This game simply doesn't work. You click on things, but nothing happens, but you know you've clicked as it makes a noise. Nowhere to put your name, nowhere to change settings. When you click on settings, nothing happens. Clicking on the pieces does nothing, so you click more and then it tells you you've used a lot of moves, despite nothing happening when you clicked. Then some instructions came up, so I did what it said and nothing happened. No way to access settings. No way to access "leave game". Had to press ctrl-alt-delete to leave.
I really liked the Roads of Rome original series, but everything that I liked about the original game doesn't exist in this newer version. Yes, it's modernised with the graphics, but it just doesn't work as well for me with the characters, the play and just in general. Shame, really, as I was looking forward to this. Guess it'll be another 6 months before anything decent comes from BF again.
Enjoyable game, and I've replayed it a few times. But it's far from perfect and there are some annoyances.
The sowing, reaping, collecting, and taking to stations, etc, are fun. The challenges to collect things is fun.
However, there are many irritants: The noise of the animals constantly making their noise is loud and annoying. It's literally constant, and louder than anything else in the gameplay. You can't shut it off and it's very overstimulating after a while when it's very unnecessary at the volume and frequency. It would be better if the animal noise was quieter or you could turn it off. I have to stop play after a few levels because of it. The animals eat very quickly, so very soon after feeding, you have to feed them again. Same with the water. This could be made better if you could upgrade, and when you're sat with $20,000, it won't let you upgrade and stays locked until it lets you, even when you have the money. It makes the game frustrating. The people moved very slow, until you can upgrade, and then it's the same as above; you have the money, but it won't let you upgrade as it stays locked. Anna milks the camels very very slowly. Again, irritating. The animals that come and steal the food are annoying and add nothing to the game. It's silly things like the camels standing in front of their food bowl, so you can't see if their trough is empty and it's hard to click on it when they're in the way! They also make it harder to click to plant the fruit as you can't see.
These frustrations have been repeated throughout all of the games in the series, which makes me wonder what planet the developers are on.
Overall, I would rate this game 3.5 stars. Enjoyable and I liked it, but it could be vastly improved very easily. I'd like to see a new one, but without the annoying parts!
I played on "untimed" mode, so why was it timed? The customers get angry within seconds, even on the supposed "easy" mode and within the first few levels. You have to click on the customer or the other guy exactly right or she won't go to the right person. There are so many combinations and you have to keep checking how to do the recipe as it's confusing. Plus, some of them don't even tell you how. This game gets hard and annoying very quickly and the customers start coughing, which is really annoying. With some tweeks, this game could be good, but it's not.
Enjoyable, I guess. I bought it as I have £80 worth of tokens due to the complete absence of any decent game BF brings out these days. It's very much like one of those "free" facebook games where you have to buy tokens to progress much beyond the 5th level.
I did find it hilarious that all the languages have a flag and instead of the British or English flag for the English language, they have an American one for it, instead.
I completed one level, and I know I should have probably played more, but it just seems to be a click-fest. I guess some people will like this, I don't particularly. I quite and deleted the game.
Sadly, that's all we seem to get with TM games nowadays.
The concept of this game is good, it's the type of format I like. However, the customers are very annoying. I played for my free trial hour, but towards the end, the customers were getting mad within seconds, and I found the coughing and grunting irritating, despite me playing in RELAXED mode!! What is relaxing about customers getting annoyed and coughing and complaining? Okay, I got 3 stars, but the idea of relaxed mode to me is the customers not getting annoyed within a few seconds. The different foods require different combinations, and if you did one single thing wrong (or you didn't place the cursor exactly right), you were screwed. I get people want different levels of difficulty, some people like this kind of madness, but I played RELAXED mode for a reason, not for the game to do the opposite.
As a direct consequence of the ridiculous difficulty on the supposed relax mode, I will not be buying. It's a shame, as this is the kind of game I love.
Guess I'll have to wait another 6 months for BF to bring another TM game out. Meanwhile, I have several thousand tokens/coins/whatever to use.
This is not a time management game, it's just resource gathering. There is no real skill involved, all you do is click on items to collect them, and then build up enough to click on another item to either build it, use it or destroy it. It's just a click-fest. The graphics are poor as the little men that run round are not much more than colourful stick men. No wonder I have about £60 worth of tokens to use if this is what we get. The sad fact is that there are other platforms that have TM games that BF don't have, so it's not as if they're not out there. Poor.
"Jane's Hotel" is an old classic series I really liked, which played very well. In fact, I've started playing them all again recently, seeing as BF and developers have given up on releasing new and decent TM games, so I was quite excited when I saw this game. However, I was disappointed. The graphics are better, which is to be expected, but the game play simply isn't that good.
I only played for the hour free-play, so my review is based on that: It's easy to pass every level and there is no real challenge. The characters are all white, Jane is white and the maid is white, as are all the customers. Where's the representation? The characters don't have any character. They're all the same with just slightly different tones of voice. You can't upgrade rooms and place characters in different rooms according to what they want. You can't choose the upgrade you fancy, it's just the next one they want you to have. The upgrades sometimes don't do anything to add to the game: ie: a cabinet that does nothing. You can't upgrade skills: ie: Walking speed, skill speed. So you can't upgrade the staff to walk faster or do skills quicker. You can't anticipate what a character wants and go and pick it up, you have to wait until they ask. Nor can you go towards somewhere (ie the main desk) by clicking on it, you have to wait until the customer asks for a key or wants to pay. The character walks back to the desk automatically, but only after a while. You can't just go there when you know a customer is on their way. You lose "hearts" when the plants wilt, but you can't water them before they wilt, so you just lose hearts and there is nothing you can do to prevent it, you have to just water them afterwards. And this happens a few times on each level. The maid does 90% of things, and when four people ask for everything at once, there is nothing you can do except make them wait. All levels are the same, except when you "buy" something new, say a sandwich maker. When I reached the next hotel, it looked exactly the same. Jane can't carry two things at once. So if two customers ask for two different things at the same time, you have to keep one waiting while she walks slowly around.
Very disappointing, considering it's supposed to be an updated new version of Jane's Hotel. It doesn't actually play any better, in fact, I'd say it wasn't as good as some of the previous incarnations of the series. I *may* have bought this if it was just the regular edition, but I'm not paying double, especially after reading the reviews that the game stays the same. I've got so many points/tokens, I could if I wanted. I dream of a decent TM game, but it appears BF aren't concerned about their customers anymore. Shame.
When I first downloaded this, I didn't expect much, seen as most TM have been very poor in quality recently. But I was pleasantly surprised. The graphics are pretty good, and the sound effects are fine, but I did turn the music off, but I always do. The game is far from perfect, and it does have some irritants: The characters seem slow, and will take the long way round to take food to people/take the money. A big thing for me was that on a few levels, it's hard to see what variations of food the customers want: eg; plates of fish with very very similar looking things with it that are hard to tell the difference between, I wasted a lot of time working it out and wasting time and thus points. On most levels, there are no instructions on how to prepare something, so you waste half a level working it out. But I just worked it out and started the level again. You have to click right on the customers, otherwise you might miss. You can't go to an area to wait for something to be made, you have to wait for it to be complete, so you can be stood around, then have to walk around to get it, when you could have saved a few seconds waiting next to it. It can be tough on some levels, and I played on "relaxed", it isn't relaxing. 99% of the characters are white, how about some representation?
However, despite this, the game is fun and addictive, I am enjoying it. Mostly because of the lack of even half-decent TM games offered.