Well, I'm an avid mahjong player and this game intrigued me, interested me and I really looked forward to seeing what major cities in the WORLD we would get to explore. I played the entire hour demo and, unless I missed something MAJOR, never left the port of New York. Because, that's the only city the game started with and, although I got a great history lesson about it, never advanced anywhere else.
You DO learn multiple ways of playing mahjong. Pay attention, because it only gets explained the first time. Solitaire, Great Wall, Unpair, 5 Second and more. All the great games of mahjong here in one game.
I THOUGHT we would rifle through the various games once and move on to another city but, alas, we repeated and repeated and repeated games, in no order whatsoever (except for the first 10 levels where you're being taught the various games). That makes sense, 10 varieties, 10 levels, move on to the next great city or, at the very least to break up the monotony, give us some more interesting facts about the city we're in - New York.
By the end of the demo hour I was so bored with this game despite the variety of games to play it was pathetic. 3 stars is a major, major stretch for me in rating this and only because it does offer so many ways to play the game of mahjong.
Unfortunately, the DEVS missed a big bet with this one. It had the potential to be an amazing game - if only someone would have noticed the incredible boredom of it before it was put on the market. Not a purchase for me.
Because that's what the game seemed like. Looking for hearts, clovers, stars, mushrooms, and a whole variety of items. The first tutorial level had you looking for, and being show where they are (3) whole clovers. Enjoy, because that will be your easiest level.
First, go to "options" and change the "quality" of your graphics to "high". This will make the colors, etc. pop more but will also make the items you're looking for pop more as well.
Second, you don't have to wait for the Leprechaun to "throw/toss" the items into the air. They are already placed. You can start clicking as he's throwing.
Third, each level is different and you can what it's going to be by checking out around the Leprechaun before the level. It will say "butterfly" or "crowns" or "stars" or "hearts" or whatever he plans to "throw/toss". What you have to search for.
Fourth, there is a map button on the right side of the screen. There are generally 3 pots of gold (right) in each level (that's how the locations rise up to 270). If you can't find all the "stars, hearts or whatever" in the first location, go to the map, click on another pot of gold to take you to another location and find as many as possible there. Usually, 2 locations will fulfill your quota.
After each level, you play a "game of chance" with the Leprechaun wherein you get to choose number 1, 2 or 3 on a gold coin. You can win a small to large amount of coins. For what? These coins accumulate and you do nothing with them.
As you level up, the items become very opaque or silhouetted as opposed to solid. Good luck.
The moons, crowns and lightning bolt levels were the most difficult for me. The moons and lightning bolts were so miniscule as to be non-existent in a background of like colors.
There is a "gold" timer on the left side of the screen in a pot of gold. It continually counts down. Also, you earn hints. The higher the level, the more hints you earn. I finally got 3. But, if you need them you have to pay to use them AND I recommend you save them for the very last chance you need to. Otherwise, there's a click penalty that also costs coins and when the coins run out you have to repeat the level.
I made it to level 20 before I had to repeat a level and the demo ran out. Thank you because I would have uninstalled the game at that point, knowing I'd never find those stupid crowns no matter what.
Happy Gaming and Good Luck with this one, you're going to need it.
So, this time we're off on a cruise but, that's where the fun ends.
The graphics were horrible. Oh, don't get me wrong, the colors were all very pretty as were the moving bulletin boards. No voice overs - in this day and age?
What I Liked: Hmmm. Nothing.
Wait! Unlimited hints that recharged quickly. I needed them.
The demo ended.
What I Disliked: Well, of course, EVERYTHING about this game is one big HOG and, therein lies the problem. The items were so small or so impossibly blended in that they were impossible to find without resorting to the old "point and click" routine. Also, tooooooo many items in one area to find 12. I get this is an HOG, but is it supposed to be a stressful, unenjoyable one?
While the mini games were enjoyable, to a degree, I did not see a skip button. I cannot play those slider puzzles and could not find a skip button anywhere. Am I forced to play puzzles I simply can't?
And is it necessary for the constant blinking in another HOG? Hurts some people's eyes, you know.
We are instructed early on that where the sparkles are, we will find an object. So, sparkles in a bakery, found an object. Sparkles come back, can't find anything. Click on it repeatedly, still can't find anything. Clicked on the hint (also all the time) was directed to the sparkles. Clicked on the hint while in the sparkled area and it bounced me out. Yet, the sparkles continued even after I finished the level. Hmmm.
There was no sense of flow or direction. A pop-up box that said this is where you go to do this or that and, presto-chango - you are there doing another impossible HOG.
It appears that there is a mini game after every 2 or 3 levels. For what purpose, I don't know. There is no sense of direction in this game. And, I've never been on a cruise before so one of the mini games was almost impossible for me to figure out - took a LONG time.
