fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level. Experts Don't Use Hints or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
Art by Numbers 23 just released on BFG today and I am only now reviewing Art by Numbers 19. I have so many games playing at the same time, I don't rush to purchase new games.
However, that is only one reason I am behind. I used to rush to Art by Numbers and all the other art games by this developer as soon as they were released. No longer. As of this game, the 19th in this series, I am no longer purchasing anything further from this developer.
I have long complained about the uninspiring pictures and the thick, muddy colors. I have whined about that horrible robot-looking mascot this developer has adopted and how much I loathe that nasty-looking creature being forced upon us. With an obsession for finishing things I start, it is not within me to skip that image and so I complete that picture in disgust.
I even went to the extent to research this developer's target audience to prove why the images do not appeal to me or others in my demographic.
This developer is tone deaf when it comes to player feedback and has thus lost my business and that of others. These games have become tedious and unfun. Yes, I know I just made up that word, but it fits.
There are the casual players, then there are the serious gamers like me who spend a lot of money on gaming, and we are choosy as to who gets our gaming money. I noticed another serious gamer, HeavenBound7729, already left a review of Art by Numbers 23, announcing that like me, she is dumping this series and spending her money elsewhere.
Like all of the other art games released recently by this developer, the pictures in AbN 19 are redundant and uninspiring. The colors are thick, muddy and ugly, and the developer has yet again wasted a level by forcing that awful robot-looking thing on us.
Those complaints should sound familiar to the developer and to those who have read my reviews of art games by this developer. I have been reviewing these games since I was ChocPen (before BFG crashed in trying to change its website and lost my account), but this should be my last review of this series.
fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level. Experts Don't Use Hints or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
Forgive my crass observation of this game, but there it is.
Where can I start on how bad this game is? I just finished it because I have this obsession to finish things I start, and I started this game thinking it would improve. It didn't.
First of all, why start out in the first levels with very simple images? C'mon people. THIS IS COLORING. No one needs to be eased into it with simple images and worked up to complex images. Give us ALL complex images. WE KNOW HOW TO COLOR. WE LEARNED IT IN KINDERGARTEN. Geez.
Second, the images were just awful. Every one of them. Just awful. Animal after animal after animal and that stupid robot-looking thing that these developers clearly believe to be some sort of signature image for them that NOBODY BUT THEM LIKES. Animals and weird-looking women. That's what they give us.
However, the worst part of this game is the color. COLOR VOMIT. Truly. It is like someone vomited red, pink, purple and green all over the images. The colors are hideous and heavy and muddy and garish. I have never encountered a color game with images and colors as offensive to the eyes as this one.
I believe the developers developed this game in a mean-spirited manner. I really do. This game seems to reveal a loathing the developers feel for their audience, as if they have an animosity toward those who regularly play their games. It is as if they are tired of producing these games so they said to themselves or each other, "Let's throw this garbage at them and see if the idiots still eat it up."
Yes, I finished this game, but the lack of effort and the garbage that was this game has left an awful taste in my mouth and I will not purchase or play another offering from this developer. This game offended me.
Sorry to leave on such a negative tone, but these are my thoughts at having just finished this game. I have never left such a negative review in all of my life for anything.
fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level. Experts Don't Use Hints or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I loved this game. The developers switched up the games and kept it interesting. The games were challenging and a lot of fun.
I usually leave reviews only when I really don't like a game, but I had to leave a good review for excellent effort by developers to offer something new, uplifting and challenging.
For the complaints about the Scripture inclusion at the end of each minigame, this game is called "Divine Journey 2: The Five Books of Moses." What on earth did you expect? If games containing faith-based content disturbs you, don't play them! Why play what you KNOW to be a game with faith-based content and then complain about the fact that it has Biblical content? Also, with ONE SIMPLE CLICK the Scripture at the end of each game can be skipped, so those complaints really ring hollow.
I hope to see more of these games. There are so many people in the Bible who led fascinating, adventure-filled lives that would make excellent content for a game.
I have been hoping to see faith-based games in the mainstream since the 1980s when my children were small. However, while this game would be fun for an older child, it is definitely challenging enough for an adult, even a game expert like me, to enjoy.
To the developers I would say "Keep up the good work"!
fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level, Use Hints or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is a nice change-of-pace game with novel mini-games. I have enjoyed the entire series and hope this developer will continue them.
