Well, you get to be a male this time, which is a nice change. You are driving down a dark backwoods road (sound familiar?)...and you pick up a ghostly looking woman who had a car wreck. She tells you she's going to a mansion (probably haunted) and then she disapppears. Shortly thereafter, you drive by a bunch of crashed cars, that all say, "you have 3 days to live'. Hmmm.....They are all outside the mansion. So, you try to enter the big wrought iron gate. Do all mansions have huge gates that are abandoned? Shortly thereafter, you read your own diary that essentially says, your life has been really bad lately, and you are going home to visit your mother. If that is the case, why are you on a dark and dingy back road somewhere with ghosts? Of course there is the requisite fountain inside the gate, with the mermaid statue. There is also the bush that needs trimming, a knocker that has to be found, and an old lady on the inside of the house that wont tell you her story herself, she wants you to enter the main part of the house to learn about the tragedy of her life. You get to that main part by breaking a key in the lock and having to remake it with a mold and a tin soldier.....I kind of became completely indifferent at this point in time because I couldn't figure out why I cared, or what I was doing there......theme: scary mansion, ghosts, you're going to die if you don't play the game....I'm a cynic and kind of fed up with the same old themes, therefore, I will not purchase this game. You might like it....try it for yourself.......
Well, I'm cynical. That's not new. But....this one's really bad. I just couldn't do it. Is it me? OR is there nothing creative or interesting being developed? I truly WANT to buy a game....I WANT to enjoy a game again...I WANT to be engrossed in a plot, and feel engaged. I am beginning to think that may not happen again. I am clearly not alone. 32 ratings of 1. I would think by now, Big Fish might be losing revenue. Anyway, try this yourself, but it is nothing like the old MCF games. Once again, I am left feeling bummed.....
Well, it has been a long time since I have even been interested in a game. In fact, I've become so cynical that I have decided that I'm probably just going to be reviewing rather than buying because there is so much tedium and lack of originality, that I can't see when there will be a game I want....therefore, when I am intrigued, that's sincere. I liked the premise. I liked the graphics. I like the variety of collectibles, and I LOVED the fact that there have been no glass shards, wasp nests, or little animals. There is the pre-requisite conflict between good and evil. The protaganist is a woman, and there is no choice about that. I have read numerous reviews that have requested more choice about the character gender. You don't get that. But it is a little more interesting than any of the past few games, that have come out. There is more interaction in the story, meaning as you learn about the characters you have to find things associated with the story. I am giving it a 4 rating, which is as high as I have gone in awhile. I must admit, I wish for a new premise other than going to another "land" in time and battling evil. Perhaps, we could discover some cures for diseases.....or proffer ideas for solving issue.....IDK....I'm not a developer, but.....there has to be more.......that being said, I will wait for a sale and buy this one...I won't pay full price.....but I have not been willing to pay half price for anything for awhile......so coming from me, that' something....I look forward to reading others' views......
ok, guess what? A long time ago there was a war in a far off land that involved, of all things Elves and Druids and Evil people and humans.....hmmm....this sounds exciting and new.....after the war, a truce was made.......guess what? Some sort of new evil has awakened and threatened the truce..... "Oh no"...... the elves were attacked last night and they blame the humans......so you, of course have to save it all.... there you are riding along a mountain ridge on your horse as.......guess what? out of the sky come some weird black evil spirit....bird? monster......who can tell because you have been thrown off your horse down the cavern.....yup...isn't that a surprise.......but no problem......just climb up with the rope and climbing equipment that you happen to have with you that fell within your grasp......as you reach the path once again, there is a man......who can help you if, guess what? you help him with his elk.....yup..you have to find the bridle for the elk......which just happens to be in a tool box.....yup....anyway.....it was at this point, that I realized I could not play this game if they paid me.....the few games that existed were so simple that the elk could have solved them........not sure where the man with the carriage came from....and really haven't any desire to work with the elves anymore.........not that I don't like elves....it's just well, I've worked with the best over the years.........have fun....try for yourself....I think someone needs to develop some new premises for these games...
