If you are a fan of logic and number theory, as I am, you can actually enjoy this game on an entirely separate level by predicting where the various stones as well as the amounts of remaining stones will be before they show up - but then again, I actually enjoyed statistics classes back in college and high school...lol..so that part may not be all that popular. The pictures are absolutely lovely, and I think the reason for the bad reviews is more one of disappointment that this is not a paint by numbers game - BF you need to promote this a tad differently to avoid the let-down that the negative reviewers obviously had. I am a paint by numbers game fan and a diamond painting addict, and if I had had my heart set on this being a game akin to those genres, I would have been bummed too. But it isn't even slightly in that genre. It is a numbers puzzle which coincidentally has lovely pictures within the gameplay. So give this game a try and set the extra stones challenge up to the max or close to it right at the onset, and I am certain you will enjoy this game. It is relaxing, and beautiful.
I haven't used my German in years but I was scrolling through marble poppers and I saw this and decided to try the German version. Bright colorful graphics, a quaint story line and an ever increasing difficulty combine to make this an enjoyable way to spend a rainy afternoon. Even if you don't speak German it's easy enough to figure it out as the instructions are well ilustrated! Try it..it's fun and relaxing!