Being thoroughly honest, Domini and I have a love/hate relationship (well, "hate" is too strong a word but it goes with the cliche). We've seen their offerings bomb and we've seen them rise above like a Phoenix from the ashes. We're hopping the Phoenix freight train for this one. First- let me get my biggest beefs with Domini out of the way (some which they've improved on, some not)- calm down that color palette! The world is not neon and it certainly isn't purple- BUT (there's that big 'BUT' again), in this game the purple is at a minimum and used properly- an improvement. But still, please ease up on the color saturation; it can become overwhelming. Attention to detail: this game takes place in San Franscisco in the early 1900's, around 1920. America has been its own country for almost two hundred years. Why then is Melinda, the San Fran cop, wearing a uniform cap that sports Her Majesty the Queen's Constabulary Metropolitan Police badge on it? <sigh> I know it's no big deal to some but those kind of details drive me nuts. Attention to detail- it's important!! Detail keeps the player in the moment! And please stop congratulating me for everything I do. It's silly. But then, some scenes have great detail that keep the moment real like floating clouds in the sky, people passing by, cars driving along. Love that. And Domini's scenes are always very interactive- I love clicking on everything in the scene and everything does something- it breaks, runs, barks, hisses, chatters, falls over; you name it, it does it. This simply adds to the interactive fun. So, here we have a great story- not going to go into a lot of detail as others do that waaaaay better than I. This game has great puzzles! Loved 'em! New twists! I played most on difficult mode, some I just couldn't. Thoroughly enjoyed the twists on the HOPs, not the usual junk piles- and you've got your Match-3 option should you need a little help. We also have our find- 'ems. I really have fun with these and we've got three types here: statues, newspaper clippings, and puzzle pieces in the close-ups. Adds to the interactive fun and can be challenging to find. The voice overs are believable- no valley girls!!!! Our villain is a bit over-acted, but hey, he's a villain so he's allowed (love his medieval plague mask). The ambient music fits very well and the storyline is fresh, definitely not a rehash of the same ol' grind. So, Domini, you and your little dog are certainly welcome at my house for Thanksgiving. Thanks for this- a definite recommend. Happy Holidays everyone!
This is terrific. I'm half way through and am enjoying every minute of it. First and foremost; the graphics and palette- wow!! The effort on the graphics is grand in scope (literally), very well rendered, and the colorists took their time resulting in a beautiful, realistic yet pleasing palette. Very well done! Secondly the story- great ghost story, but it's what surrounds the story that makes this effort so much fun. We've got our find 'ems but we are not inundated with them- two collectibles to a scene and a puzzle piece in the close up. Great, that's enough- perfect. The scenes themselves are not overly busy with chores but there is work to do- and you have to think! Imagine that! I love the puzzles- lots of new twists there and a few will take some time. GrandMa put some thought into these puzzles! The HOPs are fun, I'm enjoying all of them. (I think more effort was put into the puzzles). The voice acting, well, it's decent and at least it's appropriate for Britain in that the accents are pretty close to authentic English accents. Too many times, the voice acting in other games have really gone down in quality as of late, very lazy efforts. The best V-O acting I've ever heard was in the Adam Wolfe series- that deserves a V-O Oscar. But, the voice acting in this game does not lower its overall quality and Her Majesty called to tell me she's enjoying playing the game very much (LOL). I love the little cameos of Madame Fate that appear: talk about a classic!! First MCF ever and a fantastic quality HOP game, hours of fun! I'm having a great time visiting GrandMa's house for Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day and thanks to Big Fish and GrandMa!!!
