I read the reviews and have to agree that, yes it's not as good as the previous games in the series; yes, in comparison the graphics are a bit disappointing and the gameplay a little less varied; there are a few badly designed elements like things you have to attend to obscured by your Taskbar... I was in fact a bit disappointed when opening the demo and thought the graphics seemed to be going backwards.
And yet, I have played it twice over (Timed then Multiclick). Love this series!!
I had much the same reaction playing the demo of the first, thinking "this looks awful".. but got totally hooked in the gameplay. It's become one of my favourite series, there is so much going on - buildings, roads, bridges etc. to repair, obstructions to remove, fires to put out, gas leaks to switch off, resources to fish and buy, robbers to fend off, and of course people to save - by plane, boat, truck, rescue dog, medic... Sometimes from multiple bases so you have 2 or 3 camps of workers going on at once.
While the graphics may be a bit boring, they are constantly animated - the people are moving, rain is falling, fire is flickering, mist floating, bobbing in the water, etc. This game also has a shop where you buy upgrades as you go (your coinage depends on how many stars you finish with at each level).
I hope I'm not making it sound complicated, it's really not - actions just don't feel so repetitive when you are doing a different thing all the time - way more fun than the standard fare of most TM games. The level of challenge is a bit easy, especially when you know the best strategy, tho' I had to play a few levels 2 or 3 times to figure out what that was.
This "one-of-the-worst" is still WAY better than many of the TM games on offer. BF - more of these please!!
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
Cute graphics but seriously boring gameplay for an adult, I thought I must have accidentally missed the "very young kids" rating and downloaded a game for the under 10's, that's how it played for the first couple of scenes... and that's all I could stand.
I didn't feel like I had much control over the hook sinking and rising ever so slowly, unless madly clicking the mouse up/downwards was making any sort of difference. It went up and down as it wanted, I couldn't make it stop at a certain point, it had to go up all the way on the way up, and out of visual range when it got to the bottom. Eeergggh too much waiting.
Found moving the boat forward & back just as clunky and slow. After reading the first highly rated review I wonder if the game was it running slow on my computer? I found it challenging in all the wrong ways. I passed the first 2 levels with 3 stars despite the slowness and misses while trying to figure out if there was more to the controls.
I love fishing games, so bit disappointed in this one - if the graphics were matched with smoother controls/actions more like some of the other fishing games out there, it would be a really fun game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Arcade & Action, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I love TM games, will play all of them at least thru the demo, but I didn't last 10 minutes before I deleted this one. That's a first for me... Especially given I'm hanging for the next TM game (just finished Viking Brothers 2).
So I didn't play it anywhere near enough to see if maybe it got better? My 6 minutes was tiresome, no fun at all. Clunky, waiting, can't click ahead - gameplay is boring, limited and repetitive, and graphics aren't anywhere near cool enough to compensate. Can't comment on the sound, I didn't have it on.
I'm a big TM fan and I usually play a game right thru the trial hour before making a decision either way, but I gotta say I abandoned this one halfway into the trial.
I was totally bored for the first few levels, simple clicks from customer to gardener/wrapping table etc. and back to customer. Ok, a lot of games start off super-easy but this posed no challenge whatsoever, just a bunch of repetitive actions.
Then an extra staff was introduced and it got a little more interesting, as you have to make sure the right person was selected to get your task done, but I just found it annoying. Particularly when sending the wrong staff to a customer, which holds up the order unless you have them move on first.
Maybe it does get more engaging and in my half hour I didn't give it a chance? In any event, while I do really like the character faces, the rest of the graphics were boring, this game could have come out 10+ years ago for its look and feel.
Not for the seasoned TM fan I don't think. Not enough to keep me interested. With so few TM games on offer, it's a shame this one is well below par :(
I do love these Rescue Team games, so I was thrilled when this No. 5 came out! I just finished playing it in Relaxed mode after the Timed mode and wish there was more of it to play! This is the only game I bother to play in Relaxed mode and can enjoy as it is, without a timer to play against.
Yes it's much the same as previous games, with all the running around rescuing people and animals (why just cats I'll never know lol), building and repairing structures, clearing road debris, shutting off gas leaks, putting out fires, collecting resources, mobilising rescue copters and trucks, doctors and policemen etc. etc. There is a bit going on, there aren't many options by way of strategies, it's a fairly straight-forward game, but it's still pretty enjoyable.
It's relatively easy to get gold/3 stars on all/most levels in even timed mode without too much frustration. The degree of challenge could be a bit better I guess but it's not a criticism, I like this game this way, it means I can enjoy a level or two winding down for the day rather than starting an epic battle just before bed...
