Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
is Joe tired of "clutter " and wants to drive players away? because no "relaxed" option is a surefire way to do that, also gone are the coins to find to earn more hints, now they are just colored blobs. dissappointing all around
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
nanograms are my fave game,, and most levels are great fun, BUT , stop with the constant fake fireworks in some levels, makes the whole game darn near unplayable.
With great new graphics, unlockable videos and even more exciting challenges, you’ll love every minute of this amazing adventure through architectural history!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
this is like the 4th in a series,, there also was, titanic, eiffel tower, and statue of liberty, and while yes, its certainly no royal envoy, or roads of rome,,, they to me are engaging and long enough to occupy my time for a bit,, we get so few builders,,,(lol lately its been feast or famine) that i grab most up instantly.
the mechanics are the same,,, produce materials, fix roads, make money,
there are also as with the other games, info on the monuments in between levels.
if you enjoyed the others in the series, you will enjoy this one too
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
i just dont understand,,, if your going to make abilities, that cost soooo much,,,,why not make beating a level in gold,,,be worth much more then they are,,,,,or when the game is finished the 1st time,, rain a few 100 or 1000,, for replay,,, or not charge to use in level powerups,,,so getting gold is doable.....
i finished the game...hoping that later levels would give more crystals....but instead i am simply replaying the level in chap 4 that i got gold for a paltry 12 gems per time,,,have been doing this for days,,, and still the only xtra ability i have to lv2 is chaining....
having to just go in and replay over...and over...and over....(cause i guareentee without the extra abilitys gold is not possible) .is not fun...its boring (another mistake is not letting you go on after timer,,,for many its a auto no buy)
ould of been a fun game....but i give up....st not worth it imo
well.....off to play Moia,,,,build your dream,,,,,by a dev who knows how to give builder lovers what the want
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
wow,,, i love it,,,,has what we builder lovers clamor for,,, can continue after timer,, chain tasks, looks like there is going to be a lot of diff buildings, cute graphics,, 50 levels, achievements,, what more could we ask for..
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
i adore builders and this one is very cute, with everything i love,, can chain tasks, continue after timer runs out, am at level 10 and so far i was able to get gold,,
you play as viking brothers, world destroyed by evil,,,you got to fix things, ie clear roads, repair buildings, collect resources..
i can see it getting challanging in later levels to get the gold...
so last year there was this awesome little gem released as a soft release called "The Tribloo,s" it was a awesome fun long addicting builder TM,,
well, at another forum i belong too,, the devs Andy and Rich, (cant mention the company name) have been working very closely with us,, finding out what people like and dislike in a builder tm,,,,,they are really awesome
75 Normal levels in the "campaign" 5 Bonus levels (one at the end of each area as before) 15 Challenge Levels -
i have been playing since yesterday,, and man is it good,,,,you can chain tasks, add or remove workers, timer is only for medaling,,you can continue after timer runs out,,,,,the story is deeper...the Tribloo,s adorable, ..there is even a screen grab for each level, (some people play challanges , and this feature lets you show your scores,
the game is quite long, the challange levels very fun
Builder lovers are in for a treat,,,,,and now that its released you all are in for a treat,,,wtg Andy, and Rich, and congrats on getting tgt, instead of a soft release
I really like the monument series of building games,, its got the building and clearing I adore, and with this series, you also get to learn about historical monuments, You have to plan ahead early in the level, especially when fixing a path for your deliveries, fix the wrong path, and you might wind up with not enough materials to fix more roads, As usual the timer is very forgiving, and is only for a gold silver or bronze medal, you can continue after time runs out.
If you like builders as i do, be sure to leave a star review, so BFG and devs see how popular they are becoming.
i love the game...and will muddle thru till a walkthru is out....the timer for gold is rather strict. and the fact that you cant continue after gold will turn many players away, (not me tho,,,i am desperate for a game) also, you cannot chain tasks...(both things mentioned should be standard in builders imo). those aside...its very cute....and at 65 levels, quite long (as some devs seem to think 40 is the norm) There are achievments to get, the animations are cute....an instant buy for me.....