I own every Graphium puzzle made and love them all. For years they have taken our requests and suggestions and have made great improvements.
One commenter mentioned the edges being an issue for him, but when you select a puzzle to play, you can select whether or not you want edges separated from the other pieces.
I've never written a review before; but I enjoy these puzzles so much, I had to give my two cents worth. There is a world of difference between the first puzzles in the series to Puzzle Pieces 6. I agree that the developer truly wants to please us all and is very willing to make the changes that we suggest. He knows I have issues with the shadowy pieces, which I think may only occur in the Mac version, and he is working on it. I love the beautiful pictures he selects; however, I really like the puzzles with a lot of color, rather than dark ones. I agree that it would be great to be able to grab a selection of pieces and move them all at once, rather than piece by piece. I know that's what takes a lot of my time, even though I don't use the timer. That's when the shadowy pieces come into play, almost as though the "timer" has run out, even though the timer wasn't selected. So far, I have purchased each and every Puzzle Pieces game by this Developer. I get very excited when a new one is released. Thank you to Graphium.
I love the Puzzle Pieces series and can't wait for the next one. However, I have one big complaint for all of them. At first I didn't know what was happening, but the puzzle pieces would ghost out so you couldn't properly place them. I didn't realize these puzzles were timed, so I'm thinking that's what was happening; however, there are no instructions telling you how to get more time or, more importantly, how to turn the timer off. I do puzzles to relax, not to race the clock. If I'm missing how to either turn the timer off or select an option to get more time, please post the answer. Otherwise, great puzzles!