You can buy souvenirs, yay.
I've always wanted to go on a cruise, but I'll skip this one. It wasn't entertaining or enjoyable in the least. This "vacation" game is another dud for me. Not a purchase for a ton of reasons.
Enjoy this beautiful adventure set in a unique interactive 3D Thailand! Complete mysterious puzzles and find hidden objects. Prepare for an unforgettable experience!
Okay, There may be a heart of gold but, in my opinion, it's the DEVS who have a heart of gold, gold, gold.
We have been given a CE quality game at an SE price. There's a LOT of CE bling attached to this SE game. Why am I starting with that? Because it's only frigging AMAZING!
32 Achievements - you heard me right - ACHIEVEMENTS! Collectibles? 11 Secret Letters (to find???) 16 Buddha Statuettes (where? how?) One showed up in the "Statuette" page but how did it get there? WHERE did I find it?
The story line goes on and on. Kate, an Archeologist, heads to Thailand to meet a young "student". A monk? I know a bit of history about the Dalai Lama (is that Thailand?). When the Dalai Lama dies, a search (that can go on for years) is started to find a baby born when the Lama died. We are currently, in real life, on the 14th Dalai Lama. If that child is found and can recognize personal items belonging to the previous Dalai Lama, he is considered the new Dalai Lama and enters into training. Is that what this is about?
The boy/monk has gone missing. But, mysteriously, your "guide" seems to know a LOT more than he actually lets on. And why are you teaching a monk/boy anyway? And what are you teaching him? First, he has to be found.
What I Liked: The graphics are amazing. The legend, told in pieces, is so mesmerizing. I just want to go on and on and on and learn more. The voices were amazing. All accents were spot on! Even the guide's, which other games would have had difficulty achieving.
The hint button, recharges so quickly, and it needs to because I needed a lot of help.
The journal. Contains pages for notes (please read, very important to the story and what you have to do), objectives (also important to keep you on track), Buddha Statuettes (see above), Secret Letters (also, see above).
HOGs. While they were FROGs, which I dislike, it didn't seem to bother me. And were there other types of HOGs or was that part of a mini game?
Mini Games: New, refreshing ideas and definitely need patience and thought. DON'T give up. Didn't see a skip or reset button.
These DEVS! Where did they come from? I know where they're going - up, up and up the ladder of success if their games keep coming out like this one.
What I Disliked: Ok, I'm a bit of an idiot and like my sparkles or magnifying glass or whatever to let me know where to "look" for things. Not so here, and I played on the easiest of 3 settings. There is, however, a BIG, white-gloved, hand that points in you various directions. Like a clown's hand but I think you can change to the system cursor in "Options".
60 minutes of demo time was NOT ENOUGH! This is a demo that definitely needed a full 90 minutes, unless the game is short.
The map. Which has to be found and put together. Like a mini game. No legends to direct you where to go, why, is there something to do. Transportable - yes. Helpful? Not too sure. Not for me anyway.
The way the screen moved. Not comfortable with this but I could probably get used to it. When video games upgraded from 2D many years ago, I had to stop playing them - I get dizzy.
Click and Drag EVERYTHING. My right hand is damaged from an accident and it's difficult for me to do that well.
In addition, surrounding the hint button, located on the bottom - right side of the screen, there are 5 round circles. Items you find that will be helpful throughout the game will be located here (a flashlight - which comes as a gift, a gecko you can name - sorry, you people who hate that but I like the gecko, and 3 others I didn't find yet).
There's also a "star" shaped thingy at the top left of the screen which, when you click on it, shows you different direction you can go in, but not necessarily that you should go there.
There's a little box at the right of "inventory" that will say "entrance", "chedi" and other words. Click on it and you will be transported there. Generally, I found, when you see that, that's where you need to go.
Although I got my personal "wow" factor (as indicated in my title), I am truly on the fence about this game. The reasons being in my "Dislike" explanations. One of two of those could be real deal-breakers. But, this is such an amazing story - the legend just grabbed me and I want to know more. I want to know why the guide is sending Kate on a wild goose chase to find the monk/boy when I think he knows exactly where he is. And, I want to meet this incredibly important young man. I get goose bumps and wish this were a real life scenario and I COULD meet him.
I hope this encourages everyone to at least try the demo and form your own Likes and Dislikes. Mine are mine. Purchasing a game is always a personal choice. I just wish I knew more clearly what MY choice was going to be.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
51of63voted this as helpful.
Shrouded Tales: The Spellbound Land Collector's Edition
Your magical powers have finally awakened. Now you have the strength to free your mother from the Shadow Realm!
I'm really not quite sure how to review this game as I had to stop playing the demo a few times (puppy having tummy troubles) so maybe it didn't flow right because of that. Still, I did play it eventually - lol - and I did love it!
