I played the Beta...twice! I haven't bought a game in months because I couldn't find anything that excited me. This game excites me! The puzzles were just challenging enough, the graphics awesome and the fact that there were constantly references and characters from past MCF games was the icing on the cake.
I've seen a lot of disappointment in some of the reviews because of the timed theme. If the time runs out it will give you 3 options. The first is to replay, the second is to continue where you left off but with no timing, and the third is to move on to the next puzzle. I don't think a lot of the players used these options or I think they would have been more impressed with this game. It's so different from the past games that it really impressed me!
Lately I've become a very picky game player. For me to buy a game it has to be so good that I'll look forward to getting back into it once I've had to leave. This does that for me. The storyline, the graphics, the not knowing what's coming next all have me excited to keep playing. The puzzles are unique and the HO scenes are not like what we're used to. Absolutely give this one a try! I have never, ever, given a review of a game here but this one is good enough for me to add my opinion.