Based on Demo. I enjoy the challenge of these games. I like the graphics and very clear, hints new. The disappointing factor is that it does half the game for you by completing all the 'blanks' in the row. So making the game more easy once you get to the higher levels. Takes out a lot of thinking. Recommend if you don't want to use to much brain power
This had potential for something different which I was looking forward to, not one of your normal match 3. Unfortunately had to play in windowed mode due to continual flashing of picture. Good job I'm not an epileptic!! Should it have a health warning? Again was enjoying it until those dreaded beetles came along they where really annoying. Could have done with some insecticide Can't comment on rest as only played demo
I just felt that playing was a bit boring. Nothing really new, puzzles were easy as were HO scenes. It just didn't take much thinking about. I get a little fed up with all the 'cinematics', whilst I except that there needs to be a story line to much time is wasted on these and would prefer to get on with the game play. Being able to click on dialogue to continue was good. Graphics were clear. Can't comment about sound as have it switched off. Puppy cute.
Graphics not clear and very dark. Also don't like the 360 viewing, not easy and tends to make me feel sick. In fact it took me a couple of minutes to realise and thought my comp screen had frozen!!. Looks a very old format compared with other games that are produced.
On playing the demo I was impressed, this game was very different so went ahead and brought. BIG MISTAKE. It was a very short game which I completed within 30mins of demo. So not good value for money.
I only played this for 15mins of demo then gave up. There was so much dialogue, you can click through it but that seemed to be all I was doing. Managed 2 tasks in this time which were easy. Only small screen. Sorry not for me.
Really liked this game, it was packed full and seemed to go on for ever, everytime I thought I was near the end there was another 'chapter'. Games were occassionally testing #admission! had to use skip more than once# but where not all unachievable. Liked how the HO scenes where not straightforward and where interactive with rest of game. Can't think of anything I didn't like. Very good value for money