Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I would love to see more like this. It's unique, but a few things could be better:
1) The hint system is weird. It took me 3/4 of the way through the game to realize there are even hints. Make that mechanic more clear (you have to play Match 3 for crystals, then spend 3 crystals for a hint).
2) The HO scenes have circled objects to click on, but it's not always clear which object in the circle is meant. Other games have the "find the scene in the circle" mechanic, but it's the main subject of the scene that's meant. In this game it could be anything inside the circle that is meant to find, including corners of things you can't even really see. You can click and click the "right" place and never hit on the pixel you're meant to click on.
3) I'd like to see a list of outcomes (or at least a "there are 3 more possible outcomes" blurb) after you finish the first time so you can go back and try to get them all.
4) I'd really like to earn enough cash to save the family home, but it doesn't seem possible.
All in all, a great game worth the purchase, just a few things I think could be better in a future installment of the series.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
This has lots of low-effort games. For a game to be based on the US and misspell Tallahassee, Amarillo and Caddo Lake is sort of careless. Except for the crosswords it seems to be a fine game for youngsters, but there's not much in the way of challenge here. I occasionally like the odd easy games for days when I want something mindless, but this is a bit too mindless for me, to be honest.
I like this game. It's engaging and requires some minimal amount of thought, at least. The big problem I had was that I had to skip 2 minigames because I couldn't figure out how to mechanically operate them and even the strategy guide didn't help. For instance, there's a plaque and some files with cards where you match symbols. How? I tried clicking the plaque, I tried clicking the cards. I tried drawing the symbols on the cards and on the plaque. No joy. The puzzle wasn't puzzling, but how to actually work it was. If it weren't for that this would have gotten 4 stars. Being so cute with instructions that you leave out how the puzzle mechanically works is not making the puzzle any more difficult, it just frustrates your players when they know the solution is dead easy, but they can't get the pieces to do anything.
Old-time HOG with buy-stuff-to-repair mechanics tacked on. Second hidden object scene said "tools". Clicked on ax, nippers, shears, wire cutters, shovel...not tools, I guess, but nails are???? Third scene said "feather". 5 feathers in the scene. Likewise "necklace". Didn't get any further than that. This is like a game from at least 10 years ago.
I know that the game industry is in turmoil right now because many of the devs are in a war zone, but for Domini to think that because they aren't they can get by with plopping out anything and players will buy it is ridiculous.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Strategy, Word
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game is different, interesting, challenging. The puzzles weren't the same-old, same-old. I was enjoying myself immensely until I got to the final scene. It's an arcade game.
I really, really hate this new trend of HOPA games turning into arcade games in the final scene. Why? Because I have a disabled hand and use a rollerball mouse, so I avoid games that require fast response times. All they do is frustrate me, and you usually can't skip them to see the end of the game.
I feel misled, tricked and cheated when I can't finish a game because the game mechanics were outside expectations for the game genre. I wish game devs would put an alternative in place for those of us who play the whole game and then can't finish--maybe an extra HOG scene or a different way to play the final scene than drawing shapes at high speed. I could pick shapes off the screen, but drawing them is outside my physical capabilities, so I'll never be able to finish the game or play the extras I paid for.
This is my favorite MCF. It was totally unique and inventive when it was released. Many games have copied it, but none equaled it. It has live action, clever puzzles, morphing objects, secret locations, a really mysterious and creepy storyline and is just a brilliant game. I was so upset when I found out the game structure is incompatible with Windows 10 and probably won't be redone to make it playable. *Sigh* So if you have a Windows PC that is pre-10 enjoy this lovely game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
This is the demo review, so if I give anything away it's not in the meat of the game. Puzzles are way too easy, HOPs are merely smeared/blurred/obscured "hidden" objects, several plot devices and locations make no sense at all. Like the hospital room being so huge with a big diner-like seating area. And the obscure reference by the protagonist "Chris Andersen" to how he isn't a writer like his namesake. I leave you to figure this one out. *Cough* Little Red Riding Hood collectibles *Cough* We meet Rachel, who has a "new apartment". But just a bit later we find her apartment by looking at her electric bill. Hm. And once we are there, her neighbor says she "always brings a basket of goodies when I don't feel well". And we muse at Rachel's door whether "she" would be upset to find her granddaughter had been kidnapped. Who lives in this place, anyway, and how long have they been there? That's just the tip of the who-proofread-this-plot moments. Oh, and it's a nice touch to have everyone smoking in the bar...if you don't live in California or most of the rest of the US, where it's now illegal. Since this place is called "Bay City", I'm guessing its model is probably San Francisco. Or Bay City, Michigan. :) If you don't mind illogic, an incoherent plot, puzzles that can be easily solved in 20 seconds and lots of smeary "hidden" objects this is the game for you.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Looks like an old time management game from the "collect objects and bring them to the customer" era. Instructions are lame. I only played the first level, so I'm spoiling nothing. Investigators have to be placed on the place they want to go. Multiple ones want the same place, but you can only put one at a time. Then you have to get them the stuff they want. Then you wait while everyone's stars disappear for the guy to finish. There are delivery guys with boxes that just waltz right into the middle of a crime scene. No idea what they are for. There was a big green slider that said "swipe", so I did. Seemed to have no effect on anything. It's basically a brainless clickfest without even having the redeeming qualities of charming characters or a good story. Think I'll go re-play Royal Envoy.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
I downloaded this game because : 1. I love Solitaire 2. I know how to play about 100 different Solitaire variations and thought this might teach me some new ones, allow me to remember some forgotten ones or be some sort of challenge. 3. I thought it might have an entertaining story.
I loathe this game because: 1. It's not Solitaire, it's some weird variation where random cards are "special" and give you a "perfect score" even with cards left unplayed. 2. It's Golf. Just Golf. Only difference in the hands is the layout of cards. Weird layouts with cards at strange angles, which I can only guess is supposed to increase the difficulty of finding a card that you can play. Fails miserably. I was playing Golf at age 5. That's well over 50 years ago. Thought it might at least be Klondike, Canfield, Forty Thieves...something an adult can feel challenged playing. 3. No story. At all. Why title it after characters you don't ever see?
Oh, one more thing to hate. They give you coins to shop in the store for stuff I'll never use cause what Solitaire addict wouldn't just replay the hand? And while they are giving you coins for seemingly random plays, the whole screen freezes, my cursor goes nuts and I want to put my fist through my new Win10 computer touchscreen. Grrrr.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I love Solitaire. It's so relaxing, and I know how to play about 70 different kinds, so this game sounded wonderful. Unfortunately, it wasn't. The game is timed and you actually see your score go down if you take too long or you undo a move. Solitaire isn't time management, where the goal is to meet a challenge. It's a relaxing pastime to enjoy at leisure. Then there's the card movement. I need click-click to move cards due to a hand disability and this only provides drag and drop. And the tutorial is beyond annoying, forcing you to click each button on the interface as it tells you what it is before it goes away. On every page. Plus they spelt Forty Thieves as Forthy Thieves. That's just a minor annoyance, but it was the cherry on top of all the rest for me. If you want to race against time holding your mouse button down and chasing all over your desk with the mouse to play solitaire, be my guest. I prefer one of the more well-crafted versions out there, even if it doesn't provide as many variations.