As a young girl, your mother was banished to the Shadow Realm and your city was placed under a dome (sounds like a t.v. show I know and love - hah!). Your character has now reached an age where her magic is maturing and she is destined to go find her mother, save her from the Shadow Realm and bring her city back into the light (whatever that means).
The graphics are amazing - no over zealous colors (devs kept their crayons away - thank you). Music was turned down so can't comment on that. Disappointed that lip syncing was in opening cut scene and then stopped throughout the rest of the game (should have given a lesser rating for that but I'm feeling generous today).
As you move through the game play, you discover runes - can't miss them because they are like big, bright lights whenever you spot one - which in turn leads you to create various spells. Handy ones, too, such as "repair anything" and "rejuvenate/dispel greenery/plants, etc." I wouldn't mind having a few of those in my life - lol. You also move, quite frequently and, sometimes, dizzyingly (is that a word?), from real life to the Shadow Realm and back again. Sometimes, just for one little item - say, for instance, to recover the human remains. How'd you like to carry THAT around in your inventory?????
3 modes of difficulty (sorry, no "custom"), the hint button on "casual" recharges remarkably fast. No journal, but there is a Spellbook, once you find it. And, your inventory or completed spells is kept at the top, center of the screen.
The HOGs were incredibly different. Nothing I've ever seen before - no lists, nor really silhouettes - not telling - play the demo to find out. Mini games weren't too difficult, some needed a little thought.
Going by download time, and the map, this game appears to have ...... LENGTH! YAY! One of the major components in purchasing a CE. Also, bonus game. No collectibles or morphing objects as far as I can tell (bad DEVS, no donut). There is a section in "Extras" marked "Lost Pages" but not sure what that's all about .... yet.
All in all, this game definitely gave me my personal "wow" factor - which makes it a definite purchase - definitely. Also, I found myself talking to the computer ("huh?", "what?" "seriously?" and "hmmm") so who wouldn't want a game that makes you do that? Hmmmm?
Waiting for Bonus Punch Monday to use my coupons/credits and earn a free game after my "purchases" but can't wait to own this baby. Hey! Come on, jump the bandwagon and give this gem a try.
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
25of42voted this as helpful.
Murder, She Wrote 2: Return to Cabot Cove
Take on the role of beloved murder-mystery writer Jessica Fletcher and return to lovely (but lethal) Cabot Cove!
Well, imagine MY surprise when I played this demo for the 2nd time. Apparently, I was so unimpressed the 1st time I quit after barely 10 minutes. This time ..... just a little bit different. .... I REALLY LIKED IT!!!!
There are 3 cases to solve in this newer version of "Murder". The first begins with the apparent murder of a well-loved art dealer in Cabot Cove. AND, a very special painting was stolen - CUT from the very frame it sat in. Oh dear. Who could be responsible? Well, during the demo, there's the daughter of the famous painter who painted the stolen painting. Does that paint splatter match the one found in the art gallery? The friendly female artist who locked herself out of her studio? What is that paint card doing there? Hmmm, always look at those closest to the victim - at least that's what they do on t.v. - so could it be the ....... brother?
Guess we won't find out until we play the game. And, by "we", I mean ME TOO! LOL. This is definitely on my wish list.
Not as wordy conversation-wise as the first murder case in Cabot Cove so maybe why this one held my interest more. HOGs (hidden object games) could be a bit better. You still have to find the missing vowels off Jessica's typewriter but the itemized list of words is really, really tiny and difficult to see - often having to resort to point and click to get any luck in finding objects.
Hope I see you all in Cabot Cove so we can solve these 3 mysteries together!
This is definitely as creepy as creepy goes. Would have been a great Halloween scare.
Again, the Diva is up to her old tricks, causing people to swoon (not really) at the sound of her voice. But, wasn't she dead in the opening scene? Didn't those creepy skeleton ghosties do something to bring HER skeleton back to life (or was she just ext-r-e-m-ely skinny in that casket). Now, how did THAT happen????? And, why did no one realize the "W"itch was dead? (Feel free to change letters are you choose.)
My concern, as seems to be a usual thing of late, is the length of the game. The rumor mill has it (or the watercooler or wherever you choose to spread the word, gossip, take notes, tattle on others, etc) that the game is extremely short. If this is the case, definitely not a buy for me. CE bling and a great story is wonderful and all that - but my money also considers a game's worthiness in it's lengthiness.
So, try the demo - read the reviews - check out the Forum - and make the big decision for yourself. It's what I'm goign to do before I decide which side of the fence I'm going to jump onto. WHAT are the 3 most important things to you when purchasing a CE? Hmmmmm?
Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
14of21voted this as helpful.
Fashion Solitaire
Style models with trendy outfits in a cool fusion of solitaire and fashion design, provided by Lifetime Television.
