Not bad at all. We have seen a few games like this before, it is not something new BUT it is a little different . Just a little to make it interesting from the point that you do not know exactly what is expecting you around the corner. Straight HOs have challenges and they are altered with various puzzles. I did have fun and enjoyed it
Statement:I have accepted the fact that the last 10 years I have seen very few games that are surprising different and outstanding.A situation that perhaps will not change soon.
Considering this, this game is colorful, has a decent story and it is kind of challenging. It also has all kind of HOscenes, the puzzles have hard and easy levels to choose and it is long enough. It is OK for a few easy and entertaing hours of playing
If you like straight hidden object games, this is a game much, much better than other games of the same category. Beautiful items in beautiful scenes. Also, the objects are hidden among a lot of other objects, so it is neither easy nor very hard to spot. It's the correct difficulty. Words, silhouettes, and pairs with puzzles in between. And something new: the items we find fly to the word in the inventory. Watch the video in game's page to see what I mean
Based on demo and CE players' opinions. The game is very good. Good story, although not original, with a sense that something is waiting around the corner. I loved the colors and the scenery. The music was right, although I let it play very low. The mini games had the correct difficulty. I also liked the hidden object scenes, where the objects were hidden but not very difficult to find and all the usual kind of HO (words, riddles, textures) The game is fun ,I think I will enjoy it
Did I notice some small new things in HOscenes and mini games ? Are the developers trying to add different things to escape the chroniac repetitions ? These plus the vibrant colors make this game a worth to buy, if nothing else, just to encourage them to go on trying I rated, considering the nowadays general games level
I disagree with the negative opinions. This game has small but interesting differences, letting me hope that bigger and better changes are on the way. The changes are on hidden objects sceens . This game has all kind of H.O.Ss plus a new one, a scene extended to three pictures for finding objects and putting objects back to their places which is more difficult. Interesting... I hope it is only the beginning
It is a good game with beautiful scenes and vibrant colors, After we all have complaint about the cookie cuter games for years now I believe we have to compomise with the fact that creators do not or cannot change things. So after accepting this fact, when I find a game with a few variations, I just enjoy it as much as I can. This game is such a game, you have the sense that the creators tried a little more than usual
At last, something different. It is a straight hidden object game with an interesting story, with new ways to find things, with objects that need to search a little more to find them and having multiple choises when interacting with "people". I am an old player and recently I have the same complaints with everyone here (cookie cutter puzzles, easy to find HO, repetitive stories, boring gameplay). But I am telling you, this game hold my interest to the end of the demo. I am going to buy it hoping it will be good until the end
I have accepted the fact that I will not see original, excellent games like some years ago and I rate with this in mind. This game is easy to play by an experienced gamer. It has the same tasks as hundreds of other games but it also has a few different things, like some new mini games. It is colorful and bright and the scenery is a joy for the eyes.