I read a review that said the story line to this was great, so was keen to give it a go.
I've liked other games similar to this (most people will know of the Lifeline series) so knew what to expect, and was pretty excited about a PC version of something similar.
Unfortunately it just doesn't have anything fun going for it. Don't get me wrong, the story sounds like it could be great once it gets going. You are Mission Control on Earth, swooped in at a moments notice to support 5 (I think it was 5) characters landing on the moon. Their mission is to investigate what is causing interesting signals!
When playing in full screen the interface isn't too bad, it's fairly good at making you feel like you really could be sitting at a Mission Control desk.
I was also beginning to get into the story line, but in the end it was just so slow for me!
I think this would be a good story to put into a phone/tablet app that you can pick up and put down, but not something you need to sit and read non-stop.
I got this game directly from the makers and have played it three times over and loved every second of it!
The wonderful atmosphere they have created for the game relaxes you and lets you enjoy just being there. The music and voice acting is great, and the attention to detail in each scene is fantastic to see.
There are enough challenging puzzles to keep you going, as well as a lot of things to do that are storyt driven so you don't get bored. (Although I confess I did cheat on a few of the puzzles the second and third times round when I was playing for atmosphere reather than challenge.)
As usual with Nancy Drew games there is an element of learning Icelandic words, and about ships, among other things.
The only thing that let it down slightly for me was the total story line, some of it seemed added just because 'it had to happen somehow', which was such a shame, and is not like the original games where story line was the most important thing.
Overall though this should not deter you from playing, it's the best Nancy Drew game launched for a while and I totally recommend it.
I love this series and always get the new games when they are released. This one has had some changes that have given it a slightly different feeling. I love the cosy feeling you get from knowing all the characters and being a part of the next stage of their lives. Everyone pops up from time to time to remind you! As usual the whole game is beautiful and has a great eye for design and the little details that make the game feel special. My new favorite change was that you get to decide what food you serve depending on how many people you have coming in each day. This was a really nice thing to change in this new game as I love the feeling that I can decide what I want to serve on the menu! The other thing that is great is that you can chose your level of difficulty and change it during the game without affecting your score/game progress. In this game, unlike others however, I did not feel the need to change the level from normal so there is an element of challenge missing...but let's see how I do on 'hard'. The only this that I felt was missing was a driven storyline like we've had in other games. There is a good story but it seems mostly to be set around needing to move on to the next restaurant and not so much based on the people as usual. Saying that I LOVED it, as usual, and cannot wait for the next one.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Burger Bustle: Ellie's Organics
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
I'll start by saying the game is very pretty, there's been a lot of thought put into what kind of baggage there may be and each item has been carfully drawn to look obviously different to the others.
However, the game is just plain boring! You can tell it's been hastilly translated as there are some grammer mistakes (although I have to say it's a lot better than some games out there). Your main task is to take an open case and fill it with the correct items that the customer has lost. It's a nice idea (reminds me of a teddy creation game from years back) and would be very good for younger children. However, even young children will be bored after a few repetative levels and it will not hold their attention.
I think this is a nice idea, but with the lack of story line wanting you to move forward it was something I uninstalled straight away.
Although my title sounds negative I would definately recommend this game. The story line is weak, it's the same old 'evil stole our stuff and now we're sad' line. However, the game is beautifully drawn and easy to understand (no complicated tutorials or trouble working out what to do when new challenges turn up). I have found that some levels you never quite seem to get gold on (often missing it by a second) but I find that a refreshing change from the games that are too easy, Also, there is an incentive to get gold as you can build up the Gnoome castle bit by bit. Just another rehash of the same old type of game, but one that is definately worth a go.