I have all of these games that came out and in my eyes one of the best TM Games. Bright colors, good story, enough levels and challenging enough. So I hope there will be more of these thanx
I really loved the Emergency crew games, I have them all:-) but this is totally different. It takes some levels to see what you have to do also. It looks to me like they try to get the kids interested and there you loose my interest as an adult person. When you are used to all the Emergency crew games...you can not compare it too bad..its nothing for me..
I have all from the Rescue Games and guys this game is from the same developer.. I think the game is looking more childish (my hubby said). The challenges are not as exciting as in the rescue games. And multiple click is not possible. Overall sound and quality as good as always but I will not buy it, because im not challenged for 3 stars. And also I had to click a lot of times more then in rescue team..
This is a great game just as the other games from this serie. Good quality sound, fun and story but it ends too soon. I think 15 levels for a collectors edition is not much. Too bad I would love to play more and more:-))