I have been so bored of the dark games that have been here for the last few months, finally we have a fun , happy game and its great, lovely graphics, great scenes, I waited for this game to come out , bought it immediately and wasn't disappointed, love it !!!!
so boring that if you want something to make you go to sleep forget pills and just play this, thank heavens I only played the trial. words fail me as to how dull this is,
i have loved all the previous puppet stories but this is a disaster, pathetic storyline, very very short for a full price story and all round really disappointing. the puzzles are not challenging and the puppets hardly put in an appearance apart from the annoying helper. so sad that yet again a great game is reduced to a small and pricey story. I bought this unplayed in the hope that it was going to be as good as the previous ones - its not - avoid it and save your money !
another huge disappointment, what happened to the glory days of the MCFs, Ravenshurst etc, now we just have a horrible mess where once there was a storyline, a screen we could actually see ( this was so dark as to be ridiculous ) and this horrible voice over again, please find someone else. It truly is time to retire these games, its so sad and I don't like writing awful reviews like this, but i'm afraid this one deserves it. if you can't produce the quality, STOP !!!!
i love redemption cemetery tales, that is until now, what used to be great fun is now just another storyline with none of the fun factor or storyline left. I was so disappointed, I bought this game because of its name, I won't make that mistake again. its not the redemption cemetery games I love, please try and get it right if you do another. very very disappointed
i don't often review games but this time i had to - what have you done to MCF ??? there was no storyline to follow, it was a total mess which had no thread at all. the graphics as always are well done, but this isn't worth the money , I didn't even bother playing the bonus game. please rethink and come up with something that has a proper story and not this awful mish mash of rooms etc. very very disappointed.
as usual I waited for the new MCF game to come out and hoped and hoped we would be back to the quality I had experienced with Dire grove, early RAvenshurst etc. But we are now 5 years back with no real characters, terrible storyline, and nothing really to do with the Ravenshurst story. So I am disappointed beyond belief to the extent I cant be bothered to even play the extra game, I just deleted it. so sad to see the demise of a great game story disappearing. very very disappointed
love elephant games, but this one was a huge let down, so easy as to be childish, worthless storyline, for 2 credits was far too short a game, and just got bored , no use of brain at all, what a disappointment.