Best Ms. Holmes from Elephant to date. Enjoyable play. Puzzles are easy to medium difficulty. Really good match puzzle in the Bonus chapter. Spoiler: No, it's not a gigantic shrimp. It's a wave.
As with a lot of the games over the past few months this one is another disappointment. I had hoped that it being the Halloween season BF would release a really good game. Remains to be seen. I've had 2 game credits for so long they're starting to grow mold.
I really enjoy these older style games that are novella mysteries. They are not the just point and click, need a hint get one, type of game. One can actually become engrossed in the story. I rated the visuals and sound based on the year of game, not by today's standards. Suggest you turn the voice all the way up in the controls and also enable subtitles. Wish they still made games like this one.
Not a big fan of Domini, but this game is real fresh breath of air in the long list of same old same old of late. Artwork is OK. Voice overs are excellent. Puzzles, not much new here. HOPS are pretty good. Storyline is where this one excels.
And yet another release of the seemingly never ending pre teen fairytale games. Seems that BF doesn't plan on publishing any more games for those of us who are over 16.
If you are 12 years old it would probably be a good game. Decent games with a more mature theme seem to be few and far between from BF over the past year.