This is a great attempt to imitate Brother Rabbit. Whimsical graphics, cute story, but man o man, in my hour demo I never got close to finishing the first, 5 room level. Back and forth, over and over again, to collect pieces that were so deeply hidden I had to use an earned hint as soon as I got it. In Rabbit, I always knew where something was, even though I still didn't have a use for it or knew how to get it. Just way too much tedious hunting for me.
I was just making 3 stars through the first 9 levels--some after 2 or 3 tries...but when I hit level 10 (still pretty early on in the game) where I had to find oil lamps I FLEW through 16 lamps in 17 seconds and got 1 star. Then the next HO level I found the object list in 15 seconds and failed the mission. If it's this hard this early I'll never make it through the levels 60, 70, 80, etc.
Think of Angry Birds--only poorly done. Was released on phones 6 years ago and the pay-to play aspects still show through with constant reminders to "buy" upgrades to your uniform and balls although in this version you need to collect gold medals. When you shoot an opponent his gasping head rolls around the field. Might be suited to kids on phones (even then only those with low expectations) but not worthy of purchase here.
I bought Cave Quest 1 Feb. 21, 2011. This sequel was 10 years in the making (I believe it's this studio's first game since #1). I very rarely re-read books or replay games once through--and I read a lot--life's too short. But Cave Quest has always been a game I've moved from computer to computer and replayed over the years. So far this has been a worthy trip down memory lane. I figure few will remember #1's wobbly moves through the caves or the piano rift when you finish a level--this has it all. But also has nice new music, graphics, and gameplay for a casual game. You can choose from limited moves, timed, or relaxed. I've been playing limited moves and have cut it close down to 1 move a couple of times but the option's there to go relexed if you want.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
After demo, bought game--was having a good time with "something completely different". A mix of about every genre ever used. But by level 35 things slowed down and at level 42 was an absolute grind. My magnifying glasses would get caught behind little walls and i'd play for 1/2 hour with no progress..Took multiple restarts then level 47 same thing. Too much work to have fun.
I first loaded this on my desktop and went through most of my hour just reading notes, storylines, and figuring out the score panels. Was really starting to enjoy when ran out of time. So then I put on my laptop, skipped all the above and was able to get into the meat of the game. It's a buy!
A full breakdown would a Pennmom36 length review ;-) but basically at different spots in a scene you play multiple hands of up/down solitaire to earn energy diamonds. After you get enough energy you are rewarded with an inventory item or the ability to use an item in that spot. Some of these hotspots also have HO scenes of different styles or puzzles.
Really good graphics--I had volume on but can't say as I paid attention to ambient or music. Cons--lots of reading at if you're one who follows the story lines and as I've said--took me first half hour to adjust to the flow. You have an option to change from the themed cards to "normal" cards which are the ugliest I have ever seen in any card game---you'll definitely be playing the themed deck. Try the game but do yourself a favor and don't do a "I dumped it after 5 minutes" things... the game is original and will get more entertaining. At least try your hour.
This game oozes the free-to-play style of games meant for kids on their cell phones. Gaudy, over simplistic, and full of carry over dialog where you're supposed to be adding extra add-ons.
Unique game--Had never played anything like it before or since. No timers, no scores, pleasant meditation type music. Can get you to go cross-eyed at times. But this game was released on Big Fish in August of last year and this is not ver. 2.0--same game.
This game isn't a normal match i.e. Jewel Match. It's more of a Puzzle Hero game where you're making matches in battles with different spookies. You build up spells to use in battle and at the same time are using various power ups to keep the playing area cleared of different weaponry the enemy is sending your way. The majority of reading is in the first 3 or 4 minutes as a tutorial then you settle into the fighting. This really is a cute game, the likes of which like I said closely resembles Puzzle Hero from many years ago or Puzzle Quest. Try it!
An easy way to tell if you'll like Varenje is to ask yourself if you liked My Brother Rabbit. This game plays just like it with whimsical graphics and a catchy soundtrack that you won't mind hearing over and over. The artwork is a little abstract. This makes finding some items a little tricky but for me added just the right amount of challenge so that I wasn't blowing through scenes but never so frustrated as to need a hint. You can't judge this one on 5 minutes of trial time--there are only a few graphical instructions--give it a while and it really grabs you. Great game!