5 Chapters, Bonus play and Bonus Mini Games I played on expert There is a diary SG keeps your place The inventory is at the top of the screen, I kept forgetting this but I liked the fact that you cannot go out of a scene accidently, by clicking on items in the inventory as you do when it is at the bottom, in some games. Two kind of H0, in one you find objects in the other you have to put them back where they belong. All of which, reasonably easy No hint mode in expert play No skips in the mini games in expert play You cannot change the mode chosen, after you start Excellent graphics One particular puzzle is repeated incessently, which I hated and why I have marked this game down. I got so fed up of the repeats that I had to look in the SG to solve them to move on!! Continuation of the story of the witch you have to defeat since the first Echoes of the Past. It was a long game for me, maybe 8 hours for the main game. Sorry I am not sure, as I played it over 3 days. Despite the repetive puzzles, I would suggest that everyone try this game and make their own mind up.
First time in ages, that I have felt the need to review a game as oppose to a "comment". I have played the whole game Approximately 8 hours of play for the main game. I was absolutely engrossed and hated having to leave playing at any stage! LOL! Not too many HOS, which is nice, as I personally am looking for more than just HOG's nowadays. The puzzles were different, on the whole and very interesting. The one thing that let it down for me, was to throw in a M3 puzzle. LOL!
The map was very useful and it took me a while to find it I was getting a little tired of so much backwards and forwards running around, so to find an interactive map was great!
The bonus game was far too short and again IMO was tacked on and not necessary to the story and ended in a silly way. The HOS looked to me, as if the dev's had got tired of making them up and they became junkpile scenes. Excellent, excellent game as an SE but not as a DP (double priced) game. Well done dev's
I recommend this game!
2of7voted this as helpful.
Robin Hood
Slip into the role of valiant Robin Hood, and bring justice to the kingdom of England! Experience all of Robin's adventures!
Overall rating
4/ 5
46 of 47 found this review helpful
Bright and colourful
PostedFebruary 8, 2012
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I think that the length is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. I am possibly a medium paced player. I do not use too many hints and purposely do not rush. This is a HOG, with various puzzles thrown in. S T D, slider puzzles, etc. I have not yet found a puzzle that is repeated. I love the little birdie that gives you the hint and then goes to sleep for about 30 seconds, ready for the next hint. Conversations can be skipped, or you can click to read quickly. One scene was putting items back in place but had sparkles to help if you looked for them. Made it a bit too easy, so I tried to ignore the sparkles. Some items in the HOG scenes are small but the graphics are so clear, that with a bit of looking items can be found. UNLIKE some other games. All in all a bright colourful game, nice after some of the dark looking ones that I have also played and enjoyed recently. There is a short penalty for random clicking, arrow goes round and round
I recommend this game!
46of47voted this as helpful.
Antiques Roadshow ™
It's Antiques Roadshow like you've never experienced it before! Go on a Hidden Object journey and search for valuable antiques!
Overall rating
2/ 5
12 of 14 found this review helpful
Not one of the best
PostedFebruary 8, 2012
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
The ladder in the first HOG scene was VERY hard to find Someone that did the Beta said they never found it!! LOL. I did eventually find it after another fishie helped. Then I was told that I would not get a bonus for that scene as I had taken too long It was then hard to find the way out after finishing the attic, you have to go way down to the bottom of the screen to exit. I then had to use a sledgehammer to get into the next scene. How can people do that to other peoples property?? , to meet another junkpile! Lasted 16 minutes in total, sorry if some people think that this was not long enough to form a review on the game. BELIEVE ME it was Music repetitive, I really wanted to get further to see the "roadshow" but........ Guess what??? NO buy for me
I don't recommend this game.
12of14voted this as helpful.
Mystery Age: The Dark Priests
Stop the Chaos God’s Dark Priests once and for all! Amber must head back to Westwind Village to put an end to the evil for good!
Overall rating
4/ 5
31 of 32 found this review helpful
Give this a try.
