not too fast, not too slow. Thanks developers for a great game!
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I love time management games. Have been playing this one most of the afternoon. Due to the lack of time management games, I am just happy to find one that I enjoy playing. This one works for me. I think it is cute, and will play it through once, then go back and play a 2nd time to get expert scores the second go-around. Thanks for a decent TM game!