Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
as with most games , since the new management, it is just TOO short, though a good game and THAT is the only reason i DO NOT RECOMMEND. i have been a member of big fish since before 2000 but i am SERIOUSLY, VERY SERIOUSLY considering PULLING MY MEMBERSHIP, the games are just too short and NOT worth the extra money, AND they are all similar!! SERSIOUSLY BIG FISH!: buck up!! YOU HAVE VERY LOYAL CUSTOMERS and this is NOT the way to go!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
it's a great game, it really is, B U T do not sell it as a MCF, because it is not!!! i believe most of us will agree, if i say that , having played ( again and again over the years) ALL of the MCF games, i find it in fact quite deceiving that you are hyping this( as well as the previous game!!!) as an MCF , please stop it!!... get back up to and above standard or let it go, it is not fair to your loyal customers. AGAIN: yes it is a very good game ( the only reason it got even 4 stars) BUT NOT WHAT IT IS BEING SOLD AS . sorry ( NOT)
as soon as i started - i knew i was going to buy----and just did. great game and characters, great storyline - luv the interactive HOS scenes... so different!!! - especially as i am getting really BORED with the 'same old-same old!! also it is great that objects are not used for the OBVIOUS ( as in bellows ;-# but you have to set your imagination to work - good job BFG am going to REALLY enjoy this one - happy #orthodox) easter to all fishies - do i recommend?: OH YES!!!!!!!!!!
awful graphics - boring - couldn't even find the hint button ( duh to me - yes i know) - deleted after 14 minutes of gameplay -just bought 'surface' anyway, and am just whiling away the time until it finishes downloading ;-)
after the first 5 minutes - i bought it - there is no doubt in my mind that this is my kinda game:
great graphics - not too many HOS - as i have gotten a bit bored with them - and interesting, actually amazing puzzles ( how DID thurston do that card-trick???) i know how i am going to spend this week-end;-) - it's cold outside anyway hahahahaha - wishing all fishies a great week-end - and good gaming
the game was ok - not one of my favorites but then: we all have different tastes ;-) and i did like the 'so british' lists ;-# --- HOWEVER: the bonus game was SO NOT worth it - neither in length nor level of challenge and most definetely NOT the HOG's - we had to find things that were NOT even listed- and wrongly described --- can't even remember what the 'anker' was listed as!!!!!! --- sorry guys NOT GOOD ENOUGH -- you are getting sloppy ;-#
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
after only 10 minutes - i bought the game (OF COURSE!!!!!!!) - AND KNOW THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE OF THE BEST birthday presents from me TO me ever!!!! ;-) can't wait to finish the downloading will always highly resommend MCF-games - have bought them ALL from the very first and always will ;-) good gaming to all