The graphics are excellent, but then graphics - while time consuming to create - are not difficult, which is why even bad games usually still have good graphics.
I also love the faith-based theme, which is also a change-of-pace offering. Given that developers have explored witchcraft, demons, dark and other-worldly themes, a faith-based theme is a nice change.
I find it curious that some would criticize the use of Scripture as the basis of games and would suggest that it is "inappropriate" to create such games. What about a faith-based game is "inappropriate"?
Also, there is absolutely NO Scriptural basis supporting the idea that a person's honest work providing a product or service should be given away or somehow "discounted." God makes it clear in Scripture that He expects us to be good stewards of the resources He provides, including His people to receive honest wages for honest work.
It is unlikely the developer, in creating a faith-based game, is trying to fulfill "religion needs," which is something I don't believe could even be done. I don't see how "religion needs" could possibly be fulfilled by a video game. More likely, the developer understands that Scripture is full of great stories and historical people who lived incredible lives and it is a great resource to tap for gaming.
If a developer created a game with Buddha themes or themes about Islam, I would not purchase those games because of my faith. If you find faith-based games offensive, simply don't buy them.
I realize the First Amendment right to Free Speech is an American standard and not everyone here is from America. However, as an American, I find it offensive that anyone would suggest restrictions on what is or isn't appropriate for a developer to create, and that anyone would set restrictions on what I should or should not say in my reviews.
I have no fear of anyone who would write a review that includes his or her displeasure in something I wrote here. I am 100 percent confident in my faith and in my words.
The bottom line is clear. If you don't like a faith-based game, don't play it. See. Wasn't that easy!
fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level, Use Hints or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
I realize this is an old game, but still, in 2017 there were good games being developed. I sat for five minutes reading texts from other pretend people and in that five minutes I clicked on the screen twice, once to click on a predetermined response and once to do it again. HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE GAME. Worst. Game. Ever.
fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level, Use Hints or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
As usual, this MOAI game is terrific. All of the MOAI games are great fun. They challenge even the most experienced gamer.
There were a few blips in this contribution to the MOAI series. There are a couple of levels that cannot be completed within the time allowed. It is a known error in MOAI V and one that the developers acknowledged. It absolutely will not decrease your playing experience. All you have to do for those levels is go back into Game Mode and change the mode to "Easy Mode." You are able to change your mode back to "Casual Mode" after you complete those levels.
One problem that people have had in this game is finding all of the orichalcum required. Some people call the orichalcum "nuggets." Many gamers have wrongly believed that it was a glitch in the game.
However, trust me – all 26 orichalcum are there.
As a service to my fellow gamers, I have documented how many orichalcum are in each level.
Be aware that this information is NOT A SPOILER. Taking care not to spoil this game for first-time players, I am NOT GOING TO REVEAL THE EXACT LOCATIONS of where the orichcalcum is in each level, only how many are in each level. You will get to enjoy the wonderful challenge of finding them on your own!
As a testament to the developers, all MOAI games, even the first one, can be played on a new computers. I do not know about PCs, but I have a new MacBook Pro and I can play all MOAI games.
This is a wonderful game, so I hope you enjoy playing. You will not be disappointed!
fromFormerly ChocPen until BFG Mess Up My Account. Experts Don't Play on Casual Level, Use Hints or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
First, a question. In this game, you shoot at colored blocks. Does it really require 13-14 paragraphs to explain it?
Of course, you devise your own strategy to clear the blocks and that is the genius of this game and this series. With each release, the developer improves upon the graphics and strategy opportunities and drops the features that do not work as well.
The only thing I do not like in this series are the features that, I can only surmise, the developers added to assist the player. I find those features SO incredibly annoying. They can be helpful in the last level, but they are otherwise in the way and I have to sit and wait for them to move, often screaming, "MOVE!" while I wait. It would be better if the player could choose whether to include those features.
This is a great game. Lots of fun. And look - I required only four paragraphs to tell you that!😆😉👏👏👏☺️
I Usually Leave Reviews Only When I Dislike a Game, But...
PostedApril 27, 2023
fromFormerly ChocPen, until BFG Mess Up My Account. Experts Don't Play on Casual Level or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
...I had to come here and leave the highest review possible!
