Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I have all the Fantasy Mosaics, starting with FM 15 (except FM 26, gotta fix that!), and I say they still leave all the other "griddlers" in the dust. FM 36 does not disappoint. The colors are almost all rich, deep, and vibrant -- even the ones like the less saturated, slightly lighter dusty brown (and the chocolate brown is unbelievably rich & delish, as are most of the others), just as they've been since FM 27. Developers, add colors as you wish, but please please please never ever drop the ones in these later palettes!
There 's a variety of tile sets; my favorite is the one at the left end of row of selectable tiles, which I "read" as being like one of those square electrical push-button switches with a depression at the center. It looks to me like the kind of push-button on the now-old-fashioned push-button phones. It's because of the shading. Some people will probably read the shape as being a sort of cushion with sides that slope down.
Personally, I appreciate the scenes between levels, which act as slight but welcome breaks, but I'm also very glad you don't have to do anything to move on. No messing w/ coins, with HO's, with puzzles or activities of any kind unless you like, and those are (so far) only available in the scene breaks toward the end of the last few games. (Haven't gotten that far yet in FM 36, because life.)
And, thank fortune or the Great Frog (or the developers), no timers!
Anyhow, I can dive into these and become lost in the steadiness and rhythm of the puzzles. Devs, please please please don't make innovations that will intrude on that!
I don't rate the storyline because I don't pay attention to whatever "story" is suggested by the tableau in the level breaks.
For me, all these games (# 27 and on) get 10* out of 5. :>))
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
Fantasy Mosaics has been the best in the griddler/nonogram/mosaics series since at least #15. By now, ALL of the others are far, far, far behind -- I don't even bother with them.
It took a HUGE leap forward with the new colors and tile shapes in # 27. There are only a few I've found to dislike since then -- a slightly-neutralized medium blue, looks like naugahyde chair covering; a sort of coral, ditto; an ugly (to me) brown ditto -- but two wonderful darker browns, one deep brown and very rich, another a dark slightly-dusty brown. Two pinks, much much better than the old ones.
I've only played a couple of the demo games, but this one looks to have the same great colors. I hope so, and am off to buy the game! FM, PLEASE KEEP these wonderful colors! (Feel free to expand on it, but keep the colors vibrant please.)
Didn't rate the storyline because I never pay attention to the story.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I've only played about 40 min. of the Demo, and I say that this is going to be a great game. (Storyline will probably be Excellent also, but haven't played enough to say for sure.)
It's like the wonderful "The Tiny Bang Story" (Codeminion) in general approach and style of gameplay, but with different artwork, and possibly even harder (I needed the walkthroughs a couple of times for "Tiny Bang"). It will be a quest requiring time and concentration, I think, and it will be a most enjoyable one (unless you are exceptionally prone to the malaise of unbearable frustration -- but if so, you'll find very few games enjoyable!).
First, this is the "Patchwork" type of inlay or jigsaw puzzle, not a numerical "Griddler" type.
I love these puzzles when they're good. Get back to the original styles and bring 'em on!
The original game "Patchworkz" is still the Gold Standard, with many beautifully sophisticated designs and much stunning artwork, and is presented in the style of the traditional "Inlay" puzzle. There are some others in the Very Good category, that I've played and replayed. The first two "Alice's," followed by Mosaics Galore and Frozen Patchworks, come to mind. This one is pretty good, as far as I got in the demo anyway.
I'd happily buy Thanksgiving Day except that like reviewer sandyshome, I could only get 72 pictures, not the advertised 120. Saw the same complaint on the Forum. Repeated uninstallation-redownload did not help. Neither did the "Help" section.