No, this is not a return to the good ol' MCF games. I was bored silly after ten minutes. The storyline is interesting so I had hopes, but the gameplay is terrible. Really bad HOS's--dull and easy. Mini games were slightly challenging, at times tedious, but not visually complex or interesting. Random accents on the narrator and characters. Please stop this series. It's just ruining a great legacy.
This is one of the rare times I find myself agreeing with the 5-Star reviews. I was a huge fan of the first Enigmatis, hated the second; this one is not quite as good as the first, but still really entertaining.
What I like about the Enigmatic series is that it has a good, clear storyline. You know what your mission is, and it's fun and easy to go with the flow. This did not disappoint.
The atmosphere and graphics are OUTSTANDING! Just a joy to play.
The HOS's were fantastic. The puzzles on the easy side, but that's ok. They were extremely well done.
GREAT collectibles! I would recommend the CE for those alone.
I didn't mind that this was set in Tibet. It was still kind of spooky and interesting.
I've played hundreds of HOG games and this one is instantly forgettable. There is literally nothing good about it. Colors and graphics were awful!!! Just awful! Kind of blurry/sketchy (and not in a good way), dull browns and blues. The storyline is absolutely 100% rehashed dullsville we've seen a GAZILLION times before. Nothing interesting or new about it in the least. Boring. The hide and seek was absolutely predictable, storyline predictable, character scenes annoying. The "collectibles" are just random coins. Not very clever or interesting. What a SNOOZE. Finished the demo, trying to be "fair" and feel completely satisfied with my review.
And I was impressed. There is a LOT I like about this game.
1. It FLOWS. There's not all this running back and forth trying to remember things from way back. There's a little back and forth but not bothersome at all. 2. Beautiful and easy graphics. By easy I mean light and pleasant. 3. Lots of fun puzzles and HOGs. 4. Charming storyline. 5. LOTS of fun challenges, which is always my favorite. Three different extra object searches include morphing ones.
My one criticism is that overall it is too easy. I would put it at easy-medium challenge and would have preferred it to be much harder. But it is so pleasant to play I didn't mind.
I absolutely love this series, and I truly think this is the best of all. They just continue to surprise!
I like this the best because it's HARD. The hardest, by far. You really have to think. It's so challenging. So, lots and lots and lots of challenging game play!
At the same time, they have added some fantastic new graphics, while keeping the same format. The underwater scenes are fabulous! Well done!
What can I say that hasn't already been said? Gorgeous, beautiful game welll worth the CE price. I absolutely loved it.
Highlights for me: --I really loved the storyline! Not since DIre Grove and 13th Skull and some of the Grim Tales have I actually NOT skipped the cut scenes. Very very charming and fun. --the scenery and graphic design is absolutely out of this world. You can just look and look and look. It makes you feel good to know these designers tried hard to make the experience wonderful for us. Kudos! --the Bonus Game was a BLAST!! It was long and fun and challenging and I can't wait to play it again --this game has major replay value. From the graphics to achievements and hidden objects, I just want to play it again!
My two cents... I got this game because of all the great reviews. While it certainly isn't bad, it's not as great as I thought it should be. I found it repetitive, not challenging enough, and most of all I really disliked the graphic layouts. Some scenes literally looked like someone tossed a narrative in a blender and threw it on a page. There's a car on a tree next to a scarecrow--huh? They didn't integrate the elements with the story very well. Felt tossed together and lazy, like they couldn't be bothered to make it more coherent. The storyline is good, but the cut scenes are so hammy and slow they got on my nerves. SOME of it is great and gorgeous, but then it will switch to another "blender" scene lol. Definately worth 3 stars but I won't want to play it again.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
Well, this way better than the last one but that's not saying much. I really wanted to love this and I really gave it an open mind, but it is just not good. I tried and tried to keep giving it a chance to get better and it never did. I am actually shocked that they think this is a great game.
I loved the new way of doing HOS and I loved the matching drawings. All that is very fun. HOWEVER, that's pretty much all there is, folks. There are hardly any puzzles and what's there are very very easy. THere is hardly ANY storyline. It is a lot of to-ing and fro-ing through very dull, empty buildings with NOTHING going on.
How many times did I walk into a room in this game and have nothing to do? Nothing to click on, engage with. Over and over and over. Why design all these places only to hardly do anything with them??? THis was easliy the most boring, repetitive MCF game. There was no game to it really. It is a series of HOs, that;s it. They were well done, but it's hardly anything more.
MCF has definately, definately jumped the shark and been totally surpassed in the HO genre., When I think how good the Grim Tales series is in comparison, it is embarassing.
I really did not want to have to write a negative review. I really really didn't. BUt I had to.
It was so dull I can't imagine ever wanting to pay it again.
I have to say I was disappinted with this game. I like the Mystery Trackers series, but in my opinion this is the worst of the bunch. I found it to be too simple and less involved than the other Mystery Trackers games. It has very little replay value for me. Once I finished I had no desire to play again.