I've had this game for quite some time. Just noticed no reviews. That's odd. This is a sort of flip-for-flap game where each move flips your opponents colors to yours. You try to end with the most. The storyline is a simple virus vs good microbes. It's not going to make you crazy trying to beat a level until much, much later on. Give it a shot. Something besides dark, evil, lurking whatevers taking over a town's children, decay, and running around to find that daggone key. :)
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I have not bought a game in YEARS!! Years I'm tellin' ya. I bought this one and it was super fun. I'm going to go back through and try for a gold on each level. But that's the problem too, there are only 40 levels. They need to upgrade this with more levels... not a Next Stop 3. :-D
This didn't have the 1 hour trial so I bought it blind. I had the worse time with this game. I kept running out of oxygen, and had to depend on a walk-through to get anywhere. Ended up uninstalling and watching most of it on Youtube. (Thank you to whomever it was that did that.) If you are intuitive enough to play this GREAT! Have fun. I just couldn't wrap my head around what I needed to do - and never got to the moon. ah well.
I was so "happy" once I figured out this was just puzzles and no story line or gory stuff. I enjoy playing this after all the mental stress at work. I just zone out and play, eat some chips, play, sip some water, play, let my mind tumble over things, play. Lalala! If I could sit in my tub and play I would.