Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I love the artwork of this dev. The detail is amazing and when your character moves, her animation is totally lifelike (except her hair, minor detail). Sometimes it is first person, sometimes you get to watch. In any case, you are a detective, trying to solve the case of the prisoner who was electrocuted but vanished into thin air. You get to find him. There are other worldly objects to find (i.e. morphing, my favorite). There are also 4 collections: Chinese Cats; Lady Liberties; Capacitors; Ball & Chains. There are also 20 slides to find, which are 20 mini games to play. Nice jump map, Notebook, Strategy Guide is located at the top left. The HOP's are hard! They are all progressive and, I swear, the stuff you don't need right away is easily found. There are lots of puzzles, some new, some old with a new presentation.
I thoroughly enjoyed this game. The only black mark is that it is not wide screen, which can be hard on my old eyes. Still, the artwork was fantastic! I strongly recommend this game!
I am not going to recap the story except to say: Taking daughter to prom on anniversary of tragic accident with many deaths during previous prom, 50 years ago. They slip back in time and help the guilt-ridden & find out what really happened.
I loved this game. I jumped a couple of times, felt uneasy and was pretty well creeped out. The music is excellent. I never turn off the music and get annoyed when there are long spaces with none. There was music from start to finish, was very appropriate and wonderfully creepified. A few new puzzles, some challenging and entertaining, and a couple were so easy I wondered why they bothered (my only complaint).
Also, I love rain and Eipix delivered a lovely heavy rainstorm with thunder. Thank you!
I enjoyed reading their credits, too, with all the comments. Pretty funny stuff.
And I liked the opportunity to find that one "eye" collectible I totally missed during the beginning of the game. Lots of nice extras in this game. With some of the HOP's, 5 morphing objects must be found to open the list of items to find. Some HOP's were find key to unlock chest, which gets you a knife to cut the ribbon to get the... you see where I am going.
I highly recommend this game, especially if you are in the mood to get creeped out!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I did the Beta test on this game and did not like it at all. At the time, I said I would not buy this game but they took some suggestions to heart & now I will be purchasing this game.
You lost your sister through an accident on the ice when you were kids. This has haunted your dreams for years. You, through a chance encounter, are whisked away to the place that preserves the Spirit of Christmas for the whole world, which is in the town of Snow Hill. When I played the Beta version, there was a lot of back & forth, enough to frustrate even me, and I'm very patient. That's gone, thankfully. There are presents to collect & potions to make. The game is only dark in the storyline so the art is clear. HOS's have a little interaction. Puzzles in the demo were easy.
This would be a good game for a beginner or intermediate. On some puzzles you can choose to play it hard or easy; nice!
You may choose easy, moderate or hard and custom is available as well. There is a map but no journal. No woodland helpers or sidekicks. I'll be buying this as I love holiday games.
Directors have been trying to film "The Great Escapade" for decades but death keeps happening on the set so it got shut down 20 years ago. Your brother is starring in this one & you are hired as well. This is your brother's big break, or looks that way until the first death, which looks like your brother did it, followed by a kidnapping so the villain can get his grubby hands on the negative of what has already been shot.
The "Final Cut" games just keep getting better. Visuals are crisp with lots of art deco, VO's are OK, but they don't impact the game IMO, and there is lots to do. There are 40 film strips to find, 13 morphing objects, my favorite, and souvenirs to find. I don't know how many because I never found one.
For some of the HO's you need to find a number of some object, like stars or musical notes. When all are found, an object is revealed that opens another circle with a list of items to find, 3 of this, 1 of that, etc. Other HO's are straight lists. This game is never boring or predictable.
You have a film viewer and when you find slides, you must go to the location shown and find 6 differences. As I said, lots to do. The puzzles are different and challenging, always a plus. There is a jump map, too, which is always a plus. If you play in Casual or Custom, the map may show you where you need to go to do something & the hint will also pop open a picture of where you need to be, and it will take you there, too.
Free the frog princes from the clutches of an evil witch! Return them to their princess brides, and find out if the kiss of love can break the witch’s curse!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
An evil witch, desirous of male companionship & jealous of the princesses & their princes, decided to get even. Having been rejected by all the princes, she turned them into frogs until a kiss could return them to their original form.
This is geared for younger players but, truth to tell, sometimes something silly can "cleanse the palette" between the darker, brooding games. The drawings were along the lines of "The Emperor's New Groove" but more detailed. Wonderfully colorful, funny as all get out plus a happy ending for all #well, how else would a story like this end?#. I could see beginning players having fun with this. There are interesting puzzles that aren't too hard, many places to explore and the hint button gives directions. There is no map, no morphing objects and not much of a journal. It is a rather fun & funny game. I found myself smiling quite a bit.