At first I was annoyed. I put in my player name and it immediately thrust me into the game with tutorial hints. That is a sure way to light my fire.
So, I logged out and started the game again so I could turn off the tutorial, check achievements, adjust the settings to turn the music down and put the game on the hardest possible skill level, as I do with every game.
To my surprise, only the music volume was available. My curiosity was piqued, so I continued, and am I glad I did!
This game is among the best of the best! First, the tutorial hints lastest only a moment. The storyline was as minimum as it could be without being nonexistent. At the end of a puzzle, one person would say one sentence, and even that was easily ignored by clicking anywhere on the screen to end it and move forward.
As I always say in reviews - if I want a story I WILL READ A BOOK. When I come to BFG, I want to play GAMES, and this offering is FULL of fun and challenging games to play.
I don't care for hidden object games, but these were fun and truly challenging, so I was actually sad when I got to the last one.
Best of all - and I cannot praise the developer enough - there were really challenging PUZZLES! One after the other! Now THAT is what I call a game!
Despite my pet peeve of people's overuse of exclamation points, just look at all the exclamation points in this review! I cannot speak higher for how much fun this game was.
I am an expert player and the puzzles here were wonderfully difficult. One took me two days to figure out. I love that kind of challenge.
The only negative I have to offer here pertains not to this game, but to some of the reviews I have read about this game. For years we have almost unanimously complained about games being the "same ol', same ol'" and begged developers for innovation. Then, when a developer offers a unique game like this one, people complain that it doesn't look, feel, sound or play like a "regular" HOP. Well, you are right. It doesn't. And, I say "Vive la différence"!
God bless these developers. To the developers I implore: please, PLEASE, publish more games like this one!
fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
You should read my review VERY slowly so it will give you an idea of the pace of this game.
Whenever people complain about game performance, I usually disregard them because I know that means their computer is older, not updated, has an insufficient processor or RAM or an insufficient graphics card and it is their own computer's fault that the game's performance is poor, it is not a problem with BFG or with the game.
That being said, I alert anyone still interested in this game (it came out last year) that I have a 2-year-old MacBook Pro with a 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 processor and my graphics are supported by AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 4 GB, Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB graphics cards.
On my computer, this game is choppy and incredibly slow. Clearly, my computer cannot adequately support this game. What you should know is that my Mac is designed for professionals like me who are in the web development, graphic and video design business. If my computer cannot support this game adequately, then you should be sure you have a more powerful machine.
I can only assume that the people who have given this game five stars must have monster machines that out perform mine, or they simply do not care about the choppiness and slow play.
I care about it because I move through games at a brisk pace. If the game is choppy and slow, I have no use for it.
fromExperts Don't Play on Casual Level or Skip Puzzles. That is What Makes Us Experts.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
I realize I am somewhat late to the party here, but I am leaving a review anyway because I am so annoyed by this game.
This may be a fun game, but I will never know. As I usually do, I checked the achievements before I started so I would not miss anything.
I am competitive. If I cannot gain all of the achievements then I do not want to play the game.
But in the achievements in this game, there are not one, but TWO achievements that I could not and WOULD NOT ever earn.
One achievement says I have to sit through all of the mindless dialogues and for another achievement I must endure every cut scene.
Let me be unmistakably clear: I LOATHE storylines! If I want a story I WILL READ A BOOK!
I come to these games to be challenged by minigames and puzzles. I never sit through dialogue and if there are a lot of cut scenes, I am done.
You people are GAME DEVELOPERS, not writers. Your storylines and writing are lame. I could not be LESS interested in storylines and I WILL NOT be forced to sit through them to gain achievements.
If I cannot get all the achievements then I have no interest in the game. If you have to force people to sit through your writing, YOU have a problem. Wouldn't you rather have people sit through your stories willingly?
I know there are those who like storylines, and more power to you. Still, even if you like storylines, I am sure you can understand how off-putting it is to those of us who loathe them to be forced to indulge them so achievements can be won.
What POSSIBLE difference could it make to developers if people sit through their storylines? They are in their offices (probably their homes) and gamers are playing in their homes. How could it POSSIBLY impact developers if gamers are reading their drivel or not?
Oh, and the graphics are muddy and without definition. The scenes, at least the few I played while I steamed over those achievements requirements, were truly ugly.
So ridiculous. So irritating. So not buying this game.