This is a fashion dress up game. The only thing "solitaire" about it is that the different styles of cllothing (a lot of which are ugly) are on cards - that's it.
Dress various models in clothes given you or that you can ultimately create. Bonuses given for cards that contain your own styles, matching model requirements, etc.
What I Liked: Nothing
What I Disliked: Clothing didn't match the requirement for "night on the town". Choices stayed too limited so your "own personal line" was all the same styles.
Too many models, not enough hair styles. I'd run out of hair for the models before I'd run out of models. What sense is it to have 7 models to dress and 4 hair(s) for the level? And no skip button. The undo button couldn't be specified for an outfit or piece of clothing.
There are a lot better dress up games on the BFG site.
If you have a desire to play dress up, go to the mall.
So, Zeus has decided his daughter is going to take over his rule. The other gods disagree. In order to prove she's the right one, she has to beat the other gods.
There are 12 gods to beat. Each has 3 minions. So, basically, for each "level" you have to beat 4 individuals/monsters/god/whatever. The first god is your brother who is on your side and agrees that you are the rightful successor to Zeus. So, he "practices" with you - basically a tutorial. It's worth it to play.
You have "points". I guess they're like health or life points - as does your opponent. Often, your opponent will have more points than you.
This is a match 3 game. You destroy your opponent by making matches of 3 or more gems. Matches of 4 or more and you get an extra turn. After every level, you have a choice of 2 bonuses, such as "fireball", "ice blade" and others. The bonuses each have different damage points to the opponent. Some also give you extra turns or refresh your damage. So, choose your bonuses wisely. They accrue but then they also get used up. For instance, I had to get a new fireball 2 or 3 times.
Here's the thing. I never lost. Luck? Good match 3 choices? Or just an easy game? I kicked b___ on 6 gods and there 3 minions each. So, that's 24 victories. And, I'm not talking "close calls" either. I had a minimum of 40 or more of my 60 points remaining most of time.
And, after beating 6 of the 12 gods and their minions, according to the "map" there were only 6 left. Does that mean I played half the game during the demo?
While it's very strategic game play and I enjoy match 3 games, I found this less than challenging and not very entertaining. Also, the length of the game disturbed me. For these reasons, this game is not a purchase for me. I do, however, recommend that anyone who likes to fight the gods and their minions to give this demo a try.
If you read the game description on it's download/buy page, it sounds intriguing. Mysterious. But, get into the actual game and it's more confusing than anything.
What I Liked: The graphics were good. The scenery was very pretty.
What I Disliked: The story had no flow, no consistency and made no sense once you got 2 minutes into the game. Just as the game description says, you haven't heard from your sister in months and have gone to her school to find out what's happened to her.
The characters you meet talk AT you. There is no conversation. It is all one-sided so you really have to guess what it is you're asking or saying. Weirdest thing I've ever seen.
You end up in strange places without any idea how you've gotten there. Why? How? Nothing is explained. Things just happen for no apparent reason - and not in a good way.
There may be 2 or 3 (if you're lucky) places to "investigate (where the magnifying glass shows up) in each location. And, always, the items you need are never in that location so there's a lot of back and forthing. Also, when you DO "look" at something, the magnifying glass is a decent size but the area - how can I explain this - if you're supposed to be looking at a flower at the bottom of a tree - the magnifying glass will not only show up at the bottom of the tree but the middle, top and sides just to show the same location. Ridiculous. There is no sense of direction as to where you go next or what you need to do so you use the hint button a lot - I dislike that.
The compass which you think is a map just shows you the various directions that are available for you to go in.
There's a journal/diary in the lower right side of the screen. The tutorial doesn't mention it. It contains a lot of info, story info, etc. It doesn't light up, sparkle or go "boo" when something new is added (sarcasm with the "boo"). When I finally discovered it there were over 6 pages to catch up on.
What is the point of this game? You pass out as soon as you enter your sister's room - why? What's the use of the amulet? It's not explained - it just sits there in your inventory for the longest time. There was a dreamcatcher in one of the HOGs. Is that significant? Dreamcatcher is in the title of the game, how cool it would have been to have collectible dreamcatchers. Devs missed a good one there. Why is the dark mist called a "demon" by everyone and what is it's significance to ANYTHING? These are all questions that should be answered or alluded to in the beginning moments of a game so you have some idea what you're doing and why. This game gives you nothing (and not in a good way) and goes nowhere fast. Oh, yeah, forget that - it goes downhill extremely fast.
This game had a lot of potential if only the developers would have given it some thought. High School students could have put together a better game than this. I (capital and stressing sounds) could have put together a better game than this and I'm computer illiterate.
It's a no-brainer that this game is not for me. Nor do I recommend anyone else waste their precious time on it.