although the map was not interactive which would have been a great help, and at 70+ this is so useful. Its a fantastic game, i only wish now i got the CE version, but it is well worth what i paid, a good long game, with fantastic graphics, enjoy its worth every penny
yawn, very slow boring game, could have been so much better. the scenes were good, some a visual treat, but i did not enjoy this trip at all, so the trial failed in tempting me too buy it
well not a game i would buy!, so disjointed in its story line its difficult to get into it. leaving the game instructions to those who went before me, i felt generous giving it a 3. colourful though, beginners would like it i think
PLAYED THE MAIN GAME, JUST TESTING IT FOR HIM LOL. Not really my cup of tea, but fantastic for youngsters. by the time i get it, everyone has said many of the things, that i would have said. Colourful, Pretty, nice sentiment, and ideal for teaching our young, the true values of life, in this i applaud the game masters. Have to play the bonus content, and since i'm very fond of cats, i look forward to enjoying this Even though its not my taste, i must recommend it, not too! would be churlish, enjoy, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU GAMERS Hugs xxx
Well its a sweet game, with beautiful graphics, but i found i got lost quite a bit! so thank god for the map!!! or the trekking would have driven me nuts. i loved the game but didn't feel the value first time around, so i'll be playing it again, i recommend this game for those who don't mind trekking all over the place, the scenes are lovely
its all been said before i had played it, so all i'll say is, its a pleasant way to pass the time. a rather short game, which is a pity. overall i'd buy it on special offer, as its not at all challenging.
well i cant speak for the rest of the comments left here, all i can say is they must be easily pleased. A disjointed load of garbage, not a game i should have bought, but don-t take my word for it, see what you think by trialling this game 1st. i found it tiresome, would probably suit a youngster lusting for the macabre
just finnished the trial, and as most of what it has, has been said, i wont bore you by repeating it. seems a good game, so far i liked everything about it. if it continues in this vein i reckon it will be an interesting game.
not much to ad really, except i found it enjoyable, colourful, very easy hos games, with option to change to 3 of a kind, i used this mostly as i dont usually like the hos games, but the hos, very very simple and easy to find. cant remember if there was a bonus chapter, but theres other games to play, like hos and puzzles, you really dont need the strategy guide i used it only once. a very simple easy game suitable for beginners, and maybe intermediates, but would not suit experts of this type of game. i recommend this
the one thing i liked was that it had no HO's other than that i found it a terrible bore, did not like the graphics, very old hat. i dont recommended it