PostedFebruary 8, 2012
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I did not do the demo, just dived in So many people were looking forward to this game. I dived into Phantom and was disappointed. BUT this? The mouse likes expensive cheese and fruit, the mailbox is not used because it holds doggie treats, (probably for the poor postie, to avoid being bitten on the way off the property) LOL! The Devs sure have a sense of humour . You touch things just to see what they will do!! I thought at first, that the items were too well blended, but when I got used to the way things worked I found it quite easy. Always parts of items to find, not a list. I have not laughed so much with this type of game in a long while. Disappointed, like others, that I could not repair the mirror etc. myself.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
My review after downloading perfectly and playing the whole game. The screen width can be altered, will help, some people that have found this to be a problem. The music is not annoying but I thought repetive. Reasonable easy HOG scenes, but is that really a suitcase? LOL. Predictable with having an idea of what you would have to find for the next list. I do not want to spoil it so you will see what I mean by various items of the same type lying around. The hint recharges pretty quickly,( I wanted to try it out). If an item looks out of place it is probably on the list. A definite buy if you want a lighthearted game. There is a bonus game as when I pressed the about button it showed a sign for bonus game. The graphics are very crisp and clear and could be considered an IHOG. I am not as good as some of you on my reviews but hope that this helps.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
What a great game. Very different from the others in the series. Much more interesting. Not too easy not too hard. I got stuck on the second time of going to the mechanical arm, I forgot that unlike other games, once you have unlocked things/ turned on lights etc., you have to do the same again. The other part I had problems with was the goat bones. Reading the forum, it looks like a lot of others had the same problem. Hated to skip it but had to after 20 minutes. You have to make sure that everything has been done before an investigation finishes. I just kept going backwards and forwards, clicking just to double check. The integral strategy guide did not always help i.e. no picture of the goat bones finished. The good thing is, you do not get penalised for misclicking, which helped a lot. Finally, when the game is finished only then did I notice that there are 5 buttons to view, Epilogue, soundtracks,dossiers, find-all mode and wallpapers. Basically very much like a CE. Hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did. I will probably go back into this game and the find-it all mode as it looks like there are different items to find this time around. PS Sorry people, just pressed the epilogue botton as was looking at another post in the forum. There is more gameplay. Whoopee back to the game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
At first I found this very frustrating and got stuck on how to move the dragon to get the tape. Kept going to look for help from the forum. After I found out how to do this I realised that if I clicked everywhere (outside of the hidden object scenes) a sparkle would appear. Decided to buy and as it is a medium length game decided only to use hints rarely. Two of the mini games I found hard, and hate to skip as it does not give you chance to see solution and understand it. All in all I am glad I persevered as I use hidden object games to test the old brain I am not usually interested in the story. Again I say well done BFG. 9/10. I did finish it. I recommend people to try to stick with it.
My first thought was that the commentator/narrator was an absolute pain! I just wanted to get on with my demo! LOL! OMG! This is completely different! I played for 14 minutes and was afraid that my time would run out before I could understand the game. IMHO this could be mainly a game for children or the young at heart! LOL! I would probably use a PC code to get this. First you have to reach a hook on the ceiling, then you have to build a lift/elevator, from unusual items. Inventory items can be merged together, but which ones are a mystery as to what and when! Could be worth buying if you want a good laugh. Not sure that I agree that the hints are of much help though, until you understand the mechanics of the game. I suggest that if you have the DL amount and/or time that you give this a go, even just to brighten your day. My suggestion is to give this the full demo and then decide what to do.
This appears to be an excellent game! The one thing that I disliked at first, was the fact that we were continually given hints, when we go into a magnifying glass scene. Further on though, as there may be more than one item in these places, it was handy! LOL! The game made me laugh in various pleaces, I will not say where to avoid any spoilers. Very, very clever game. I cannot understand some of the "expert" reviewers, playing on less than hardcore and then to say that it is not challenging! I can assure you, that, IMHO, it is! It will not be challenging, if you continuously use hints, will it? Or is that just me. I personally can say nothing, to seriously criticise this game. Excellent in every way! Thank you Dev's for the great interaction H0 scenes.