Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
If only I had paid attention to the one review this had the day I bought it... I thought how can it be that bad... after all its the 15th in the series...and they were all pretty good... I "played" them all... this one is boring ... out of season and basically great for a child at Christmas time... but not for adults... I didn't get to finish the first "page"...before the trial ran out so I didn't get to look at any of the other pages which would have definitely told me NOT to buy it but I was sure it had to get better...IT DIDN'T
I have every "paint by numbers" program BF has to offer... This is the best yet...no bizarre pictures...no psychodelic colorings... and btw I look forward to the ROBOT he is like a mascot to me... the color blending makes the painting look real...love the end results which take some time to see developing...making it relaxing ..can't wait for BF to offer Art Coloring 2...I understand other programs have it all ready... Definitely would recommend this game
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
I have as many as there is this series...and it seems they have become repetitive and more juvenile... no challenge and some are very disappointing... REAL animals with REAL colors...would be a novelty... holiday and seasonal...bizzare designs with no meaning others mostly of simple flowers... why not mountain scenes or desert...with Natural colors...why all the bizzare colors... suggested audience in my opinion is beginners
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
All you can manage to finish before the free trial time is done was a few on first page...These were repeats from other puzzles... the only original was the peacock...I enjoyed doing that... I believe we are all looking for originality.. still portraits ... normal looking animals... Seasonal...Fall...halloween... thanksgiving...Christmas..these conglomerates are a pain in my book..they bore me... I have all 11 of the Paint by Numbers 11 and if I could see what page 2 has to offer I may consider # 12... the most important change also would be to allow you to go freely from one page to another without having to complete the one page to get to the other...
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I agree with the review that mentioned how nice it is to have NATURAL color instead of all psychedelic animals... At first I was not happy with so much Christmas but then remembered I was one of the ones who complained we didn't have enough... Can't always please me either I guess :)... the only thing I would like to see is that you can move between the boards at will.. if I want to only paint one picture on first page and then go on to the third page or what ever ...I should be able to... Other paint by number games ARE doing that now...
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I have been waiting for a realistic animal painting ,,,normal colors..The eagle picture thrilled me no end These are golden eagles and the artists colors couldn't have been better...I have been within a few feet of a live one...so I know...THANK you for real colors for many different types of pictures...especially animals
I have so much enjoyed this "game"...relaxing and just so pleasing to the eye... I now have the 2 art by number, 2 modern art, and 8 paint by numbers that are out there for PC...can't wait for another Art by number...If its anything like 2...wow...keeping the art work family oriented...it is good clean and pleasurable fun for any age....
I have all the paint games I can find from big fish...and I just found this one today...(for PC)...I find it quite different from the others I have...I enjoyed the painting time while on trial basis... I definitely will buy it... I am addicted...lol...
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I never critique a game after I have played it but this one prompted me to do it...FIRST the ending was sensible for the entire story line... I found it moving...absorbing and entertaining... I did not do all the puzzles because I some times get frustrated...but the ones I did were fun and satisfying... The HOGS were plentiful enough and comfortable not too hard not too easy... I am glad I purchased this game...