I have marked this one lower than the others tho, I have to agree with other reviewers that No. 4 was better, and the series continues to be awfully sexist in it's characterisations - no female workers, doctors or firefighters, only female civilians in need of rescue (*sigh* that this still presents an issue in this day and age). Of course, this probably has less to do with any actual chauvinism on the part of the game's creators and more to do with simplicity in the game development (all the policemen look identical, same with the doctors and labourers, only the civilians look different with a couple of different types. No doubt it is easier/quicker/cheaper to have one action character type in the game dev than two of each). Still, there's no room for it in this day and age, it doesn't really send an appropriate message.
Maybe in the next one (there had BETTER be a next one!!! lol), compromise and make the doctors female? Surely that's not too much of a stretch...!!! (of course if it means a quicker next release, you can make them all cats and pumpkins for all I care!!)
I just love these games and find myself returning to play them every year or so when I'm waiting in those long periods between TM games (we need more, BF). I never play Relaxed (untimed) on any TM games, this is the first game that I enjoy playing in Relaxed mode (once I've played it our with gold on every level, of course).
I just love all the things going on - the fires, storms, floods; various people and animals to rescue, roads to clear, buildings to repair/build... Strangely I wasn't enamoured with the first one I played, almost didn't get through the demo... I thought the graphics were a bit amateurish. But then something clicked and I started to enjoy it a LOT... The graphics and story line in this one are better than the previous games. I can't put my finger on why I love them so much but I just can't get enough of this series : )))
Keep 'em coming BF!
P.S. Not sure why other players are complaining there is no hints, they are stuck on a level, there should be more help... people, BF give you the game, they don't have to play it for you! And it's not that hard to Google your level and find someone's video of how they got through a level with 3 stars, there are tonnes of posts on YouTube for all the games I've played on BF (I find them enormously helpful : ))
Played the demo through and thought the gameplay itself was nice and smooth, easy to click on things without needing an exact pinpoint location like some games.. : )))
I haven't played the first one but must confess, while a huge fan of TM games, I really don't like the graphics of this one. Colourful I suppose, but they look so unfinished and old fashioned compared to other games. I also really, really don't like boring monchromatic sketches in my narrative, like the ones in the between-levels storyline. It's disappointing and really turns me off following a storyline (I'm gonna need something WAY more interesting to look at if I'm to get involved in the story / wait for the scene to play out.) I couldn't hit 'Skip' quick enough.
If you're into TM games and like the graphics, you'll probably like this. Me, ...not so much!
Another classic build-&-collect TM game with cute graphics to enjoy, thanks BF!
Some of the levels on this one are really challenging to get 3 stars and took a lot of tries (tho' I've yet to complete all levels in 3 stars, still playing).
I do wish tho' I got the Collector's Ed., this one is missing the hidden objects I enjoyed so much in the CE demo.
I like the "fun facts" type segways in the storyline but the ones in this were a bit disappointing - a small handful just repeated over & over again, and comprising of vague, common knowledge historical facts and/or silly jokes. (Most of the TM games could use a bit more work here!)
The gameplay & graphics are fun tho, so TM fans - enjoy.
I quite liked this game, so much so that I persevered through it failing to load 4 out of 5 times (for reasons only my computer knows), and I'm not terribly enamoured with Wild West themes. I would have normally given up long ago.. But the TM gameplay was loads of fun, the graphics are bright and the storyline engaging. I usually don't pay much attention to the between-levels scenes like character dialogues, I find they are often awkwardly or hurriedly written, a bit silly/lame, etc. So the storyline was a nice surprise, it played out like a cartoon wild west soap opera and worked with the gameplay really well. I like the build type games a lot, so no surprise I enjoyed playing this one. Not too hard so don't expect a huge challenge, just a bit of fun. (Am sooo annoyed it doesn't play well with my computer!!)
The legendary hero Hercules and his wife Megara are back, ready to embark on their next adventure! Restore the world's beauty and save Mother Nature from destruction!
Really like these Hercules games : ) In fact I'm playing this one again right now, Expert mode is quite hard on some levels. There are so many different ways to play a level it takes a few go's to make Gold and beat the developer's record, but it's fun trying. Which way should I go first, how far should I upgrade my sawmills/farms/mines/workers, when should I build the pillars etc. to bonus my speed/resources etc. The best way is not always obvious. I generally play games with the music so low I can barely hear it but the graphics are really bright and cute, love the little guys running around! And there are extra things to do, there's a hidden tile piece on each regular level, and sometimes other things to find. I like the extra hidden objects, more TM strategy games should have this. There are also a handful of bonus levels. I love strategy TM games and while this is much the same as the previous games in the series, it's still an enjoyable play.