I love hidden object games with challenging mini-puzzles. This game is a bit of a switch-up because it has more puzzles than HOS. The puzzles are challenging but hints are offered and you can skip them if you give up. And the variety of puzzles keeps you guessing.
I don't pay attention to story lines in any game... I just like finding the objects and solving the puzzles. If the story line tends to annoy or distract me, I'm likely to go on to another puzzle. That's why I usually turn off all sound.
This game is about solving puzzles - lots of puzzles - and I couldn't be happier.
While this game provided plenty of game "time," I found myself frequently disappointed by the caliber of puzzles (too simple and easy). Also, an interactive map would have been nice... I found myself relying too much on the hint button to figure out where to go next (lots of back and forth - probably why the game time seemed plentiful). I don't care about storylines and turn the volume off to listen to music while I play; I'm just in it for the challenge of the HOSs and puzzles.