Have only played this for 30 minutes but have already bought it. The storyline looks to be original, the graphics are supurb and the cut-scenes very well done. This coupled with a good musical score and voice-overs make it a must for me. The HOs are beautifully rendered and objects relatively easy to find. The atmosphere is well created and has aready given me a couple of shocks. The game opens in widescreen and has two game modes. I can't wait to find out what will happen in the end and that, for me, makes for a good game.
This game did not grab me at all. The English is poor and many of the items in the HOs are mis-named. The music is boring and the graphics grainy. No voice-over which makes the poor English even more evident. The storyline is OK if a little far-fetched and the only challenging thing I could find about the game was trying to decipher the mis-named items. HO scenes were also repeated and in some cases you had to find exactly the same items, which always drives me mad. On the basis of recent SEs - apart from those which were initially CEs - I think I will stick to buying CEs and Deluxe SEs in future.
This game had so much potential but for me it fell short of its promise. On the plus side, it opened in widescreen and the graphics were good, if a little grainy. On the other hand there is ony one game mode and the tuition is very basic. You play as two characters which makes it a little more interesting, but this does mean that some HOs are repeated with different objects. The puzzles are varied but not too challenging. The music was pretty banal, and there are no voiceovers. I think if a little more thought and effort had gone into the development this could have been a great game. I will still buy it howeverr, just to see how the storyline pans out.
While not being blown away by this game, it is one that I will get. The storyline is interesting, the graphics are good - if a little two-dimensional - and voiceovers well done. The HO scenes are clear, but some items are difficult to find due to the flatness of the graphics and the puzzles are a tad simplistic. OK for whiling away a dreary Sunday afternoon.
I purchased this game immediately and really love it. The graphics are excellent, the cut-scenes extremely well done and the HOs challenging. The puzzles are well thought out and the storyline is original and well written. I also like the fact that it opens in widescreen. This Dev always seems to deliver the goods.
This was a must-have for me as I loved the first two. This one seems even better! The storyline, graphics and music are all excellent. There are three modes of gameplay and believe me "hardcore" is exactly that! I like the interactive map, and the search for that "special" item. The HOs are clear and I love the fact that you have to use inventory items to get some of the objects. The puzzles are not so difficult that you want to give up. The only downside is the fact that the strategy guide does not keep up with the story - if and when I use an SG I don't really want to have to search through every page to get assistance. Even so this is well worth the extra credit.
I am really enjoying this one - bought it immediately after completing the demo. The prequel start is original and the storyline is good, if a little disjointed in parts. The graphics are extremely good and the cut scenes well done. The sound effects are pretty amazing and really add to the atmospheric feel of the game. All in all a good ambassador for the genre.
I knew this one would be good when I saw the Devs and it certainly does not disappoint. Both visually and musically this game is magnificent. The storyline is excellent and gripping. The HOs are of the pop-up variety rather than the usual lists and I personally prefer this. I have now played for two hours and am only on chapter two, which bodes well for the length of the game. Can't wait to get back to it. Well worth the extra credit for the CE version I think.
I nearly gave up on this one within 10 minutes of starting, but persevered and found that I was quite enjoying it. It won't be to everyone's taste but those who like to puzzle their way through scenes will enjoy it. The main difficulty with the game is actually finding where you can move to, the puzles themselves are relatively easy. The graphics are good but the music is a little irritating.
I've just finished playing the first hour of this and am absolutely loving it. The graphics are clear and very beautifully executed. The storyline is good - ghost appears to ask for help in the past - and the gameplay is smooth and logical. The puzzles are not too difficult and the HOs are relatively easy to find. There are some quite scarey cut-scenes which really set the scene well. All in all one of the better SE's of late.