Of course: Graphics and sound design are NOT up to standards for new games! (so no map-jumping, not that many hints, screen is the "old" format, etc.) please keep that in mind. However, for the time this came out it was (and is) an outstanding game. Puzzles make you think, story is wonderful and gets to you and just the overall atmosphere is on point.
While I liked the story fine enough, and the characters were...decent...actually no, I hated all of the new ones except for John, and he didnt even talk. But: my version had some problems with the Clicks, sometimes I needed to smash the buttons for it to pick up an item in HOPs or in a location. I'm not sure if that is the games fault, just wanted to mention it here.
Liked it. Especially because of the story. nicely done. Puzzle are the same old we already know, so I skipped most of them. I love Maria as a character.
Graphics, Sounds, all good. Story also not that bad, but jesus those characters! Besides the fact that there is just puzzle after puzzle and locked door after locked door, we also have unlikable characters en masse! Arrogant, belitteling and of course, we are the one who have to proof ourselves! I so wished there was an option to talk to them to give them a piece of my mind. Dorothy, go back to Kansas!
So, our husband is apparently dying but we, of course, still have time to crash land in a forest and make our way across a fantastical land as slowly as humanly possible to save him. This was boring as all get out! I almost gave up, but I wanted to see the ending and...NO! we don't get to save the husband, apparently thats for the bonus game! god, I hate this.
I liked the graphics, sound and puzzles fine. What really bugs me is the story: The princess broke her promise, okay...except not really: it was her dad, and then she just doesn't "remember" the guy? So he gets screwed over and...god, I'm so mad about that. By the end of the game I wanted the princess to die and him to succeed, or at least both of them to end up together. Something else then what I got.
ahem...was anyone capable of following the story? are there some huge plotholes and unexplained time jumps? Yep, there are. I love Detectives United. I played all of the games multiple times, but this hot mess of a story is just...well...a hot, confusing mess. James, Anna, Dorian - please give us outsiders some info on what you're doing - we no mind-readers out here!
Nice, yes, try to lure us in with "Rick Rogers" showing up on a tree and then having nothing to do with the actual game. He is not coming back, isn't he? At this point,you could at least admit to that, elephant games, instead of stringing Rick Roger-fans along and not delivering...again. If you are gonna "kill" off the main character (and main reason this series was so enjoyable), could you at least pick someone less annoying and bratty? Maybe like Isaac or Gabriel, I actually enjoyed them a lot more than Rachel. I just can't with her. Besides that Story and Puzzles are nothing new. The graphics, effects and sound are good (as they usually are with elephant games).
No Rick, no fun and no buy (at least for me). I just don't like Rachel as a character. She's boring and annoys me to no end. Story and overall quality is good.