Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
This is an excellent game for those who are new to Nancy Drew.
A student has been murdered and it's up to Nancy Drew to go undercover and find the killer
Be forewarned that it is a fairly short game, so don't expect hours upon hours of game play. The game play is fairly intuitive and the puzzles are logical. Be prepared to take notes, though.
The graphics are OK, but since this is a re-make of an older game, I wasn't expecting to be amazed. There is really only one big puzzle to solve that has to do with finding all the clues left around the school and putting it all together.
Fun stuff: -Barnacle Blaster game in the diner- this game appears in Haunted Carousel, but has been improved upon, as you can now use your mouse to move the paddle, instead of using the keyboard. -Ned Defender Award: One character keeps hitting on Nancy. Back off, dude! This girl's taken. -Soda Alarm- It always love finding ways to irritate the people in the ND games :) -Coin collection
Short, sweet, and to the point- this is a great game to start with.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Let me start off by saying that this is NOT the game to start with if you're new to Nancy Drew. The ND games are amazing, but I feel Labyrinth of Lies would be off-putting to a newbie.
If you are new, let me put in the obligatory ND disclaimer: You have to actually use your brain and logically think about where and how to get information. It can get frustrating, but is immensely satisfying when you figure it out by yourself. I prefer these kinds of puzzles over the usual "if you randomly click it enough times, you'll probably solve it" type. There is also an in-game hint system that will walk you through the puzzles. It's been awhile since I've played this one, so I can't remember if it eventually gives you the full solution (Amateur level only).
The story is set at a museum in Greece where some priceless artifacts have gone missing and it's up to you to crack the case. At the same time, the museum is putting on a play about Persephone in order to raise money, and you have make sure that goes off without a hitch. Bonus: you get to witness some of the best acting ever! (Can y'all hear my sarcasm through the internet?). Don't worry, the writers meant for it to be bad and it's good for a laugh.
Pros: The visuals are beautiful and the voice overs continue to be top-rate. Dialogue is skippable, which comes in handy, although, thankfully, this one isn't too dialogue-heavy. The puzzles are, I would say, mildly challenging, although the Seeds of Persephone end puzzle was borderline nasty. I really liked the weight balancing puzzle. You have to first discover how much certain objects weigh and then do some math to get to the correct weight.
Cons: I felt the story line for Labyrinth of Lies was weak and the who dunnit was fairly obvious. There is quite a bit of running back and forth, which gets tiresome, especially since there's a lot to explore in this one. I'm used to the ND navigation system, but I'm sure some will not like it, and you'll have to use it a lot.
The game play was NOT intuitive in this one. There's usually a point in every ND game where I get stuck and need help to figure out where to go next, but I got stuck several times and relied on a walk-through for most of it, which I don't like to do.
For current ND fans, this is one to add to the collection, although it will not be high on most people's re-play list.
For newbies, if you want to give it a try, go ahead. Try not to get frustrated, though. Use the hints, find a walk-through online, and don't forget to CALL people on your phone. Half the time when I'm stuck, it's because I have to call someone in order to trigger an event so I can complete a task. It's an OK game, and definitely not the worst ND, IMO, but if you don't like it, don't judge the whole ND series by it.
Hopefully, Big Fish will get the next installment, Sea of Darkness, soon. It blows this one out of the water!