After setting out to search for your missing friend, you find yourself trapped on the mysterious Island of Lost Ships.
Overall rating
4/ 5
5 of 5 found this review helpful
Fun and engaging
PostedDecember 30, 2012
fromThe other Illinois: that which is not Chicago
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game was very engaging and pulled me in from the start. The HOS were not simply junk piles but actual scenes. They seemed to progress in difficulty as the later ones were not close up but wide angle views. This led to small things being more difficult to hide. You also returned to some needing to find the object from the silhouette. Overall, very good HOS.
The puzzles weren't difficult but different than any I'd seen before. I was disappointed in the last one as it wasn't at all challenging.
As stated in other reviews the map was interactive so you didn't have to backtrack a lot.
Graphics were clear and well done. Light in the HOS would be varied as they used the ambient light in the room which added to the realism and challenge.
I was interested in the concept of the game. I have a 2011 MacBook Air, so the game should have been speedy. I found the lag of the crossword board so SLOW. I had to click on the arrow several times before it would lower. The board really didn't add to the game. Then the score board counted up each of three scores. I really can't tell you what they were as I didn't care about the score only getting to the next puzzle. The instruction bubbles were a nuisance also. The Options menu didn't help as it was only the volume and full screen options. There was no way to turn the bubbles, gameboard or scoring off.
How can the developers top this? Worth every penny of the CE cost. The graphics were sharp, clear and not the dismal dark spook, spirit and ghost type so prevalent now.
The HOS were great; not a pile of junk. The puzzles were challenging. I skipped a few the type of which I don't like, and have difficulty figuring out how to twist and turn the pieces to correctly make the image. Never have liked or been able to do these. This in no way detracted from the game for me.
There were two things I don't like in the game. First is moving the cursor down to access the inventory and having a menu come up for continuing the game, options, something I can't remember and main menu. HEY! There's a menu button in the left corner of the screen. If I want to go to the menu I'll click there.
The second was the necessity to exit the game to access the Strategy Guide in the More Info in the splash Screen. Then you get a menu with the guide, credits and something else I can't remember. Way too much messing around to get to the guide.
For such an advanced game these two things should be no brainers. Those are the only issues I had with the game. I know I will play it over and over.
Looking forward to the next game from these developers. They will have to go far to top this one.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
This game, as they say, could scare some terribly. I didn't have this issue. The game was challenging. I'm glad I purchased the CE because I had to resort to the strategy guide often. There is no map nor guide to help in the log book.
I found the morphing item games fun as they were so different from regular HOS. I usually had trouble with the last couple of items. Several times I hit the hint just to be done and get on with the game.
The mini games were different and most were fun. The were challenging to say the least. I'd never seen several and it's refreshing to see new types of games. I skipped one since I had no clue what I was to do. A couple of others I referred to the Strategy guide just to see what I was supposed to do. I really liked several and hope BFG does more mini games similar to these in the future. Please put some sort of instruction though. I don't like being lost in what to do to solve the game.
I've done Ravenhurst games before and liked them. As I play many games I don't remember how they went.
In all a great game. The creators will have to work hard to make the next installment as good or better. Other developers - the gauntlet has been thrown down. Are you willing to pick it up?
Seldom when I purchase a SE version of a game do I wish I'd bought the CE. In this case I do. This game sets a new standard for developers to aim for.
I had downloaded the CE and played it for the hour. I thought it began somewhat slowly. It didn't impress me enough to but the CE and I decided to wait for the SE. I was wrong. As I progressed through the game I found intriguing HOS with items needed interaction with objects found in other areas. This lead to returning to finish the HOS in order to receive an object needed somewhere else in the game. There is a transporting map in the diary making the return to various areas easy.
The mini-games are unique and challenging. There is a skip button in case you need it. I was able to do every game even one which challenged my hand eye coordination which isn't the best.
There are three main areas with multiple areas within each one. Each time I neared the finish of the area I thought the game was ending. This lead to many hours of game play.
The graphics are superb, music good for background, and the cut scenes not overly long.
I don't know what extras are in the CE version but if I had it to do over I would buy it.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I purchased for my iPad and love it. The match aspect is very different than normal. There are connect 6, select collapse, HOG, jigsaw and difference puzzles as well as developing a town and decorating your queen.
There are more than 80 levels of the main type of puzzle in which you have goals of colored beads to match, locks to unlock, hexagon shapes to clear. Thus the name Hexus.
As with most iPad games there aren't instructions for all of the game. The city building is where this is lacking. The different puzzles have instructions.
The puzzles all are fairly challenging and the main hexagon bead puzzles are very good. All this adds up to lots of fun and replay potential.
This is the best of the series, so far. It's not just a HOG. There are so many different types of puzzles. Not at all the typical ones you find over and over. They presented a good challenge. The graphics are great, the music non-intrusive, and the story cohesive. There is some back and forth but not too bad. You don't have to go more than about three or four screens and there is no load time.
You can choose which level you want out of three. I like a little help so I did the middle.
It's a fairly long game which is so nice. The bonus chapter is as well done as the game its self. There was one puzzle in the bonus I actually skipped. None skipped in the game.
I will definitely look for more games by this company. This was well worth the price for the Collector's Edition.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
Great game. Challenging. Tough puzzles. Great HOG.
Not being a Poe fan I wasn't sure it I really wanted to play this but thought I'd give it a try. WOW what a great game. The graphics were great. I really like games that are true to the period and relative size of things. This game was. The objects were not hidden in a column or beam unless it was a number, images or the like. If it was an object, it was or it was obviously a drawing. I like that too.
It was long also. I like that too. You know where the plot is going but hey, it's Poe so that's no surprise. The HOGs were great, the puzzles fantastic. I'm going to try out other Dark Tales, even though I don't really like dark themes. If the game play is good I can pretty much ignore the rest.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I was a little skeptical when I started playing. There's a character who is a demon. I don't do demons. He's black with little horns. I can see why they called him a demon but he isn't really. He's a companion of Brunhilda and part of the help/hint structure. He's funny and somewhat of a complainer. You know the type.
The HOG scenes are challenging. The storyline fairly typical, but there is interaction between Brunhilda with many. They all want her to do something for them which she does. This can involve finding something or some sort of puzzle.
Good graphics, sound, puzzles, etc. A very good game. Buy it.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I really liked the first Clockwork Man game. I like the little guy and he seemed an integral part of the game. In this one he was not much of a player. It seemed more that they used the name just so there would be familiarity and those who liked the first would be drawn to this one. There was no real reason it needed to be clockwork anything. The game could have stood on it's own.
The play was good, the puzzles interesting and different from the typical HOG puzzle. One I found particularly challenging which produced a frustratingly fun time. Often the puzzles are repetitive and easy. These were unique and entertaining.
As with most HOGs the ending was a let down. The finish doesn't involve any sort of challenge. There's a movie scene, then she puts her hand on a column which activates something that sucks the bad guy away. Then there's another movie which goes on for about 5 min, it seemed, explaining backstory and oh I don't remember I wasn't really listening. I was wishing there had been something for me to do rather than click to speak with the guy.
In review: Game play was good, HOG scenes challenging, unique fun puzzles. I gave it 3 stars because the Clockwork Man was not any real part and the ending just happened with no challenging puzzle or HOG scene or participation by the player.