Wonderful to see how Christmas is celebrated in other countries! Well, short and sweet- it's your typical Elephant game in that it follows it usual paradigm, but this is truly fun. The graphics and colors are terrific- very realistic without being cartoonish and really reflect the Christmas spirit. As does the sound track- not actual classic Christmas tunes, but fun and joyous enough to make sure you're smiling throughout the whole game. The characters are very cute as is our little Yuleman- how can a Yuleman not be cute? The find 'ems are fun (always enjoy them)- there are two types: cards and puzzle pieces in the close-ups. The v-o's fit this genre just fine. The puzzles are always fun- I love puzzles and I am learning to really enjoy HOPs especially when games like this add new twists. I love Elephant's Christmas Stories series, especially The Nutcracker and Enchanted Express- both outstanding. And to the naysayers of this little gem- a lump of coal and a "Bah, Humbug" to you!! Merry Christmas!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
OUTSTANDING! Not gonna go nuts here with details as this is a review on a five year old game. (2016) Fast forward to 2021 and I just found this gem (and it's following game). Color me incredibly impressed- the voice-overs, the character acting, the storyline, the action, the artwork...please, Mad Head, bring this into 2021-22. we just don't see HOPA games of this quality and imagination anymore because, according to the Big Three, it's quantity over quality. And this isn't really a HOPA game, it's a PAHO game. Mad Head and Friendly Fox are the future of gaming!
To take something excellent, and then make it more excellent...what do you call it? Superpufabulous? Sorry, it's the only word that comes to mind. The Fox never disappoints- but this little opus really surprised me- the artwork, the atmosphere. The ambient music is so sadly melancholy. The voice overs are excellent; they can't get any better. The plot- sooooo different from the usual...and the artwork- did I mention that? Surreal- like Dali and Picasso had a baby but the baby wasn't obnoxious. (let's face it, you can't game with Picasso art but the scenery can be influenced by it). The use of light and dark is done so well. And the puzzles are great- a good time there. The HOPs are well done also and I enjoyed everyone of them but I am more of a puzzle enthusiast. It come down to this- our Friendly Fox took something great and made it even better- improved story, improved artwork, improved atmosphere, improved VO's, different puzzles (they ain't easy!), HOPS, characters- you name it: it's a Fox of a different color- Bravo, Fox! Big Three, one of you guys just got knocked off the bench
As we now expect from Friendly Fox, who have come to be known as outstanding developers, we have a HOPA game with fantastic graphics and a very compelling storyline. I am a huge fan of the Dark City series, although in my estimation Budapest was the Buda-best. This game is beautifully atmospheric and the graphics are as good as they get. Cut-away animation is a bit stiff and mechanical but it doesn't take away from the game. The palette is gorgeous and the scenes are lit beautifully. The background music, when present, is very befitting the scene. I love the morphs- these are toughies, in some cases very a challenge. The collectables can be found with a little effort. The puzzles range from kindergarten to PhD- still a nice variety and you'll see some you haven't seen before. The HOPs are enjoyable and pretty much follow the rules when trying to add something new to HOPs- we've seen these "new twists" before, so, kinda not new. The storyline is terrific; Friendly Fox always produces a terrific tale. And this tale, well, can you say "TESLA"? Heck, yes!! Characters are well drawn but my one beef with the characters is this- the voiceovers. I really don't like when the games take place in countries other than America or Canada but all of the denizens of those other countries speak with straight-up American or, sometimes, British accents- that really chafes me because it takes me out of the atmosphere of the story. The carriage driver at the beginning of the game sounded exactly like Yukon Cornelius from "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" (Bumbles bounce)- it was awful! Not one "Oui oui!" in the entire dialogue. But, thank God, the voice actors are age appropriate, so no Valley Girls. Most of the voice actors are passable enough as far as emoting goes, so I can live with the American accent the French people of this game have. Friendly Fox doesn't put out many games, they don't churn out vapid game after vapid game like other devs we all know. It's always a joy to see them pop up! This Fox is smart enough to know it's quality over quantity. This is a definite recommend.
