Like others before me it was a soon as I saw it was out, I hit that button to buy it! The challenges are pitched just right for me, it's fun - my only quibble is that I wish everything were a little larger as I have bad eyesight!
I would recommend this to anyone and if you haven't already played Book 1 & 2 - you should try them out! There seem to be some secret items missing from some of the levels (eg Part 2 Chapter 1, I could only find 18 secrets and I've heard others say the same thing too, so I don't think it's just me...) - if you have found all the secrets - please let us into your secret!
I especially like that it has a relaxed mode of play - I can't be doing with rushing around madly clicking my mouse. I like ot be able to look around without time penalties!
I hope the game developers realise what a gem they created in this trilogy and come up with some more games along these lines and *quickly* - we waited so long for Book 3, and it's already half-finished and then what shall I play!!!
I can't remember when I enjoyed a game so much! First of all it was set in the wild west, which is a scenario I particularly enjoy. It involved building things but with enough wiggle room that you were able to decide which things to build where isntead of being artificially constrained by the game.
The level of challenge was just right that I managed to score expert in all levels after a bit of practise. The individual level challenges were fast-paced enough without being impossible daunting, and the storyline was fun.
In fact the only thing I would change about it is the train - I enjoyed refurbishing it, but when it was all done there should he ave been some acknowledgement of it - I dunno - maybe seeing Mrs & Family at the end all climb into it and set off for pastures new.
I hope we see more games along these lines - 10 out of 10 from me!