Been waiting a long time for this, and it hasn't disappointed me so far. I purchased right away, having enjoyed all the others. As usual, fun to play, rich content, gorgeous graphics, nice music. Mini-games and HO scenes not too challenging, but lots of fun. The entire Dark City series is excellent - thank you!
A mysterious fortune teller has foreseen her demise at midnight this very day. Can you find the soul who seeks to kill Madame Fate? You be the detective.
I went way back and played Madame Fate and I'm hooked on it. It is an extraordinary game, so well-done in so many ways, so rich in content, that it deserves a "rewind." Would it be possible to re-issue this game with the same characters and locations but with some new crystal ball puzzles and choice of different hidden objects that are already there ? It's probably a tall order, just a suggestion. Thanks for all the excellent games you've created!
I did not submit a review when I first purchased this, but have just revisited MCF: "Moths to a Flame" and enjoyed every minute of it. It is truly a top-shelf game in the MCF pantheon, perfect in every way. I put it with my 2 favorites (hard to choose with all the good stuff available) - "Escape from Ravenhearst" and "Madame Fate's Carnival." Above and beyond.
Just the exquisite artwork and graphics alone make this game phenomenal. It is so rich in content and holds your interest at every turn. Pacing is perfect, music properly dramatic. I love that old favorite games are incorporated. The HOPs go beyond what you'd expect. I don't want to get to the end!
This is about the most perfect HO game I've ever played, and I started with BF in 2006. Very rich content, gorgeous graphics, super interesting HO scenes, even nice music. I was sad when I completed it! The developers really put their all into it.