Fans of Tetris types games with the blocks falling down and the game over if the blocks falling down turn into a stack of blocks that reaches the top row,are going to thouroghly enjoy this game. It is a keyboard controlled gameplat set up.There is nothing really resembling a story line and again I don't like my puzzle games burdened down with boring, to me at least, stories, so that was a plus for me - others will take down their rating of the game because of that. Graphics are well executed, very simple, and overall I give the game 4.5 on the LisaScale. It is a definite buy for me based on the demo. Definitely recommend it!
I know it is popular with some Fishies to bash this series, but I always find them to be a great way to relax because you have to stay focused on the small individual numbers (I am a great Diamond Painting fan, so this is a logical extension of that albeit, lest you make a mistake. I find it easier to relax with these than other art series, although I do own most of the others as well. I agree with other reviewers of the series that the colors are drab, but to me the enjoyment factor is high enough that I still gave five stars for this game.
Great Graphics and an innovative mixture of just about every genre of game. I won't repeat what all the other reviewers have said except to add that I rarely buy the Collector's Editions but this one I bought before the Demo ended! Without question a 5+ Star game!
I was just looking thru listings to see if there was anything interesting, saw this and opened up the page. Despite the horrible review, the only review actually which the reviewer states was based on only seven minutes of gameplay, I decided to try it. It is a connect items type of a trail game, linking the items. Yes, the story is not Pulitzer Prize winning, but let's be honest not many games have fantastic storylines. There was nothing wrong with the color or any tech snafus. I am going to get it because it suddenly becomes much harder after about 25/30 minutes and is challenging and enjoyable. It's relaxing at the same time. I say buy it or at least try'll like it, buy give it a chance and don't quit after a few minutes as it gets much more challenging. Initial appearances can be deceiving!
The first time I tried the game after I bought it after playing the demo, I thought I had made a mistake. But the further into it you get the more challenge and strategy are involved, making it a truly unique battle game. A nice twist on match three games. Highly recommend it!
I was skeptical about how much I would enjoy the game but after playing most of the trial it's a definite buy. It's just that much different than the usual paint by numbers genre that we usually have to play, that it really holds your's challenging to fill in the squares, without giving you eyestrain (and I have cataracts so that means a lot to me), the colors are just different enough from one another to make this very playable, even when they are in the same color family. Cute story line, and all around fun...Give it a try...I am pretty sure you will enjoy it!
I found this game totally by accident when searching for something different from my usual puzzles, mosaics, and solitaire games. The title looked like the game would fit the bill so I downloaded the trial and it was fun FUN FUN! Adorable silly characters who make you smile to look at them, the game is set in an old-timey carnival state fair setting and the gameplay consists of targeted shooting at fast-moving objects and people...Watch it! got the grumpy circus manager with a cake in the face and if you jit him in the face with a cake he will yell and scare everyone...and now there's Grandma running and popping in and out.....another cake...onto the balloon shooting and popping.! There are mini-games and plate breaks, and a whole lot of stress-busting fun. You have to concentrate each second or you won't meet the goal but it is done in a friendly, funny as anything, silly slapstick mode. 100 % recommend this game for all ages.
This is billed as a match 3, which I guess it technically is, but it's an arcade match 3. Your premise is you are en route in outer space from station to station and you need to learn to master the Space Ball arrangement which is a squarish group of tiles on which your ball from aany group of three to the next. The more tiles you break the better your score..Easy right?? WRONG! For the first dozen it's more challenging to keep your ball bouncing and destroying the groups of three or larger tiles without losing energy. You lose energy when you bounce on less than three tiles. The thing is your board will suddenly move and your strategy goes out the window. Or you will hit a bomb. Or it will suddenly shuffle your tiles from their semi orderly grid that you have put together to make it easier on yourself, .and it is now start over with your game plan. The tiles move progressively faster too, so if your hand eye coordination is poor this would not be a good fit, or you are into story lines (the story is just an excuse for the gameplay), but if you love challenging puzzles and like colorful graphics, this is a sure winner. Just don't play it where you could be disturbed...blink your eye, and you will lose! I recommend this game!
Way way ahead..The first half hour I played it, U cursed..a lot, but then I started analyzing it and the lightbulb went off. If you rush, you are finished, and if you make one mistake, it is hard, but not impossible and it's a lot of fun once you get into it. The story is really not important to the gameplay, it simply provides a reason for the gameplay. It is far from impossible though and I recommend it to any puzzle lover who doesn't mind exercising their gray matter.. After the light bulb went off, I started moving through levels quickly. But you will then get to a more difficult level that makes you think it through, but that's what puzzles are for aren't they? To puzzle over? And it is my new favorite game!
It is a retro game, but that really is no reason to dislike it. It is a classic arcade game and it makes me pleased to think we might begin to see a resurgence of these types. of games. The need to switch between the mouse and keyboard only happened to me when hitting "continue" to go on to the next level and I did not have any problem with the matches being recognized appropriately,making me wonder if the machine the game is being played on is a factor in this situation. We have 5 laptops including an Alienware between my husband and I and I will test this possible explanation out just out of general interest. The game took me back in time but in a good way. It is fast paced, but not overly so and I will be 65 next month. I definitely recommend this game! Give it a chance!