I LOVE this game! I have played all of the Aveyond series and nothing compares to them. This one is by far the best of the series! I love the story line! It's funny! It's very original. I've never seen one of these Rpg's that you play as a "villain" even one looking for redemption. The levels are fairly easy to get without a ton of grinding. I've found a total of 8 level eggs so far to make that even easier. The monsters are visable and slow so it really is your choice on fighting them or not. Money is fairly easy to come by. All in all if you love Rpg games then you will not be disappointed in this! I knew I would buy it 5 minutes into my free trial. One of the best things about this game is that it is pretty easy to figure out what to do next and it's really not necessary to purchase a strategy guide. I hate those rpg games that are nothing but one puzzle after another that you have no choice to buy the guide in order to get through them.