Wow! This game is out of this world. The graphic, the sound effects, the way the games flows over you... Some of the puzzles were the best I have ever played. Like the one at the beginning when you are climbing out... Amazing! And the first video was stunning. Maybe there's a little bit of too much dialog in this one... But, when the big picture is revealed it can be said that this game is an overwhelming experience for all the mystery fantasy lovers out there. Definitely try this one.
Wow! This is truly an amazing game... From the start it gets you into a different world of science and never lets go. Great plot, excellent puzzles and hidden object (the last one one is my favorite) and some nice artwork. Still, several characters don't move and look like a cardboard stuff... Music is always the same three or four tunes... That's a little boring. But, in total this one is a great one.
Wow! This is truly an amazing game... From the start it gets you into a different world of science and never lets go. Great plot, excellent puzzles and hidden object (the last one one is my favorite) and some nice artwork. Still, several characters don't move and look like a cardboard stuff... Music is always the same three or four tunes... That's a little boring. But, in total this great is great.
I only played the trial version. The concept of several supernatural detectives uniting in fight against the dark forces is quite nice and offers interesting plots. But, in this game it feels rushed. Too little in a short period of time is explained to the player and to much is expected to be taken for granted. Example, how were the detectives transported to their hijacked locations and how could the villain overpower the three of them in such short period of time. The visuals are nice but sometimes flat and the sound is genuine. The task are sometimes truly inspiring but often enough too mundane. Overall, the game seems nice and the idea is awesome but the performance is not well done. Try it yourself.
Wow! This game is out of this world. The graphic, the sound effects, the way the games flows over you... Some of the puzzles were the best I have ever played. Like the one at the beginning when you are climbing out... Amazing! And the first video was stunning. Maybe there's a little bit of too much dialog in this one... But, when the big picture is revealed it can be said that this game is an overwhelming experience for all the mystery fantasy lovers out there. Definitely try this one.
I can see, by the trial version, what was the main idea of the game... The artwork is great along with the sound design. The gameplay isn't that much challenging which is alright for me. I could say that this level of toughness is the right amount for my brain. Sadly, there isn't much fun in playing this game. Maybe the ones before are more faster and more fun. I will try the other Mystery Tales games, that's for sure. Definitely try it for yourself.
I only played the trial version but from the look of it, this game has the best artwork in the planet. Sadly, the story is same old stuff with a see-through villain. I guess this is the type of game series which requires that kind of story. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it.