For those who have snake fears, this is not the game for you. Once again, i was fairly excited by a game that was a bit more challenging and had some unusual games, but then, unlike HO scenes with snakes in them this had an underground scene filled with writhing snakes. It was just too much for someone with a snake phobia. Literally had to walk away from the computer and have my daughter shut down the program. Shame, I was liking the game until that point. I would recommend it, if you are not afraid of snakes...just fair warning out there for those of us who are.
A lot of times these CE games end up making me wish I had waited for the regular version. However, this time the extras on this game were new and fresh games that had not been played yet in the main game. They were also a bit tougher than the other portions of the game. I enjoyed the challenge having finished the game. It was a pleasant surprise. I really enjoy these type of HO...such as find 13 wooden objects. Where I do not have to keep referring back to a list, and wonder if they mean Bow like in bow and arrow or Bow like in hair bow.
I really enjoyed this game....I have one BUT....I am not just afraid...I am terrified of snakes. I realize that the world does not need to tailor the games to me...but I would really like to be forewarned. I had to have my son play several scenes for me because there was just too many snakes or it involved snake interaction. I realize that they appeal to the creepiness of the game...but I wish game makers would realize that there are a lot of people out there who fear spiders and snakes and interacting with them on a game is not the fun that the game intends.
I have loved Azada since the very first one came out. This one sort of fell a little short for me as the play time didn't seem as long and the story, rather than having the original theme that made it so fun in the first place, seemed to want to grab onto the "dark and gloomy" that many games seem to want to meander towards these days. I liked the orginal sense of mystery....this one seemed to want to just take advantage of the gothic evil and hellfire that so many game makers want to take advantage of. I am not one to hate on that genre....but it does begin to all blend after awhile.
As to the specific puzzles themselves, I have to say I did see new puzzles that I really did like. Ones that I would have liked to have seen incorporated a few more times. I spent most of my time picking things up from one place and running to another to place them just to get to the puzzle that it didn't seem I spent enought time actually puzzling out and thinking things through.
All in all I enjoyed the game,and for those who like adventure games, and don't really like the HO games, this is a good game. I think the story wavers and is not as good as previous Azada story lines, however, I have played some really great games and some real stinkers...This one rates pretty high. A few stumbles here and there...but all in all a good play. For the hard and fast adventure player, it won't be the best play..but it will be a good game. For the avid HO/A player : you will enjoy it immensely.
Unless, like me, all the gothic doom and gloom (or the other side of that coin...fantasy fairy land) has just started to wear on you.
It is the only real drawback to the game I can find.