Just a nice little game. I used a "free game coupon" or you could wait for a good sale. The game isn't very long but it was truly delightful.
I've been waiting for this game since I played the Beta test. A few, minor improvements were made and, viola, my new favorite game. An artist wants to paint you while in Paris. Well, how flattering! However, his painting whisks you away to his creepy mansion & extensive grounds. He made a deal with Death and his end of the bargain is providing souls in order to keep his wife hanging around. You must rescue the souls he has already trapped in addition to saving yourself. Colored gems must be found to enter paintings.
There are achievements to earn but I warn you, don't plan on getting a lot of the "X finds in X seconds in HOP" because those scenes are done in such detail, one must linger to soak in the exquisite details. Plus, not a lot of color, mostly silver, bronze & gold tones. There are morphing objects (my favorite). Truth to tell, I got so caught up in the game that sometimes I would forget to look & have to go back. Good thing there is a "take you there" map.
I must mention the hint button: Cutest angel this side of the galaxy. After giving a hint she must nap and, upon waking, giggles delightfully.
Puzzles got harder as the game when on. Some new one, some easy, a couple I tore out some hair. Have fun!
This is an older game, with older graphics. Please don't let that turn you away from this game. You (Sarah# have to travel to the past to change your recent past, the loss of your father by a traitor to the Order. This game was a very pleasant way to pass a few hours The story is interesting, the music spot on for atmosphere but don't expect a lot of bells and whistles. My only #mild) complaint was that the puzzles were on the easy side. It is a very linear game, not a lot of back and forth. There is no map, you don't have to carry a lot of things around and the HOS are fairly easy.
If I hadn't used a freebie for this game, I may not have purchased it but would have missed a very pleasant, fun game.
This game will be great when the glitches are fixed
PostedMarch 11, 2014
fromDeKalb, Illinois
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
The disclaimer is serious. If this game does not make your heart jump now & again, check your pulse, you may be dead.
A story in the paper tells about missing people & deaths at an asylum. Security cameras appear & you can see dead people &, is that blood?, in black & white (thank goodness). There, a body is being dragged out of the frame, slowly. You wake to find a special delivery letter at your door from your sister. You have not heard from her in 10 years. She writes that t is time to find out about your mother & yourself; come to this creepy, boarded up, out of business asylum. That's right, the one you were just dreaming about. Ah, the fun begins!
Let me just say this: I do not enjoy horror movies. You could not pay me to see "The Grudge". I saw 3 of the "Paranormal Activity" movies and they freaked me out. This game is right on par with those movies. For some reason, I played this game with headphones and I am here to tell you that I had to stop playing when it got too late at night. The music is wonderfully creepy, just like a horror movie, which contributes to the atmosphere perfectly. I have played games that made me jump now & then but this game is beyond that!
Puzzles were excellent, could have been a little more challenging; a take-you-there map; great HOS's; collectable & creepy figurines. My game has a glitch & I could not finish it. When the patch is issued to address this problem, I will look forward to finishing this game & being creepified royally!
This was a great game! I played this just after Brink...Lonely Hearts and this was even better. You are a journalist tracking down the wack job killing young people. Your girlfriend has been abducted and you set out to find her. The mansion and grounds are huge! There is no map and there is a bit of back and forth. However, the game is so good, it does not matter.
The HOS's are very well done. Some interaction needed, clear objects and, hint, check the edges of the picture for objects. I did not use my hint button very much.
VO and character movement was done extremely well. Puzzles were unique and thought-provoking. I did, however, skip 2 of them.
This is a very long game, a lot of bang for your buck. I will be playing it again!
A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
There is a virus loose in Oxnard, started by twin girls and one has died. Her sister, who made a full recovery, carries within her DNA the means to create a vaccine to stop a pandemic. You are a doctor trying to locate her in spite of one man threatening you with bodily harm and another man whose purpose is not clear. The second man is pretty funny, tho'. And, Bonus!, the talking fit their mouths very well. I was impressed and wish more games were this good at it.
Glad I got this as a Daily Deal. This is a short game & the HOS items are very hard to see. That's the bad. The good is it was chilling and put me in mind of The Stand by Stephen King. The music fit this game to a T and added to the atmosphere of creepy. Although short in length, a fairly good game, which I did enjoy.