I played the whole game, at the "casual" setting. I have no idea how many hours it took, as I played over several weeks, but it seemed like a long time. I was ready for the game to be done at what turned out to be about two-thirds of the way through. I don't regret playing all the way to the end, but it wasn't especially satisfying to keep going and reach the conclusion.
As other reviewers have noted, there are Scottish elements but the characters and overall feel are not Scottish. The sense of being in Scotland is most promising early on, but turns more toward a Scooby Doo aesthetic as the story progresses.
As others have said, the game largely forces you to use the hint button frequently, and to click randomly over some of the "find the object" games. Otherwise you spend a lot of time hunting for an image that even when you find it can barely be discerned. With lots of hints to move things along and shots in the dark for hidden objects, you lose some sense of accomplishment.
I did feel that there was a lack of logic to the activity, such that when you did at last obtain a necessary tool there wasn't much sense to what you had to do to get it. And then what you had to do with it. You can't reason your way through the game, and overthinking can be a pitfall, holding you back from a simple solution that mostly requires going back five locations and placing something into a something to have it assemble itself into a functioning device. Then you go forward to where you were, use the device or object to solve a problem, and then the device or object that you finally obtained disappears from the game.
Sometimes you can play a game a second time and enjoy it even more. You may remember some of what you didn't know the first time around and yet still need to figure out what you don't recall. That can be fun. I think with this one playing it a second time wouldn't be much different than the first time. You would know, though, that a tool or object you need to accomplish a task might not be coming your way for a long, long time. You won't waste effort trying everything to get something to open a zipper, lock, etc., when there's not a chance of doing so until much later in the game.