It is basically the same as the other Royal Envoys. It seems to me that there are more dark levels in this game. In the Regular levels, you have 8 levels in smoke, 8 in fog and 8 in dark. If, like me, you do not like those "can't see what I am doing" levels, you will be glad to know you can still get to the bonus levels without getting perfect scores. As well, if you run out of time in the dark/smoke/fog levels, you can continue to play without time until you complete the level.
In the bonus levels there are no dark levels which was great as far as I am concerned.
The other bonuses for the Collector's Edition, other than a walk through you can access at each game level with numbered instructions how to complete it with 3 stars, you also get Wallpapers, Original Soundtrack (you can download to your computer) and an Intro Movie.
I think the Collector's Edition is worth it for the Walk Through alone because I cannot get through those dark levels. I hate them! But still on this one they did let me keep playing until I completed it so I could keep advancing in the game. Also 32 extra levels of game play is a pretty good deal.
I must start by saying I do not regularly play HOGs as I am not a big fan. Staring at a picture trying to find hidden objects tends to give me a headache. So I was pleased that this particular game did not have too many HOGs. For me, there was just the right amount.
I played on the casual level as I like to skip puzzles. I did finish quite a few of them myself as not all of them were challenging.
The little helper is a cherub and I found her presence comforting.
I am usually a Time Management/Strategy game player. But I do enjoy a good story telling game once in a while. This one had a nice story and on the casual level it was fun without driving me bonkers.
If like me you are not a HOG fan, I recommend this game as a change of pace from our usual Time Management games.
It was a bit too easy for me and I like easy games.
With only 40 levels, I finished the game in about 4 hours.
None of the levels are very challenging. If you are hoping they get harder, they do not.
This game would probably be better for children than adults. That said, warn them that running across train tracks when a train is coming is only for games, not real life.
I was particularly happy about is it was so much like the Farm Frenzy series.
The latest Farm Frenzy I bought site unseen only to find out afterwords that my computer is too old (WindowsXP) to play it. Needless to say, I was disappointed as I have purchased, played and loved every Farm Frenzy before this one.
You play the side of the Vampires for world domination.
This game, Vampires vs Zombies, is really worth the money too. 75 levels! How rare it is to find a game with that many levels these days. I felt spoiled.
It was such a blast to play that it is now my favorite of all time.
Jill & Mike’s gardening company has taken off in Sunnyvale, and they need your help to make their business soar! Help them win a contest and earn lucrative contracts from all over the world!
I have to agree with those that have remarked upon the lagginess of the game. I am running Windows XP (STILL!) and I thought that was my problem but apparently others with better systems have the same problems. I did discover if I quit the game completely and relaunched it, it made it run a bit smoother for a short while.
Even through the stops and starts, I played the game repeatedly for days. I love when they give you something to work for (in addition to your level goals) and in this game you made purchases to upgrade your Company at the Store. That is why I kept playing the levels from beginning to end over and over again to make enough money to purchase all the upgrades. And I kept doing better and better! So I finally purchased the last 25,000 coin upgrade tonight and I'm happy as a clam.
I did enjoy the game although hopefully in the future the programmers will work out the issues that occurred in this game.
Some time back I purchased Northern Tale 2 and loved it so much I purchased Northern Tale. Northern Tale 3 does not disappoint in my book. My only gripes with the game was it was difficult to navigate (for me) on the map page. Also I found Northern Tale 3 a bit easier than the first two installments of the game but that might just be me since I am used to this type of game. The only level I had any problem getting 3 stars on was Bonus Level 2. With the other Northern Tales, I feel it was more of a challenge to get 3 stars.
Nevertheless, I greatly enjoyed the game and recommend it. For me, the entertainment value was worth the purchase price.
I really enjoyed this game. I became mesmerized watching my little people going off to do their jobs. I kept telling myself to stop playing and take a break. But I couldn't! What would happen to my little people?
So I played the game straight through. It took me over 12 hours and I was up all night. But it is that type of game that keeps you interested.
This game is very similar to the others in the series but they tried to make it different this time by awarding you "rubies" that you then use to buy power ups. I did not like this new addition to the game as it just confused me (do I save my rubies for later?, do I use them now?, does it matter?, etc). I would have rathered they kept it on the same old formula.
I loved the original Rush for Gold: Alaska so I had a feeling I would enjoy this one as well and I did. The games are very similar but then again many franchises are like that. It has two modes of game play, timed and relaxed. Also one unusual characteristic is it let you decide whether to play a male or female character.
The game play itself was fun and not overly challenging. I like games that are not too difficult myself. I think this game is ideal for children and adults like myself that enjoy a nice relaxing game.
There is gun play in the game but the characters never shoot anyone, they just shoot into the air to scare them away.