Challenge to get 3 stars, fun enough to play multiple times to achieve 3 stars, cute storyline, upgrades are a stretch to reach, just enough to be addictive and fun!
Wow I own them all and this is favorite! Requires strategy and planning to get best score yet really entertains!!! Hope there's a sequel with farms for more food, that's my only wish
This storyline is very good, new and fresh/brighter than previous in this delightful series. I recommend it for a relaxing time with a bit of challenge. I achieved 3 gold stars each time after playing each level at least once, some more than twice, because there is strategy involved. But it is not too difficult IF you have played Weather Lord games before. SO grateful for the Collector's Edition game tips, which I used when unable to achieve 3 stars on two tries. AND the bonus levels are really cool. HIGHLY recommend this game for fun yet strategic entertainment. Hope to have more games like this soon, please BFG.
Great Strategy game -- so glad to have found this!
PostedSeptember 11, 2016
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
If you love strategy, time mgmt., and have patience, you'll like this game a lot, especially since it's not all rush-click-rush-click. One must think and often replay a level to make max score. I had to strategize how to save my money to purchase upgrades, even to the point where I chose to make a new profile to start over because I learned what did and did not work, yet still was entertained. It has enough challenge to be fun while relaxing, if that makes sense. We need more strategy/time mgmt. games, which is why I started searching through the list since there are so few new ones recently. GIVE IT A TRY. I'm so glad I did not let the negative reviews influence me.
Good game for days when you want to chill without too much stress. This is a game for escaping thoughts and to-do lists, just unwinding when there's nothing on TV. Sweet little story, nothing gets too crazy, although the challenge gets harder to get gold, requiring one to play each level more than once to perfect the strategy, which I like. I recommend this game for something different than other TM games. Just simple fun.
I own almost every Time Mgmt game there is and this is my NEW FAVORITE! Warning: It's addicting! Definitely needs strategic thinking and often played a level once or twice before getting max top score. Highly recommend this one if you like gathering resources and building things, because it has a new storyline and twists that make it different than other TM games. ENJOY!
This is an excellent time mgmt. -- mostly STRATEGY -- game. Other reviewers are good at explaining details, so I will mention my rating is based on what they say AND that it is an enjoyable challenge, meaning, it is NOT easy to get the Gold Ribbon, however, it is so addicting because of the colors and sounds and stories and different details that I see on each re-play of levels as I aim to get gold. I think, "Oh how did I not see that," and even after a long day at work, I'm relaxing as I put things in order in this game. It's the kind of game I will likely complete, and then start over in a new profile to make GOLD each time.
I was loving this game as one of my fave TM ever...until on Level 25 or 26, it just shut down, and when I logged back in, everything was gone, even my Player name and all my success of getting 3 stars on almost every now my rating drops to OK.
Fun game, great storyline, just challenging enough, had to replay a few levels to get gold, I strongly encourage purchasing if you like time management with some strategy that isn't alway same ol' send a guy to clear the road and collect food type thing. Those are fun, but this is a WELCOMED change!! I would really enjoy a Country Tales 2 also.
Wow, this was so fun, to just go on an adventure with a unique story line, that becomes more challenging and intricate as the game goes on. Rewarding to raise up a community from the ground up, build and improve, tear down when needed, strategize supplies and movements all along the way.while exploring and negotiating with Tradespeople. I hope there's a Book Four in this series!