Might be a bit simplistic, but the game itself is terrific. Sometimes simplicity is best- but don't let that fool you. The boards are challenging! The puzzles, including the sliders (which I love) were no challenge at all, but the game itself was loads of fun and lots of game for the buck. I think one of the characters was dressed up as Caitlyn Jenner for Halloween (seriously). Now, that's scary! lol
Well, I am in the middle of playing this monsterful little opus. I like a good old fashioned Halloween, so I have to admit this is just not my style of gaming as far as Halloween goes. So I am going to be objective here as many of you will enjoy this game. I am always a little trepidacious when buying a Domini game as I am usually disappointed. Vapid story lines, same bells and whistles, a deluge of the color purple, ridiculous scavenger hunts and the most outrageous uses for mail boxes. But, it's Halloween, so this game was a go, no questions asked. Well, I was surprised to find really good graphics with barely any purple at all! The graphics are chock full of interactive detail which added to the fun- honestly, I am impressed. Domini usually has great find 'ems and I like the hunt. I am enjoying the puzzles-most of them are based on the usual paradigms but have a few twists in them to make them interesting. The HOPs have the match-3 option and are also enjoyable with a few imaginative twists here and there. When beginning the game, I came upon the dreaded mailbox: uh-oh, what would be in here? Tree trimmers and my grandmother's old slip covers? No!!! It was actually mail!!! A talking letter!! Again, Domini gets another star for improvement. The voice-overs are annoying and underwhelming. But, I'm giving Domini a pass here as maybe Samantha (female lead character) really is from Sherman Oaks, California as her Valley Girl Speak is spot on...totally, fer sure. (lol) As I've said previously, this particular Halloween game is a little sophomoric for me, the characters shallow. I don't like the plot line or monster theme, especially when they are squid- like. Halloween is about the one night when the veil between living humans and those that have passed into the beyond is thinnest. Not monsters...although my mother-in-law, may she rest in the peace she never gave me, might be able to pass for a monster but other than that... Only kidding folks (kinda). Just trying to lighten it up. In closing, the graphics in this game are truly its saving grace. They're busy and fun. I'm having fun finding my way through the game but I'm not blown away. But, that's just me. There are many, many that will love this game. I definitely recommend it for some spooky fun.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
My biggest beef with this game so far has to do with attention to detail. The graphics were very good- Elephant has really improved their palette and it shows- very atmospheric and Halloween is one very atmospheric holiday, love the "feel" of the game. I also really like the storyline- different countries have different traditions regarding the night when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. Good job there, Elephant. The chores and scavenger hunts were fairly typical. The puzzles range from easy to very challenging- I'm a puzzle gal so I really enjoyed those and I really appreciated the different takes on the HOPs. I loved the info cards. The background music was appropriate for the season. But why-oh why- must people in foreign countries speak like Americans?! That's insulting. For example- at the beginning of the game we are in Ireland and there is not one Irish brogue to be found- all the folks speak with generic American accents. And the Wood Nymph sounds like she's right out of Sherman Oaks, California. It's like really totally bad, like totally. (lol) The voice acting itself is so underwhelming that it profoundly takes away from the game. But, I enjoyed the game, short as it is (that might be merciful), so it's a "yes" from me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Well, I feel bad because I trashed Domini's last offering, but I shouldn't feel guilty because it was really not good. What I really enjoyed about this game was #1- Domini calmed down their palette. The colors were more natural considering #2- the setting was the American Wild West. No cemeteries, haunted hotels, aliens, robots, goblins, elf kings, other-worldlies and the like. This game was a realistic depiction with a realistic fun story. The graphics are very good, the cutaways, for the most part are smooth, not robotic and stiff. The voicing...well, the most believable was Fannie, the saloon keeper. But, as usual our female lead sounds like a typical California Valley Girl. The voice actors were ok, a little over the top. Now, attention to detail. Domini sometimes has a problem with this but I have to say I was very surprised to see that the western tack supplied for the horse was all correct- bridle and saddle. I did have a chuckle when I saw one cowboy in the crowd obviously has his hat on backwards. A nice turkey buzzard was there to greet us BUT, what was a Jerboa doing in the South Western American dessert when they only exist in Northern Africa and Asia...shame, shame, Domini. The puzzles were great- lots of new ones and some were definitely challenging. I enjoyed the HOPs, the match-3 option, and of course find-ems are always fun. Domini is still congratulating you for everything you do, even stuff you have to do to keep the game moving forward- these awards are like participation trophies and unnecessary. But, I did enjoy this game- something very different for Domini and I appreciate their effort to bring us something new, although many of the game's "chores" we've all seen before (the hair comb to remove nails...yeah). Definitely recommend- nice to see the bad guy in a cowboy hat!