I stopped after 5 minutes......after I found the crimped wire needed to unlock a leather tool case lock, and found the clippers needed to open a bag to obtain the knife required to trim the branches to get the tool for the valve.....and then found the piece of bread needed to feed.....the animal.....which leads to the fireflies,,,,,,I stopped..... I am certain you will find a nearby jar to collect the firelflies in for the inevitable cave that does not have enough light. This in the first 5 minutes.......I quit after I saw the fireflies.....can't developers come up with something different ever?? Storyline: after the dam blew up, ONE dark warrior, who happens to be the leader of dark warriors survived......switch to a hot air balloon in a tornado.....3 hikers in said balloon attempt to jump out of the balloon .... not sure why....I never made it to that part of the story.....all I could think about at that moment was , "who are these idiots who flew into a tornado in a hot air balloon anyway?" and then when they did, why would they jump out of the only thing keeping them alive into a swirling massive F5? Also, I am not sure how the bread and tools were not strewn around.....but rather in perfect condition.....after the killer tornado....OK, enough sarcasm....I could go on and tell you the story that you don't need to play to know the outcome.......but why? I think you get the point.......
A breath of fresh air from the old haunted mansion, fighting evil, stone monsters. From that point of view, yeah!! It's a creative and new premise. You are competing against 5 other people to get to the finish line of a game that will grant you your deepest wish. The puzzles were not too hard...and some I found easy, but they are fun. I think people are giving this a 5 because it's so refreshing to get a new format. At the same time, it's not as challenging as I might have liked. There is a glass shard....egads......I have never used a glass shard in my real life...but I have used 100's in my gaming life....there are no wasp nests that need to be smoked out, no engines that need gas, and no recipes with herbs that need to be found in the magic garden. It would have been interesting to learn a little more about the other competitors; but overall, aa huge improvement over the last years' games. I had given up hope. This gives me a little. BUT,,,,,please no more glass shards....EVER.......that we need to cut through a poorly sewn couch, pillow, painting, doll arm etc.
I gave it a three because I couldn't really tell if I liked it or not. It was strange. You are chasing Mark Taylor, an escaped convict. He is at an old abandoned publishing building (why? I haven't a clue). Then you follow him into the building and find an elevator and end up in a place called Lighstville.....I couldn't make it up...not sure why Lightsville.....the guy you meet there will call you Constable....not sure why......there is a monster on the loose......ok.....the more I am writing, the more I am thinking, this doesn't make sense.....indeed it doesn't....but I had some fun...I am not buying the game....I do like the idea of chasing an escaped convict, but not to Lightsville.......and not knowing why....
I think I am going to stop playing these games. I have no idea where the 5 stars come from. First of all, every challenge is identical to the past 30 games that have been released...razor to open backpack.....find the faucet handle to turn on water...need code to get elevator to work....Uncle Colin does not stop talking..."look niece, we found a transport vehicle".... I had to stop after 10 minutes. I just played an old Phantasmat....it had more creativity in the first 5 minutes than this did in the entire demo. These games must be selling or they would not make them, but I just can't anymore. So I am replaying some old interesting ones, and need to find a new type of gameplay. I am sad.
Ok, I was excited when I saw the reviews...and I actually liked the premise of a ghost story...and the modern graphics and people....I had high hopes because we were not saving the world from evil that could turn things into stone or ice......that being said, there is the zipper on the bag that breaks.....ever seen that before? the bag that is sewn shut....at least it wasn't a glass shard......it was a rusty knife.....but still.......I would like to see some new things.....I have returned to playing some of my great old games that I loved......and they seem to be better......do designers ever read these reviews? I would love to see the stats on purchases....anyway....I'm not going to buy it...but if you like this type of game it's not bad.....hence the 3..
Is someone creating these games reading the feedback?
PostedMarch 2, 2017
fromMinneapolis, MN
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
I am finding it hard to believe this game was designed in 2017. It's as if someone found a game they made 10 years ago and said, "here's a new game". The premise involves moving around a few countries in hopes of finding an artifact that will save the world (sound familiar?) The issue is you go to a country and have to perform timed puzzles. In between, there is dialogue that is vaguely related to the obscure story line. Horrible game.