So happy to see this first thing in the morning. Love it. Great match 3. It's been a long time since we had one. It has the option of relaxed; moves or timed. I love moves. It has different ways of playing so a variety of games. It's really smooth. I wish that the developer who is offering this would put a list of their other games too. I think I own other games of theirs. But hopefully they read this or big fish can do this from now on. Would be a great marketing scheeme and would also help the player choose games from developers they love. thank you for this game. I love it.
So Happy to see this game offered this morning. This is a no brainer. An instant buy. I honestly thing Big Fish has come back to us and I am so very happy. For us old timers, I own most games so this was a great surprise for me this morning. Beautiful game. Graphics are what they used to be. Details are there. Just buy it.
I love this game. Love all games by this developer. Some of the puzzles are different in this game; some I have never done and it gives me a challenge but they are not so difficult that they can't be done. Beautiful graphics. Lovely scenes with gorgeous colours. Keep making them and I will keep buying them. I think Big Fish is making a big come back!!!
Number 1 I love the graphics. Beautiful colours and depth. Second I absolutely love the music. Classical music goes perfectly with this type of game. Thank you for that. I like the gameplay and the mini games. Some of them I have never played before so my mind is getting a workout.
I love this series. The graphics get me everytime. Everything is so well hidden; I love finding the butterflies too. It gives me time to look around. Will buy everytime. Very relaxing.
Everything cbtx said I agree with. Stop please. I could not believe it this morning when I saw yet ANOTHER one of these all in one games. I could simply replay my old ones. You must be capable of making something new and challenging. Give it a whirl. Surprise yourselves and us.
I am loving this game. It is so old school. Yes items are harder to find but it's a good challenge. Games today have the items jump out at you. I like the puzzles. Very relaxing game.